One and the same noonday.

The guard captain scratched a great elbow (yawn), looking from the old stone walls to the desert, only about two zars high.

Bergen, the second city of Escalis-Meemil.

This elongated town, which stretches along the coastline as far east and west as three falsangs (about 18 km), is either neglected by the capital or far from any oasis.

The three parties north, west and east are sandy seas as far as they can see.

From the capital, even with the speed of a manoeuvre castle fort, it takes nearly two months, and on the south side, an isolated town with endless invisible blue waters.

It was literally an island on land.

Such a location makes it natural that the guards are not nervous.

Be wary, there's no one to fight with.

When it comes to the daily work of the guards, the extent to which they make loud noises and drive away sand wolves (sandwolves) and assault tortoises (rush turtles) that get lost.

It seems (Arisama) that this guard captain, who has traveled from the capital in accordance with the consul, has also been completely rusty in the arms of a spear that should have sounded rigid within a period of more than three years, and is now better at handling copper (dra) than spears.

Even with the walls that surround this town.

If it is not necessary, it is only natural that repairs, repairs, additions, alterations, and everything will be left behind. In the end, while there is a second city in this country, there is also a wall surrounding this town, and it is only a soaked stone hedge with rounded stones that roll by the sea.

The guard captain looks down inside the walls once more with a drunken half-eye as he bites down the second extension (yawn).

There, the appearance of his men sleeping in the shade of a tree.

There were so many men who could not be seen as trained soldiers.

But I have no intention of blaming him for it.

The lack of nervousness has not begun now, but the people in the house are sleeping because there is no reason for it.

Actually, there's a little commotion going on in this town right now.

All the guards have been driven out in the last few days, every night, all the way to the morning, and now they can't stand the drowsiness just after lunch and turn their minds off.

Those who command from above are casual, and if they become aristocratic consuls, they don't even think that soldiers need sleep.

"Ha," he sighed small, scratching a horseshit over the walls, and the strong drowsiness inside him began to lift his head.

Shall I stay asleep for a bit too...

As soon as the captain of the guard thought so in a corner of his consciousness, the sound of the alarm sounded abruptly from the viewer (watch tower).

"Oh, whoa! What's going on?

When he jumps as if he's been kicked in the sleeping head, the captain of the guard shouts out loud as he pays off the sweaty legs (also) stretching out of the short (half pants) of the supplies and the gravel stuck there.

"From the north, something is approaching!

Unexpectedly breathe in the words that descended from the watchtower.

Something approaching. If you say so, it's not like you have no idea.

- Fort Pericles, a motorized castle.

That was over a month ago.

The information that the thief who robbed that manoeuvred castle fort fled from the capital to the south is also in their ears.

But when I heard about it, they only thought it was something else (roughly).

I didn't believe you'd come to the end of this land.

"Ouioi, you're kidding..."

However, if something actually comes close, it's hard to think of anything else.

I rushed to give instructions to my men, but I saw the guards rushing towards the castle gate without even having to instruct him.

It's not like there was anything in the line, it's just that the atmosphere is closer to that of a wild horse than the behaviour of a soldier.

The guard captain jumps outside the castle walls himself and rushes to his men who turn quickly.

"Can you see that?

"Yes, in that direction..."

Keep your eyes peeled in the direction your men point.

Straight north, on the other side of the Yangtze stood the smoke, I did see it.


"Hmm...... hmm?

From what I imagined, to a much different sight, the captain of the guard unexpectedly frowns.

For a manoeuvre castle fort, the scale of the rising smoke is slightly smaller.

No, it's too small.

At first, I thought it was because of the distance, but no matter how you look at it, that smoke is not from Fort Motorized Castle.

"What is that!

The guard captain shouted loudly as he looked back towards the Watchtower.

"Looks like a luggage truck!

If you think so and look at it, it looks like that silhouette is a small two-headed luggage truck that rocks on the other side of the Yangtze.

"... threaten me."

The captain of the guard does not think, loosens the force that was in his shoulder and exhales loudly.

In the next moment, however, the expression changed to surprising (somewhat) when the question arose as to where the luggage was coming from.

Even if it comes from the nearest oasis, it's not as far away as you can run in such a small luggage.

If we do that, food will run out along the way, drinks will be scarce, and at the end of the day, wreckage will be blown into the wind on the sand.

A small two-headed luggage truck, a small man in a white hood sitting on your desk holding the reins.

Approaching the point where it was clearly visible, the guard captain raised his voice loudly to the luggage.

"Stop! Stop!"

As the man at your table nods small, the luggage slowly slows down and slowly stops in front of the castle gate where the guards await.

"Who is it!

As the captain of the guard walks over to the luggage, a man wearing a white hood on your podium glances at him.

Still somewhere, the boy's face left out of the misery.

But as soon as the guard captain saw the boy's appearance, he obviously looked at him.


The color of the boy's eyes is black like charcoal.

He himself, for the first time, has encountered a worm (bug), but has heard that it is the savages.

"What's a worm like this for? Have you come to grace me with food?

The guard captain uncomfortably absurds his voice.

However, it was not the earthworm (bug) boy who answered the question.

"I seek protection! We are the ones who have escaped Pericles."

The voice echoed from the front of the luggage car, its interior.

The voice of a young woman. When the guards turned to the one who spoke, the two girls, who came out in front of them, stepped down into the sand.

In this end-of-the-life town, the first outfit you will ever see.

Housekeeper (maid) Two girls in clothes.

One has a look like a typical Escalis Meermill.

Short hair, headdress, looks pleasant, but lightly smiled eyes look gentle.

The other one appears to be white, rather close to an earthworm (bug), but the color of the eyes is properly red. I cut my forehead with a patoon and it looks a little grown up.

But behind the atmosphere, his standing was slightly crab-clad, and his charm was sharpened to a large extent around him saying sheeher words as he jerked off the claw twigs in his mouth.

"We've come all the way here for protection! Please. Please help!

After looking around, the girl with short hair appealed to the guard captain in advance.

Try being a guard captain and a girl your own daughter's age won't be able to treat you as abusive.

"Oh, calm down. The information that Fort Maneuver has been seized has been grasped here."


Where the girl's expression is about to become bright, the guard captain blocks it.

"Well, wait. Aren't the thieves who took Pericles talking about using horrible magic? With a girl like you... with a worm there, how did you get away from them?

"I don't know why, but suddenly Pericles stopped, so in that gap...... And we're not the only ones, actually. … with the help of someone."


The girl turns a blind eye to the front of the luggage truck, making sense.

"Is anyone still on board?

The captain of the guard approached the luggage truck, peered into the back of his front, and...

Breathtaking by accident.

I don't think he came across the desert. The chilling air leaks.

Silver hair that is lightly illuminated by the sunlight that leaks from the gap in the fabric behind the front.

As soon as his eyes met with the bright white skin, the worrying pale eyes that rose in thin darkness, the captain of the guard felt his body tense.

"Haven't you heard about the rumors? I'm Princess Sword of Silver Ridge."

"Oh, yeah. Rumor has it...... yeah. And yet, I remember she was a Saratoga eater?

Enjoy watching the captain of the guard stretching his face, the short-haired girl answers.

"You know very well. That's true, but Princess Sword happened to be visiting Pericles because she needed to."

"Hmm, but if the Sword Princess is the strongest of our time, as rumors have it, you didn't have to come to this place and do enough to wipe out all the thieves?

Because the guard captain couldn't help but think so, when it came to rumors surrounding the Silver Ridge sword princess, he said that he was about to sink Saratoga himself in a succession dispute. That's in one blow too.

The short-haired girl smiles bitterly, throwing a slightly meaningful gaze toward the earthworm (bug).

"No, the demon (...) king (...) who occupied Pericles, right? I didn't see it, but according to the story of the person who actually saw it, the eyes had six arms in three, and the black eyes had purple skin, and it was a very strong monster."

"What!? Aren't thieves human?!

"Looks like it. Besides, he's a dull, indecisive Park Min-Jen to a feminine habit that can't be helped."


Park Min-jin?

I don't even care if the captain of the guard looks like he swallowed something weird, and the girl keeps talking.

"And then they say they're numbing something"

"Wow... that sucks"

Behind the guard captain's disgusting face, the earthworm (bug) boy is puffy for some reason.

"Yeah, you suck. So no matter how strong the sword princess is, you don't want to deal with a boulder like that."

"Well, that's true."

When the captain of the guard accidentally agreed, the short-haired girl told him to embark on it.

"Right! Right! I think Princess Sword has a better opponent, don't you? Look, you deserve the sword princess! More like a match!

I don't know what the girl is claiming so strongly, but the captain of the guard looks at you with a sense of killing to stab you in the back of the front.

I could see the pale eyes of Princess Sword of Silver Ridge staring at the short-haired girl, saying something.

At this time, there is a bug boy on your platform, but he is unaware of it.

"Anyway, I don't know why, but it's not a good idea to fight without information, so first of all, we're getting out of here."

"So, Pericles is coming this way?

The guard captain managed to regain his mind and asked what he was concerned about.

"I don't know that. but if you don't have a Silver Ridge sword princess when it does, you know things are very different, right?

It goes by as a story.

And it's not just about Pericles.

I also thought it would be a boat to cross if we were to be asked to cooperate in the disturbances currently taking place in this town.

"Wow, okay. I'll ask the consul to wait here for a while."

"Thank you!

The short haired housekeeper (maid) girl grinned.

If you look at it again, the other girl next to it rolls up the hem of her skirt with a boring look and looks up at her patsy face, and the drawers peeking from under it nail the sight of the soldiers.

The Silver Ridge sword princess at the back of her front leaves the girl with short hair staring at her with a stubborn look on her face about what she doesn't care so much about.

Because of the heat, the earthworm (bug) on your table remained stuck, as if exhausted.

"Speaking of which, isn't that a worm (bug)?

The captain of the guard once again remembered the presence of a worm (bug) and asked the girl with short hair so.

"Well, some people call it that."

The girl responds with a soggy look.

"Are you all right?

"What is it?

"I hear the worms are barbaric"

"Oh, that's the thing. Nana won't be a problem."


To the captain of the guard, who asked him back unexpectedly, the short-haired girl said that she was a little embarrassed.

"Ugh, he's my boyfriend."

At that moment, a huge ice-cold that suddenly protruded from the inside of his front blew up his luggage.

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