The underground tunnel that no one had ever crossed in eternity.

One man rushes through the dust (dust) of the luxurious White Asian narrow road.

I can't imagine how fast the flesh in my stomach will tremble from one leg to the next.

But still not enough, when a man leans forward enough to fall, he bumps his short hands and feet and starts running like a four-legged beast.

After a long walk of sickness wondering if he was a werewolf (Wolfzoan), the man eventually reaches the end of a long underground tunnel, in front of a thick iron door.

- Come on, the prey's right over there.

The voice of a young girl pouring directly into the back of her head.

Pushed by it, the man hit the door with every body.

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Nanashi was in a hurry and wolf at the moment he realized it was Miriam who was kneeling (kneeling) at his feet.


"Nana, ahhh!

Miriam's moist scream strikes her ear, and the blood of Nanashi's whole body boils over that the scream is her name.

A comma from there in seconds.

Nanashi himself is not sure about what happened in that meagre amount of time.

By the time he realized it, Nanashi was roaring and rushing into the executioner for every sand tearer (sandspreader).

Lead plate first, then bottom of boot.

Pass them in turn, and the natural human elasticity crawls up your legs.

"Whoa, whoa!

Bring down the executioner at the bottom of the sand tearer (sandspreader) with a barbaric roar like you wouldn't expect from a regular Nanashi.

Execution officer rolling cobblestones in a fluffy position with his face strongly stuck. As the removed axe makes a metal noise and bounces to the floor, it falls straight off the edge of the stick-out stage.

But Nanashi himself is not safe.

He was thrown out of momentum, bouncing the ground twice and three times before colliding against the wall, desperately sheltering his head with both arms. The sand tearer (sandspreader) who had lost the Lord also carved a spider's nest-like crack on the wall by drawing a trajectory that would turn sideways.

The shock, the shredded cobblestone, that seems to fall apart all over the body is dust (tsp) and pours over the nanoships.

But not if it hurts.

When Nanashi wakes up with a groan raised, he narrows his eyes and looks around on the stage.

- You made it?

The edge of the stick-out stage, a wooden shackle installed towards the audience.

Kneeling (kneeling) in front of him, Miriam's back caught my eye.

From Nanashi's position, which penetrated into the back of the stage, you can't see Miriam's face across the shackle.

- No way......

That can't be right. The axe is not swinging down.

My heart beats hard and a cold sweat blows out on my back.


I heard a slight voice.


Nanashi stood up as he scolded his abrasion-ridden body, rushing towards Miriam.

"Nana......, Nana"

A weak voice calling his name repeatedly, a face wet in tears looking up at a nanashi. (offal) Disturbed hair. A wretched figure tied to a shackle wearing a thin, dirty white penetrating coat.

Once again, as soon as I saw that figure of Miriam, unspeakably complicated emotions swirl in the Nanashi, unwittingly biting her lips.

The emotion of 'disgust' is too great to call 'anger'.

Unlimited proximity to 'hate' if you insist.

One of the executioners already has a bug breath on the floor.

Nanashi looks over the stage and looks at the other executioner, as if looking for a place to do negative emotions.

The man, who stood still, hurriedly pulled out his lower back sword as he let Nanashi's gaze jump back at me with a bickle.

"What the fuck?! Damn!"

Nanashi does not answer. Just look straight at the man thing.

The man was completely disturbed before the boy who suddenly appeared without any context and bounced off his colleague, following an event that also equated with a natural mutation that a manoeuvre castle fort would penetrate.

"Don't stop by! Don't come near me! Come on!"

Stinging and lagging execution officials.

Nanashi walks over with Tsukatsuka without looking alert.

"Don't stop by. I'm telling you. Oh!

I guess I couldn't stand the creeps of an incompetent boy who approached me silently.

Execution officers wave their swords at the outcrops as they cramp their faces and fly away.

When the blow swung down in a hanging light, Nanashi kicked his knee in the wrong direction.


Leaking a groan, he removed his sword, and the executioner turned his eyeballs upside down and collapsed.

When the stage is quieter, other sounds pop into Nanashi's ears.

From the downstairs arena, the screaming and crying voices of the escaping people echo, and from behind the stairs to descend from the stage downstairs, you can hear the disturbed footsteps and yelling of the monks running away as they push each other.

Nanashi again walked toward Miriam, the far end of the tensile stage, and instead helped her by removing the wooden shackle, its clasp.

"Are you all right? Are you hurt?

As Nanashi peered into her face worried, Miriam stared at Nanashi with a cup of tears in her eyes.

"Stupid! Nana's an idiot! Oh, my God!

To the unexpected curse of Miriam, Nanashi unexpectedly rounds his eyes.

"Oh, my God...?

"I was so ready... So we were all back to normal!

"As usual!? Miriam's dead, and you're telling me it's back to normal?

Don't listen to the boulder.

Nanashi accidentally grabs Miriam's shoulder and looks into her eyes. But there's no sign of fright in Miriam. Absurd his voice and stuck to Nanashi in an even more exciting mood.

"That's right! Nobody remembers me. It wasn't supposed to exist from the beginning! That was supposed to fit all round! And yet... Nana, how did you... how did you remember that?"

Miriam's words gradually shrivel and sink into tears.

Nanashi lost his words to such Miriam's condition and eventually smiled quietly.

"... I didn't recall."

"Then why..."

"I didn't forget."

Miriam is small and breathtaking.

"So it's not going to work the way Miriam did. Because I won't forget about Miriam. I... don't forget my loved ones."

Miriam stood up with her eyes wide open, her cheeks conveyed by a large tear.

As soon as I tried to say something, my lips trembled and my whimper (urine) leaked.

Miriam buried her face in Nanashi's chest and raised her voice and cried.

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

"Oh, my throat is crunchy because I cried so much. Dry as ever."

Miriam turns her back on Nanashi so as to mislead her crimson eyes.

What Miriam was crying about was just a few minutes, and there was still intense anger and screaming downstairs as if there was no connection between them.

"Hey, Nana."


"That was just now... I mean, Nana thinks it's important to me... right?

"Yes, I am."

Nanashi smiles at Miriam, who tends to lean back with Mojimoji.

"If so..."

In the meantime, Miriam falls toward Nanashi.

Miriam's lips touched Nanashi's lips when Nanashi rushed to take its body.

Nanashi stiff with his eyes open unexpectedly.

That's a really short time, just a few seconds of events.

Pale mouthfeel with closed lips just reluctantly touching each other.

As soon as her lips were apart, Nanashi was just confused, and Miriam looked upwards at Nanashi by dyeing her cheeks as she swept on her lips with her fingertips to make sure she felt it.

"... be responsible."

"Shh, responsibility?

"Responsibility for helping. Even your sister, Mio, doesn't remember me, so I can't go back to Saratoga, and even if I keep running, I have nowhere to go."

Mojimoji with his fingertips on Nanashi's chest and Milia drawing a circle.

Nanashi nodded forcefully after showing a slight thought.



"Yeah, I'm fine. I will ask Mr. Maraine so that even Pericles can live without difficulty."

"Huh? That's what I meant by a place to go."

"Pericles also has Mr. Schmelvi, and you may find a way to remind everyone in Saratoga of Mr. Miglia. Then you can go home to Saratoga!

Nanashi was going to say extremely bright to cheer Miriam up, but for some reason, Miriam exhales with a sluggish look.

"So... that's not what I'm talking about... Koko"


Nanashi looks at Miriam with a strange face.

Apparently, to that extent, Miriam's anxiety could not be dispelled.

Miriam breathed heavily trying to calm down a little, at that time Nanashi overlaid her words to reassure Miriam.

"It's okay! I remember Miriam, too."

Losing the time to exhale her inhaled breath, Miriam swallowed.

"So, are you okay?

"You Park Min-Jen! Tang Wenki! Idiot! Asshole! Give me my lips back!

"Why are you cursing me, me?

"Don't you get it?

Nanashi twists his neck strangely.

"I don't know."

To that one word, Miriam said she sighed heavily

"Nana was Nana after all..."

And he gave Nanashi zero (spilled) whining that didn't make sense.

"... well no. This time I took Nana's first mouthpiece (first kiss), so I'll keep you satisfied."


In that word of the sighing Miriam, Nanashi solidified openly.

"Maybe it's not your first time, Nana?

Miriam stares with a serious eye. Nanashi lets his eyes swim in space.

"So, Sonnakotnaidesyo"

- Suspicious.

Miriam hoists one eyebrow and stuffs suspiciously to Nanashi.

"Nana, look me in the eye! You're trying to delude me, aren't you?

"Bebe, nothing..."

Nanashi, who is clearly upset.

Several screams rise from the back of the staircase leading downstairs at that moment when the cheeks have been pinched with both hands and Miriam has looked forcefully at them as she asks.

"Miriam! Behind me!

Nanashi pushes Miriam behind her back with force as she hands her cheeks pinched, looking sharply at the stairs.

Screaming continues from downstairs, with several footsteps running up the stairs dwindling with each second.

Eventually, as one of the monks, who had pushed against the stairs until earlier, was rolling from behind the stairs in desperate shape as he painted his blood, he reached for salvation towards Nanashi.


At that moment Nanashi tried to rush over, behind the monk, a creepy black arm stretched out from the back of the stairs like a shadow at dusk, pulling the monk down.

"Ah, help me! Help me!

The monk screams around and is drawn to the back of the stairs.

"Na, Na..."

Miriam's anxious voice.

Something terrible is coming.

To that hunch Nanashi strengthens his body and gazes into the darkness behind the stairs.

Something climbs up the stairs, making a noise that pulls over as it drifts.

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