"... even in the death of the sea"

With a grunt, Nanashi slowly moved her gaze upwards, where she had the black eye of Giant Sea Horse, a giant tatsuno otoshigo that she could not read at all what she was thinking... with only black eyes.

I can't say that the creepy boned white body resembles Skeleton's, but in the dark, the communal head, illuminated by yellow phosphorescence, was eclectic, even from the first Nanashi encountered with this object.

"Miriam...... what is it? This monster."

"Haha, monster... Um, Nana. You look like this, but this kid's a fish."

"Fish!? Is this it?

Yes, tatsuno otoshigos are fish by classification.

However, if you look at freshwater fish in the fountain of the oasis, and from a nanoshi who has only seen about frozen fish at the store, it is incredibly hard to believe even if they say it is a fish because of its appearance.

Besides, I can't imagine what kind of attack you're going to make in that totally meaningless shaping.

"Do we have to see how to get out first..."

Rolling such a grunt in his mouth, he crawls his fingers to the loving knife on his hips and drops his hips.

but the giant tatsuno otoshigo Giant Seahorse is just rocking every bit, and it doesn't look like it's going to make the slightest attack.

One, two...

Nanashi continues to stare at Tatsuno Otoshigo with a serious look.

To that ear, Miriam whispered in bitter laughter.

"Nana. Maybe it's okay to leave me alone."


"Tatsuno otoshigo is the slowest fish. Surely it should take a minute or so to move on."

I guess I heard that word of Miriam.

The captain of the guard raises his voice from a slightly distant position.

"The lady's right, he came out yesterday, but in the end, he was just loose."

"What!? So, what the hell are you doing out here?

"I don't know what Tatsuno Otosigo thinks."

In fact, if you look around, as one of the guards assembled along the harbor, you don't even have a sword, "Out of the way -! Out of the way!" "Can't you do some art or something!," he says, half laughing and flying wild to Tatsuno Otoshigo.

... I didn't know you were really out there.

"Hey, worm! Don't be alarmed! My destiny is coming. You've protected the ladies!


In the meantime, Bashan behind the Tatsuno Otoshigo! And the bouncing water sounded, and over the head of the tatsuno otoshigo, something seemed to fly innumerably toward the Nanashi and the others.

That's countless iron piles glowing dull.

"Here they come! All swords out!"

When the captain of the guard speaks out loud, the guards pull out their swords as they raise their shields high.

"Lord, hide in my back! Come on!"

As the sword princess leaps forward in front of Nanashi as she raises her voice, she immediately utters the sacrament.

"Baptism of Frozen Earth (Brinicle)!"

An ice-crossing tornado rolls up along the way, surrounding the Nanashi and their surroundings.

One after the other jump into the tornado, an iron pile that makes a dull noise and is bounced off.

But with that iron pile in his eyes, which jumped in close, Nanashi accidentally raised his bare voice.

"Autumn Fish (Samma) ah!?

"Yes, my lord, the mouth is yellow, and this is like the immortal (undead) of a seasonal autumn fish (samma) with considerable fat on it"

While saying so, the frozen autumn fish (samma) is shattered and scattered around the four of them.

As he lost his words, he turned to the other side of the tornado and saw several autumn fish (samma) poking at the guards overhead.

"Ha ha... what a surreal picture face"

"But you can't even joke about it, look!

Xaragi squeezes his jaw so that he can shower cold water at the grinning Miriam.

There are no signs that the momentum of the flying Akiyabusa (Samma) will weaken.

The guards slowly lagged behind, unable to withstand the weight of the Autumn Fish (Samma) pierced by a cup, and their raised arms lowered. Eventually I started hearing screams from all over the place.

"Wow! There's an Autumn Fish on my shoulder! Autumn Fish (Samma)!

"Autumn Fish (Samma) breaks in from the wound. Ugh!

Inside the tornado was unspeakably subtle air as the screams of the guards' nasal cries were wooded.

No, we all know what's going on.

... I know, but I don't have the courage to jump into this too tongue-in-cheek situation.

As always, Tatsuno Otoshigo is loose.

Leaving this situation alone, however, was intolerable to people with a scratchy physique.

"Yes, in any case, we can't just stay in the safe zone. Lady Sword, the next time the momentum of the iron pile breaks, release the magic! Let's split up and head to the guards' rescue!

Nanashi did not say autumn fish (samma).

I decided to think it was an iron pile.

"Yes, I did! Good luck, Lord!

"Mr. Gordon asks for Mr. Millia!

"Hmm, I'll take care of it!


The tornado, which was covering his surroundings at the same time as Nanashi screamed, left Xaragi and Miglia on the spot, and Princess Sword and Nanashi flew out to the left and right, respectively.

"Here comes the second wave!

Looking up at the sky at the guard's screams, Nanashi opens his mouth gently.

"Corner, I assumed it was an iron pile!

What was dancing in the sky I looked up to was the pleasure of a wide variety of seas such as magpies, hamsters, shrimps and crabs.

Even more distorted, I could see a sea urchin or a catfish flying in.

"How did a uni or a catfish fly!?

Princess Sword answers as she plays the flying hamachi with her sword.


"How about cleaning it all up with the Immortals (undead)!?

As always, Tatsuno Otoshigo is loose.

Nevertheless, if you don't do it, you're waiting for the gaggest death you can think of: skewering with a magpie or hamachi.

If the boulder doesn't like it too much, Nanashi swords away the seafood that comes one after another as he runs.

"Ice Column!

As soon as Princess Sword stepped on her feet, she saw countless ice columns (rough) poking from the ground, skewering countless fish along the coastline.

Something seemed a little yummy.

"A newbie is coming!

As one of the guards pointed to the sky, he saw them arc and fly in, spinning as something thin twirled.

"Chakram? Did you think I'd say something like that! I won't be fooled anymore, what is this about! Is that Calais? Is it a leech!

Nanashi raises his voice in a very sluggish way.

"No, it's not. That's..."

The sword princess narrows her eyes and gazes at what she wants to flatten.

"It's (...) open (...) kick (...) of a (...)!

"Processed foods ugh!?

I wasn't even assuming this was Nanashi on the boulder.

"Oh, with that said, the houndsters moaned that the magpies that were drying by the sea about three days ago were caught by the waves."

The captain of the guard who said so had an autumn fish (Samma) piercing his shoulder.

"Hmm, it must be a corpse indeed"

"Don't say corpses or anything! Because it's going to be so hard to eat in the future!

Nanashi sighs unconsciously at the sword princess, who nods as if she is convinced of something.

"No more..."

Rarely when Nanashi makes a weak sound, the sword princess scolds him in an attempt to cheer him up.

"Lord, you must not turn away from reality!

But Nanashi turns his serious eyes to the sword princess.

"... why do you feel sexually angry when Princess Sword tells you that line"


Hell paintings played out on the beaches of the port city of Bergen.

Shortly after resting all night, the Nanashi and the others continued to pay with their swords the immortals (undead) of the seafood...

In the meantime, the stepped catfish spit out their white mucus guts, and Myriah became cloudy, well... there were all sorts of things.

Tatsuno otoshigo, by the way, has been loose all along.

Eventually, when the morning arrived and the sun peered into his face from the horizon, the raids of the Immortals (the undead) subsided as soon as possible.

The fish that fell to the ground also seemed to be the only immortals (undead) around the ashes as soon as they were illuminated by the sunlight.

Tatsuno Otosigo, by the way, was too late to escape the sun's rays and remained ashed.

Really, I wonder what the hell he was.

Tired of boulders, Princess Sword and Nanashi sit back to back.

"... I've seen terrible things"

"Absolutely, Lord."

"So, Mr. Gordon, which of these fish are the three types of undead?"

Xaragi gives a slight hint of contemplation.

"Hmm, Lord Marilou needs to be a necromancer or naturally occurring..."

"That means..."

"In the sea, some kind of demonic crystal furnace exists. All I can think about is that."

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