Mobile Fortress Saratoga ~Silvery Sword Princess Became My Servant.

Episode 141: The Girl Who's Not A Lover Yet

By the time the morning sun loses its red color and melts out into the blue of the sky.

The brothers and sisters of the desert people were walking down the main streets of the capital lined with morning markets.

On the left and right side of the road, stalls filled with breakfast bread and porridge (itching) are bustling with bustling houses, and many people are turning back.

As I went down such a street, I saw a giant building on the other side of a stretch of stalls, facing the desert.

"Whoa! That's the guy called Fort Maneuver. Ah!

"To, brother, please don't! Because it stands out."

Suddenly, Minazuki pulls the sleeve of Nariakira, his brother, who raises a barbaric voice.

When I looked around, I saw that the people who were going to and from the country were looking at the young countryman in the hood and the girl walking next to him with rare objects.

Minazuki spits poison in his heart, to his brother, meeting people who have accidentally met him with a loving laugh.

But I didn't even try to look inside my sister like that.

"Kai! Kai! Kai! Come on, Minazuki!

And, Nariakira shakes off her fingers and rushes toward Fort Motorized Castle as she slips between the stalls.

"So brother. Huh! He said you shouldn't stand out!

Minazuki rushes after his brother (idiot).

Unlike Minazuki, whose purpose is no different from yours (Noble), Nariakira is a desert people, no matter what you think.

If you give up a hundred steps and put it well, this brother who can't even say 'innocent' lacks the sense that he is despised by your species (Noble).

I may be fine with that, but it's not easy for me to be with you.

In front of the castle gate of the motorized castle fort.

Looking back to Minazuki, who finally caught up with his thoughts, Nariakira raised her energetic weather voice.

"Heh! What the hell, Minazuki? You know, I can't calm down enough to see this."

"I also watch Kisaragi when she gets caught..."

"Knock! Right, right! Hey, that's awesome. I wonder if we can get inside from somewhere?

A guard at the gate of Fort Maneuver stares at Guillaume and Nariakira for inadvertent remarks such as "Can't get in from somewhere".

The next moment,


Minazuki slapped his fist to his brother's flank, waving a loving laugh at the guard. (Named as: Ichigo Galaxy Hook)

If you give up 10,000 steps and put it well, this brother, who can't even say 'confident', really wishes he were dead.... not something scary, etc. No, seriously, die.... not. They don't have anything.

Minazuki, whose thoughts are beginning to seem subtle, tries to leave the scene as soon as possible, trying to pull off his smothering brother, but one brother, trying to stay on his feet, raises his voice in protest.

"Yes, that hurts!

"I'm beating you like it hurts! Brother, die... not, you know? If you find out the desert people are entering, die a million times... not miserably. But it's gonna be important!

"What you think is too leaky! How much do you want to kill me, Omae?

"... would you like to hear it?

"Oh, no... yeah... I'll stop"

Unexpectedly, Nariakira looks up at the fortress of the manoeuvring castle once again, as she deludes herself.

"So, is that the motorized castle fort that grabbed Kisaragi in this?

There are three manoeuvre castle forts within sight.

Something with an impressive dome roof in front of you, something black next to it, something that looks spicy far away, something with a camouflage paint on the wall.

Minazuki thinks a little and shakes his head small.

None of that was different from the manoeuvre castle fort in Minazuki's memory.

"Well... the Nanashi bastard was chasing a motorized castle fort that grabbed Kisaragi, so I know even that motorized castle fort, and I can grab a foothold... duh!

It should have been a casual whine along the way, but with the end of the words, Nariakira forcefully takes Minazuki's hand and jumps off the spot herself.

I felt like killing behind my back.

As Nariakira crawled her fingers to her hipster's gain, one girl was there looking at Nariakira with a sharp eye.

A girl of your breed (Noble), dressed like a traveler and feathering a long cloak of fat.

He has impressive hair bouncing towards the outside, and looks like he has a strong temper.

Both sides of your hips will look slightly swollen, probably because you're hanging your sword there. Probably a double knife.

If you look closely, behind her, you can see a young girl staring at us, making sure she looks around her waist.

The young girl is not of your breed.

Burning red hair with red eyes.

Instead of your species (Noble), they're not even human beings in this country.

"You guys, a worm (bug)?

Minazuki unexpectedly frowns and opens her mouth to the girl's grumpy words. But it was my brother who uttered the words earlier than that.

We've never thought of ourselves as worms.

"... that's right. Insufficient consideration was given. Sorry."

Minazuki felt like she had eaten her shoulder blush and gave a pompous look to the girl who lowered her head lightly.

"There's an acquaintance in your story.... What's wrong with Nanashi?

"You know Nanashi?

"I asked the question, am I first?

Minazuki stares at the girl elsewhere.

The voice is the soft one, but the girl deserves both of them with sharp eyes.

Words are like men. Apparently, this girl feels as good as she looks.

And my brother's question doesn't make sense.

Because I know Nanashi, this girl is obsessed with killing.

"Your brother will be confused, so shut up for a second. And then die."

"Die, die, isn't that too much!?

Leaving his brother with a stunned look on his face, Minazuki laughs affectionately.

"Excuse me, my brother is a fool. We're from your hometown, Nanashi. We're here to find him."

"Hometown? You don't look like a bug...?

Unexpectedly, mucky Minazuki.

Seeing that look on her face, the girl scratches her head looking sorry.

"Oh evil no, you were a desert people. Sorry, Nanashi's not around here."

"Don't you know where you are?

"I don't know, it's a mistake, aren't you even back in your settlement?

Minazuki stares into Arge's eyes.

"Hey, what?

"You, Nanashi, are you your lover or something?

"Become!? It's not stupid, it's not like that!

"Not yet?"

"No, you know, what, that's not what this is about. Wow, sorry, but I really don't know where Nanashi is. Keep calling me over here. What the hell, but I'll hurry up... Bye!"

To Minazuki's inquiry, the girl suddenly disturbs herself violently and leaves early with Stasta.

Nariakira laughed with pleasure as she dropped off that back.

"Fuck! You're a weird bitch."

"But, brother, you knew where you were, Nanashi."

"Oh, no doubt about it"

It's not like the two of you read the girl's mind.

I just used one of the techniques conveyed to the desert people.

When asked where Nanashi was, her eyes swung to her right side for a moment.

When humans think about the past, for a moment, the eyeballs move to the left.

On the contrary, when thinking about the future, move to the right.

The fact that her eyeballs moved to the right did not mean she tried to recall the facts, but created a new answer.

That means you lied.

By the way, as for the question of whether or not she was a lover, she was bracing around to the left and right, so I didn't really know what was going on.

"Well, no clue. Hey, I'm gonna tail that bitch, Minazuki."

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