Mobile Fortress Saratoga ~Silvery Sword Princess Became My Servant.

Episode 139: Beauty, the Beast and the Four Heavenly Kings

Dance hall brilliantly illuminated under huge decorative lighting (chandelier).

Many of the men and women who wear them collude in their seats for a beautiful feast.

Marie, wrapped in a soothing Su Fang dress, did not look like her, but quietly looked at the wall and was worried about her expression.

If we talk about just appearance, Marie is blessed with no less than Strasbourg Uncle Fanassard, the star of this party, and no less.

Therefore, from earlier on, the nobleman's younger brothers, who didn't even seem to know the hard-won script, talked to Marie in secret in an attempt to distract her.

I could entertain you if I were you, but Marie exhaled in a deep sigh, listening openly to the words of the boys throwing verbal complaints that were going to itch on her back.

The fact that Marie is not well, this would have been fortunate for the noble children who do not know the world.

If she was in the mood, it's not surprising that some of these would have been taken by now by the balls and even by the hairs of her ass.

It does stink of trouble to deal with them, but it wasn't these boys who were making Marie's sigh deeper.

Marie thinks.

I wonder what the hell these light-headed little boys would look like if they found out Marie was a slave.

Perhaps 30% of people expose their discomfort and 60% of people try to buy it with gold.

I just said I don't know the world, where the other 10% throw away their status, their honor, say we run away together, etc.

The hardest part of this is the last 10% of the people.

Even a mistake can be made in abandoning a habit that has only value for status and honor.

And foolishly, the people around you can't even tell you what's frightening because they are pure love and tailor it to beauty stories.

"... I feel nauseous"

I rolled those words in my mouth with a small voice that no one could hear.

Marie, the liar, has been here in the name of noble identities, but the really tall ones are just the ones who can't help it.

Marie's eyes turned to Xu (Omoro), and her golden hair swayed over a high seat set on the wall of the dance hall in response to a laugh that appeared to be off-putting (deliberately).

There, a beautiful lord sat wrapped in a compact vertical roll, a technique that could be described as the craftsmanship of an exclusive housekeeper (maid), with overgrown hair.

- It is a Strasbourg Uncle Fanassard.

She entertains herself by visiting one greeting after another, having conversations with noblemen and thinkers, sometimes surprised or sympathetic to the appearance of a state (deliberately), and changing her expression visibly.

At least Marie's eyes couldn't find out what she knew about Hazki.

About a month ago, Fanasard, a toddler who had regressed, suddenly regained his memory.

The day the arena disappeared.

Are you happy or sad?

It's a very troubled day to see what kind of look to give. Probably Hayza, too.

As far as we talked, Fanasard also apparently remembered the memory while it was' Hazki ', without lacking.


Even after regaining his memory, Fanassard's attitude towards Marie was very intimate. The position of slavery is laid low, and that is what is being treated as a child of nobility. Perhaps one of the reasons is that Marilou, her deceased best friend, has two melons.

But Hayza said...

Marie bites off her lips and turns her gaze slightly down.

Fanassard, gracefully jerking off at the wine, under her ass, saw a chair-substituted boy crawling on all fours, trembling in small pieces.

The boy has already remained in that position for more than a moment.

He is eating up his teeth, staring at a point on the floor with black eyes.

How did this happen?

The innocent smile of "Hazki" sweeps over the back of his brain.

During the day Fanassard regained his memory, although the story was a high-flying car, his attitude toward Hayza was that toward a close family.

Exactly like Hazki had done, he didn't stick around all of a sudden, but he could see the affection of dearness in his waist.

But the next day, when Marie woke up, the treatment of Hayza had already turned into something harsh.

Since that day, Fanassard has cursed Hayza badly, sometimes even stomping on her in public.

It's like a toy to satisfy her hobby.

No matter how embarrassing Marie is, Fanassard's treatment of Hayza remains the same. Rather, while it gets worse with every chase of day.

One day Marie finally told Hayza to leave Strasbourg with her.

Fanasard is not Hazki.

Hazki is dead, that's what I told Hayza.

But Hayza just smiled with a troubled look when she said it was all in her eyes.

"Do something... stupid husband"

Kisk passed through Marie's head. At that time,

The sound of the glass breaking echoes into the hall along with a short scream of "Cah!".

It was Fanassard, on whom Hayza had exhausted herself, who had fallen ill and sat on top of it, that had smashed the wine.

Red stained, noisy halls spreading across Fanasard's light yellow dress.

"You worm, I didn't know you would defile my dress when it comes to pets!

When Fanasard glances at Hayza, he immediately takes a whip for horseback riding and strikes Hayza on the spot.


There was something to grab her shoulder the moment Marie stepped forward to rush to the two of them.

It is the butler clift of Fanassard.

"Clifton, that's too much!

Staring at Marie, who turns to excitement, Clift shrugs her neck quietly and urges her to look around.

"Ha ha, looks like Master Fanassard got some pretty funny toys too"

"Absolutely. While you're in a mood for it, it helps us."

"At first, when I saw that worm (bug) stick to Master Fanassard, I was worried that he would give me one of the titles, but I'm sure it won't be a problem for this minute."

"It must be unpleasant for a beast as unproductive as a pig to be in Strasbourg, the capital of wisdom."

"Ha ha, you're a beauty and a beast. Well, at that rate, it's not too far away for that pig to get killed."

Now the aristocrats on this occasion are watching this sight of her striking Hayza with an eye that is not to say funny.

Manoeuvre Castle Fort Strasbourg is an academic city.

It was a nest of authoritarianism, elitism.

I don't like them.

Because of their slut status, they even sold out their (...) face (...) from (...) minutes, but without having to worry about these people starving, they run into the fact that they live eventually.

Clift whispers (sayings) at Marie, who stood up shaking her shoulder.

"Dear Marie, could you give us a moment after this feast?

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Dim room with raw warm air.

On the table, if you look at it like that, it doesn't look somewhat like a puddle. Something nice and round emits a moody purple light from a duly empty hole.

A silhouette with a robe at the depth of his eyes stretched out into a stone wall to be illuminated by its pale light.

"Did the dirt guy get hit..."

The voice is a woman, the voice of a woman who pushed her to death.

Other humans open their mouths to answer that voice.

"Kukukukuku, he is the weakest of the four kings."

"The face of our Four Heavenly Kings, such as losing every weak soldier in the royal family."

"Huh... we, the Four Heavens, were also insulted..."

The 'black robes' surrounding the table nodded quietly.


Behind the room, you can hear a grunt.

But when the black robe figures stood up in total disregard of the grunt, they threw off the robe that was entangled in a flashy action, simultaneously.

"Healing Cefalu!

"Sort of a double knife arge......?

"Wow! Nino!"

"Ene, come on!

"It's Marne!

"Not Sarne"

"And a bouncing limb (Dynamite Buddy), Kirie!"

During one breath, the self-proclaimed Four Kings pose together.

"" "" "" "We! Four Heavens, oh!" ""

"Much! There's a lot of them!

Mio stumbled without putting his hair in.

How did this happen?

A few days ago, during his regular correspondence with Schmelvi, "Shiten-jo" happened to climb to the topic, and the amused Mio quickly implemented Shiten-jo.

But unfortunately, this is the main mountain of the Evil Witch Mountain Play, the "Fort Saratoga of Motorized Castle".

Every time I followed him, he escalated in stranger and stranger directions, and finally this appeared.

"Is that it? Is that crazy?

In response to Mio's scratch, Cephal tilts his neck.

"That's crazy, isn't it? It's not! It's all about the Seven Kings!

When Mio so absurds his voice, Arge counts the number of people as he fingers.

"Er, including Sir Meshmendi, who poses only, you're the Eight Heavenly Kings."

Then Killier, with a serious look,

"No, the soil is being hit first, so it would be the Nine Heavenly Kings"

and correct.


At that moment, Mio cleaned up.

Calmly corrected, I'm kind of sexually angry.

And if it be Killier, it shall be an affront.

"Well, let's give up a hundred steps and say the number of people is good. Then where did the lords go with the sense of unity and all that stuff? Wouldn't this be pathetic for the first 'dirt' person to be hit to be treated like a bit of a floating person who can't read the air!

"Oh, I think I stuck one out..."

"It's like being reacted to like dirt or something."

To Mio's comment, Cephal and Arge face to face and tune in.

"Well, that's pathetic."

"But, even if they say it's a sense of unity..."

Killier opens her mouth by tapping Arge's shoulder to seriously think about it.

"Well, it's certainly Nino's," Wow! 'And Sarne's' Not Sarne 'is too cluttered for anything. "

"No, no, no, no! Killier, what are you talking about like HR! The worst part is your lord! What? It's not a crime to have a limb (dynamite buddy) that you can play with so much confusion or to be so paranoid."

Killier unexpectedly wandered over Mio's scratch.

"Yu, can I dream about it, would you like to say it once or for all... Dynamites"

"Like they say?

"You say you're walking along the side of the road like this. The swollen men found me, whistling," Oh, hey, it's dynamites, "and here it is."


"So, here's how I lift my chest, too. Dynamite! Dynamite! You want me to charm you."

"Ho... so?

"... there were times when I dreamed of that"

"Oh, the captain has shriveled."

Arge reports to Mio as he watches Killier burn out in white.

"Um, you hit reality by lifting your chest."

"I was just emptying it, around my chest..."

"Well, Ning's body is like a trail dug with dynamite."


Killier starts to sit triangularly in the corner of the room after being struck by a beautiful form from a stunned look.

Mio leaves it alone and looks back together.

"I did not invoke you today because the whore wanted to play.

"Is it not?

Mio mumbles at Sephal's seemingly unexpected inquiry.

"... No, it's a little bit like that, but there's one more thing I need to let you know."

Mio looked around, then turned to Arge.

"Arge, it's an order. Lord and Secret Service, turn to Rhoda as soon as you are ready."

"Is that Rhoda?

"Oh, we had a request for backup. You've won the Demon King's Crusade."

Arge frowns at me as soon as possible and gives me a harsh look.

"You want me to discuss the Nanashi and the others?

"Don't get me wrong. I'm telling you to stand around well. In battle, leave it to your Lord's discretion. You may join Pericles in some cases."

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