Mobile Fortress Saratoga ~Silvery Sword Princess Became My Servant.

Episode 89.6: Dear Princess Sword, First Grab (Part II)

"Now you just look like a housekeeper (maid) from anywhere."

As the sword princess twirls and spins on the spot, the skirt's hem spreads like a hua, over silver hair, and the headdress shakes.

"Princess Sword..."

"Dear Princess Sword..."

Malane and Tricia look at each other as if they were muttering.

Eventually, as Malane crouched her jaw toward Tricia, she sighed, opening her mouth.

"In the meantime, please leave that sword"


"No, it would be obvious..."

Does this sword princess need to hear what 'disguise' means from scratch?

No matter how many housekeepers (maids) wear clothes, carrying such a big sword of presence makes no sense at all.

"No... but without this..."


"No. Are you going to betray your husband's expectations? And they say,"

"Ugh... ok, ok!

The sword princess reluctantly stands in the corner of the room as she unloads "Silver Ridge" from her back.

Seems to treat you as if you are unfinished, but as for the Spirit Sword, wherever you leave it, you don't have to worry about being taken away from it.

The Spiritual Sword refuses even to be touched, except for the man he himself has recognized.

What happens if you touch it, that's something even kids know.

The problem is with the sword princess.

If you do not possess a spirit sword, the sword princess is only a third-rate wizard who is a little bit good at petrified magic.

Thanks to the many combat experiences we've had so far, we won't lose that way, even if it's a fight and a big man is coming in a bunch. But given the usual level, it's only in the realm of humanity.

"Well, I'm going, but until I get home, stay away from the Lord!

"I promise."

Malene nodded honestly as she pushed the door open and Princess Sword told Malene.


When the door closed, silence came to the room.


Maraine groans so, the two look at each other and laugh niggly.

And ahead of the two of them turned their eyes, there was the Spiritual Sword, Silver Ridge.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

Leaving the castle, Princess Sword frowned as she went down Central Boulevard towards the shopping district.

"Ugh, restless..."

The sword princess tells herself that she is just going to roll all over the city.

However, since I met the Spirit Sword, such as the absence of the Spirit Sword within my reach, I have never had a choice, so I am anxious.

What Princess Sword is about to head to now is a small shop off the mall.

In general, when it comes to Pericles' specialties, 'gaz' is the first to be named.

It's a cookie that makes crushed pistachios with rosewater and tamarisk tree sap, but of course the flavors vary greatly from store to store.

I haven't eaten the sword princess herself yet, but the "gaz" of that store in the mall is rumored to be excellent and always has a long queue.

According to Malane, Mio loves it, so there's nothing to say about it as a souvenir.

The silver-haired housekeeper (maid of honor), who walks around anxiously and surprisingly on his mid waist, was clearly evil noticeable, but Princess Sword arrived at the mall anyway.

Sometimes in the morning, there aren't that many people.

As the sword princess walked through the store lightly, one of the stalls saw a crowd of young women.

That's a stall that handles the goods of the sword emperor Nanashi.

It was an official shop approved by Maraine.

The way the young women are fishin 'for Nanashi goods while they make a scene, looking at it, Princess Sword feels complicated, mixed with superiority, jealousy and exclusivity.

In other words, I am glad that Nanashi is admitted, but it is a disobedient (anvivalenz) sentiment that I want to stay with my own Nanashi.

Prior to passing by, a peek at the stall products stops you from seeing Nanashi cookies, Nanashi dolls, replica food capes and more lined up in the store.

sword princess thinks.

Anyway, Mio. Arge and Killier will undoubtedly be happier with Nanashi Cookies than Gaz first.

Hertrude is... I don't know.

I feel delighted, but I have difficulty judging because I insist that I aim for the ball and do not create an atmosphere of special preference for the Lord.

For Mio and the Schmelvi and Meshmendi, gazz is usually fine.

Thinking about that, I had something to beat Princess Sword's shoulder to a ton.

Turn around, a bearded merchant-style old man with a full grin.

"Ma'am, I've got some good stuff for you."

"But what?"

"That's right. It's a sword emperor's commodity, isn't it? It's not approved, so I can't get it out to pee a bit, but it's awesome. Why don't you come see me in the back street for a second?

Come to the back street.

Too suspicious, but more worrying than that, is the word 'awesome'.

The sword princess observes the man.

Even if you look at the muscle on your arm, it's not from those who fight.

Even today's sword princess, who does not have 'Silver Ridge', will be able to control it enough if she has to.

From there, through the alley between the store and the store, for a few minutes.

In front of the back door of some big store, the man stops.

When the man opened the back door, he took out something like a piece of cloth from the back.

"Ma'am, it's here."

As the man spreads the cloth to show off, the sword princess opens her eyes.

"Ko, is this......!?

There, "A full body of Nanashi lying with his thumbs up in troubles with a disgraceful expression," was delicately depicted.

It is called a pillow cover.

What a delicacy.

But push and kill that thought, and the sword princess dares pretend not to be rude.

"... well, this is a pretty good job"

"Do you understand?

"Naturally. Or... I know best about the Sword Emperor"

The sword princess proudly defies her breasts.

Did you feel better about her response, the man adds with a smile.

"By the way, I'm going to buy this for 80% of men."

"What... so...!?

When Princess Sword distorts her face in amazement, the man is more in a mood and puts another piece of cloth he had hidden behind his back in front of Princess Sword's eyes.

"What I want to show your daughter is actually this way. The pillow cover you just saw sells too well, so it's an improvement..."

The moment the man clearly spread it, the sword princess,


and leaked a strange sigh.

What was depicted there was an improved pillow type earlier.

"With a disgraceful look, a half (...) naked (...) full body image lying with thumbs up in troubles"

"What do you say!


The sword princess exhales funny sighs again, blushing.

The man whispers (sayingly) softly as he watches with satisfaction.

"Purchase this and it will be Avrinai."

"... Gokuri"

A sword princess looking at a 'semi-naked pillow' with eyes like a fever and eating in.

But when I got to a point where that perspective was, I sighed and clasped my shoulders small.

"I don't understand. Store owner... you don't understand. This is why Russia..."

The shopkeeper gives a reprehensible voice to the sword princess, who suddenly behaved like she looked down.

"Forget the argument. It would be perfect to look either way!

"Perfect? Huh..."

The man stares at the sword princess laughing with his nose.

"I know that's how you're hungry to get the price, but you're not going to! What's wrong with this?"


The sword princess shouted loudly as she poked her finger in front of the man.

"It's a nipple!

A painful silence descends on the unpopular back streets.

I heard a dog howl in the distance as the terribly subtle air drifted.


A baffled looking man.

A sword princess who defies her breasts like she wins proudly.

"That's right. There is... the color of the sword emperor's nipples is lighter!

"No, but this is the standard tickle color in the industry..."

"That's why."

The sword princess opens her mouth so as to hunt down the bewildered man further.

"I guess that's standard Escalis Meermills'" boy tickle color, "but the Sword Emperor's" tickle color, "which is a desert people, is lighter. Otherwise spring colors! It's a healthy blooming, daisy-like 'thin red chickvi'!

The man looks stunned and falls off his knees.

When Princess Sword looked down at the condition satisfactorily, she told him to whisper to the man's ear.

"Well, I think you're also a good amateur.... What do you say, I oversee everything for you?

"Is it true!?

A man who looks up unintentionally.

"Yes, fix the color first, and then rub (rub) the chikvi area so it smells like roses"

The sword princess uttered something completely insane, at that moment,

"That's it!

And there was a girl's voice.

When the sword princess turned in haste, it was Maraine who stood there with Tricia and many gladiator slaves (Echala).

"Let me hear it"

"They let me talk to you! Arrest him for the offence of manufacturing and selling unauthorized goods. And I say,"

Yes, Maraine's aim is the simultaneous picking of the dark route.

Not as good as Nanashi, but the sword princess is also a talking point in Pericles.

In the Nanashi game, Maraine spreads a rumor from the audience to the mysterious beauty and alley (again) where she provides crazy support.

That was a keen fan of the Sword Emperor, a kind of stalker.

A silver-haired blue-eyed sword princess wears some housekeeper (maid) clothes, which can't be a disguise.

From the dark merchants of unauthorized goods, it is a good customer who will surely buy it.

Even though the duck walked in with an onion, it was equal.

There's no way they're coming in contact.

It was a decoy, if you say so.


"Fellow gladiator slaves, secure the killer! And they say!

As soon as possible, the sword princess raises her voice in resentment as she resists the swordfighter slaves (Eshara) she grabs.

"I... I fooled you. Yes!

However, they are not the enemies of such formidable gladiator slaves (Ishara) as the Sword Princess, who does not possess the Silver Ridge.

About three people were caught around the petrified area and torn to pieces.

Looking down at the sword princess, she instructed the gladiator slaves (Eshala) to throw her into jail and nodded contentedly as she watched the sword princess wander away.


"Yeah, it's a complete victory. Just..."


Maraine looks up at Tricia, who clouds her expression.

"After freeing the sword princess, I didn't even think about what vengeance I would receive"


Malene heard the sound of blood pulling away from her face.

For the record, the souvenir was bought by another maid at a later date.

I should have done so from the start.

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