"... you were a man who didn't even have a mouthful."

Luxurious room, even if it seems overdecorated.

A flashy chair placed in that corner that can only be described as a gold hobby.

A man with a black robe, sitting there, murmured emotionally.

Blue and white cheeks like dead wax, unclean eyes.

Her face is in her twenties. She says there, but her voice is crouched and cracked.

The man's name is Mahmoud.

He is a necromancer who dyed his hands against forbidden techniques.

Until now, his consciousness was in the Millennial Palace (Millennio) of the Far Desert Country as a phantom.

I attempted a raid with my men's golem to assassinate the King Palmiddlemen on their way to trial, which unfortunately could not be exchanged.

All of a sudden, the three young girls drove their golems away lightly.

But it's not like Mahmoud himself didn't predict that they'd show up.

Of course, we know that they were once sacrificed as guardians of the royal family.

But the more I followed the trail of their plot so far, the more I thought I was going in the same direction as the Mahmoud.

I have a slight but unexpected feeling that I have been hostile without question.

"Hmm, still, how much power I've given you, can't I get fat in the golem..."

Originally, we must be wary that they will follow the traces of the phantom and come to the Mahmoud, but perhaps not there.

There's too much distance for Mahmoud to get here now.

Highland, a large country on the north side of the desert country Escalis Meermill and adjacent to the border.

Now Mahmoud was in San Togan, the capital of the country, well north of the border and far north of the continental highway.

Mahmoud left the desert country about a month ago, the day after the attack of Saratoga by Gergios.

Since then, the Mahmoud has left it to his disciples and the Golems to carry out their plots, occasionally flying phantoms.

With Bosmus down, there are two effective handkerchiefs left in the desert.

Golem imitating Uncle Asmodimos and his own most loving disciple.

A beloved apprentice with two names, 'Invisible (Faceless)', has already eaten into the heart of the desert country and awaits the instructions of the Mahmoud.

Mahmoud's ploy has broken, but it hasn't broken down yet.

On the contrary, the last key is almost in the hands of Muffmood.

The sound of knocking on the door reaches the ears of the muffled mood that makes you think.

"Go ahead."

A middle-aged man came in slowly pushing open the door, weaving a luxurious gown.

He's a man with little character, as the word "middle meat" fits perfectly.

The man tells Mahmoud as he swims his unfocused eyes into the universe.

Your Majesty is ready to see you.

Mahmoud nodded small and rose without a sound and followed the man out of the room.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

"That's suspicious..."

Walking a few zars forward, a man in a black robe.

Staring at its back, the young man shrugged.

The young man is the king prince of this country.

Name is Hydra Carslake.

Short-cut hair is a burning redhead. The eyes are gentle, the nose is high and the owner of an overall neat appearance.


Nodded was a woman walking shoulder to shoulder with him.

The color of her hair was slightly blackened red, and she was a beautiful woman a little over twenty, dressed in black light armor (light armor).

Name is Hildehyde.

They just returned from the border with Nedel.

This country is now in the middle of a tripartite war with the land of permafrost, and with Nedel.

It was the other day.

The Nedel army has backed the front tremendously, suddenly, seeking harmony.

For this reason, the king, Prince Hydra, who was in command on the ground, returned home with Hildehyde, one of his two deputies, to turn to his father, King Highland, for judgment.

Then, on the way between the sights, the door to the VIP room was opened.

It was Chancellor Croydell who came out of the VIP room first.

And then I followed him, and I saw a man in a black robe, coming out of the room.

"Sir Hildeheid, foreign visitors, etc., are you listening?

In that inquiry, Hildehyde shakes his head small.

"No, I don't know him. If the envoys of another country are here, how can they not be heard by His Highness?

"No, I haven't heard at all"

So, Your Majesty, you are secretly wrapping your hands around something.

"My father...?

Hydra's expression suddenly becomes sinister.

Even in his eyes, the Father - King Highland - is too remote from what is called fraud and contrivance.

To be clearer, I was diplomatically vocal.

This time (this time) the war was as good as any chance to avoid it.

Not to mention, I'm glad to say that the lack of diplomatic sense on the part of King Highland is the cause of all the situations where we have to deal with Nedel and the land of permafrost, both of them, at once.

"Do you care?

"Oh, I'm very concerned. Even if Father had really done something about it, he would definitely fail first. And I'm the one who wipes that ass."

Hildehyde unwittingly loosens his cheeks to the appearance of Hydra as if he had chewed up a bitter bug.

"Okay. If His Highness speaks, he may give birth to a grudge with His Majesty. Let's do a little research on mine."

"Can you ask?

"I'll take care of it"

Hildehyde smiled nicely, sinking without sound into the shadow of the window frame that fell straight into the hallway.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

Hildeheid visited Prince Wang Hydra's room a little while back when he had already gone around Masako.

Everyone slept quietly in the dark of silence.

Feeling signs in the corner of the room, King Prince Hydra woke herself up on the bedside (bed).

"Sir Hildeheid, is that your lord?

"Yes, Your Highness. I'm afraid for the night."

"Never mind."

Darkness in the corner of the room. I saw a feminine silhouette there.

"So, how was it?"

"Yes, there was nothing particularly wrong with that. That black robe guy was a merchant. I see you've come to ask for convenience in your business activities by bringing your gifts to Your Majesty."

In response, Hydra frowns.

"... that's a long one"

"On your left."

If this room had been a little brighter, and if it had been this wise prince of kings, you would have noticed.

In the dubious light swirling behind its eyes, of Hildehyde, the pitch-black sword princess who stares at the king prince in darkness.

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