Emerald green with brilliant (sparkling) surface.

The sun shining brightly.

A refreshing sea breeze blows through.

Not only do white seagulls exchange flocks, but they also see colorful fish swimming freely in each one and in transparent waters.

Desert Country Oh, the ever-summer country of Escalis-Meamil.

its southernmost tip.

From the harbour city of Bergen, a seaside city with even a sense of resort, looking offshore,

- There was a good thing floating around saying almost a water dead body.

Assume boy n.

"Oh, tsubasa aaaaaaa! Please go back! Offshore is dangerous."

It's not dangerous or anything happened.

There was a silver-haired girl who stretched her arms desperately and screamed at the drifting objects that were flowing more and more offshore - to the boy N.

A shaped boy n whose back is the only one with a face on the water.

On top of that, sometimes the flying moss creates a very pastoral atmosphere for a short break.

Describing the situation briefly, if this girl feels light and sinks this boy into the ocean, her legs will turn upside down along the way.

When I let go of the pain, the miracle combo occurred that high waves would come at that moment and the boy would be exposed offshore. Well, that's what I'm saying.

Incidentally, "komura" refers to "calf", but there are many places near Nedel where "cobra return" is pronounced, and the inhabitants of that suburb rarely think of it as a snake metaphor or something.

closed topic (whatever that is)

Girl scorches in the pinch of (...) going (...) biggest (...), which mainly strikes, as she looks at the upside down pain.

"High waves! Good Lord!

I'm still trying to blame the waves, but the two housekeepers (maids) who are listening to this on land have just gotten a good look at it, and no one believes it.

But even in doing so, the boy's back is flushed further offshore.

- Oh, this isn't really going to be stylish...

When the silver-haired girl paled her face even late,

There was a figure who raised a splash (shavings) to slip through its sides and approached Boy N - Nanashi.

Beautiful foam with white, long hands and feet similar to Princess Sword.

When the shadow reaches Nanashi as fast as a fish, it swims straight to tow and pulls him up onto the nearest rock (cancer).

Blurb waves his face and the shadow - the girl's long blonde hair skips Shizuku, reflecting the sunlight. Did you burn it in the day or white skin with a little redness in the shoulder area. Eyes with the same color as the sea, a face like a boy that creates an atmosphere that seems to be active. It was a girl wearing a yellow bikini and extremely short blue shorts.

As the sword princess glances (rubbing her legs off), the girl brings her face closer to Nanashi to Xu (Omoro).

"" Ahhh!?

The stunned voices of Princess Sword and Miriam overlap, each emitted in the sea and on land.

"Hmm, my brother was born beneath a star in distress."

Miriam kicked Gordon's tibia (shin) as Gordon squeaked calmly like that.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

Uncle Asmo Dymos bedroom.

Previously there was nothing but a sleeping area (bed), an absurdly large room, but now ten seatable conference tables were brought in, which, as always, must have been a killing landscape, but not least, a room with signs of a living human being.

There are three people on the table.

Asmodimos burkisque, lying marie, and liquor barrel morgen.

"Hmm, I know what's going on. Let's work together."

"Ha, that would help, old man"

"Now you are our master. I can't even say no. And if they tell you to help a young man with his love, your old man's a toad."

It was earlier that Kisk revealed to Morgen that he was trying to set up a manoeuvre castle fort Strasbourg, and he didn't think Morgen, the humanist, would oppose it as much as Dew (Tsukuba), but more than he could imagine, he was on board.

"But it's troublesome that the opponent is a manoeuvre castle fort Strasbourg. The number of magicians is overwhelming. By contrast, our troops have still fallen since the battle against Saratoga. Assuming the recruits are rebuilt and mercenaries put in, they will not be able to raise the bottom much."

"Old man, you don't have to do anything directly from the front, do you? When I dealt with Saratoga, hey, I got hit with a scattered, nasty hand. Now we're just gonna do it."

"Well, is it also some kind of hand?

"Oh, this lying Marie is the key to this one."

"Oh, wow, is that me!?

As Kisk pointed Marie with her thumb, she accidentally leaned back out of her chair.

"For once, this guy is strasble and he can move freely as a guest. That's why I want you to work on it."

"Well, I don't think you can set it up even if it's strasble, so you can do whatever you want."

"That sort of thing. So, first of all, Marie, you take this and go back to Strasbourg and gather the information."

"Isn't this the Spirit Stone for Magic Communication (Cole)!? Where did you steal all this expensive stuff?

"... come on, get away from your poor life. Lords, me, for once."

Kisk flaunts his shoulder.

"But what kind of information?

"It's time to set sail first. The grace period to the capital is at most three months. Strasbourg should be leaving the capital soon. When I know when to leave the Inviolable Realm, I'll ambush you there."

"So, how do you counter the sorcerer?

"We'll have as many magic inhibitor spiritual stones as we can use in the Arena (Colosseum).

"Wow! The devil."

Marie and Morgen unexpectedly wrinkle their eyebrows.

The number of magicians prides themselves on the inability to use any magic in the manoeuvre castle fort. If you succeed, it's like having bird wings on us.

"But I can't do this on my own because I've got tons of them, can I? She's a weak girl, me."

"Oh well... old man, is there someone I can help you with?

When Kisk asks Morgen, he starts thinking arm in arm.

"If you're a man, you can have as many as you want..."

"Well, anything is awkward (first). I'll keep you on guard. Woman, that's one, maybe two."

"Right. I don't think you'd be suspicious if you called me a housekeeper."

"Oh, like that. And when it comes to luxury, it's better to stand up and be good at covert behavior."

Morgen blushes unexpectedly.

"... you guys can do whatever you want, isn't it just impossible to order"

But when Morgen smiled small and bitter, he broke his expression and opened his mouth.

"There is no other way... Do you want to ask my daughter?"

"Old man, old man! Wait a minute, you're single, right? My daughter!"

"I took it. My ally, Iron Beard, the daughter of a trouser nimil."

"Daughter of an old man with an iron beard?

"Oh, yeah. Jilba-Davon - commonly known as" Iron Beard Daughter "!

Marie is a gess maiden.

Marie didn't know about the man named "Iron Beard," but even with her guessness, she felt sorry for the boulder.

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