We must tell Mio that the sand flood (Flood) is coming as soon as possible and retreat Saratoga from this scene.

With that in mind, Nanashi continued to run as he fell and finally reached Saratoga Castle.

Nanashi jumped into the castle, shaking off the guards who would do anything and opening the door.

That vision showed Miriam, trying to cross the lobby exactly now.

"Miriam! Where's Master Mio?

Call Miriam out loud.

But his gaze toward Miriam's Nanashi, who turned around, was very cold.

to that evidence,


The first voice is this.

Nanashi, distracted for a moment, talks back to Miriam.

"Um... could you still be angry?

"Why don't you think I'm angry? Are you nuts? Are you an Epic idiot?

I don't know about being called an idiot just now, but it's certainly only been a few dozen minutes since Miriam walked away from Nanashi in anger.

"I'm sorry, Miriam. But I'm really in a hurry right now."

After looking at Nanashi's words in such a way that he could give up for a moment, Miriam looks at Nanashi much closer and forcefully.

"Nana. You know why I'm so angry?

I kind of know what Miriam's worried about, but I'm not sure when she says, "Why?"

... or whatever you say now, I feel like I'm going to be pissed off.

"I knew I didn't get it. I'll give you a thorough sermon when it's all over."

So she sighed one, and Miriam pulled Nanashi's hand, and began to run.

"There's going to be a sand flood. Hurry!"

"Why did you do that?

Nanashi didn't talk about the sand flood (Flood) at all.

As Arge had told me earlier, I thought the fact that sand floods (floods) were coming around could cause unnecessary confusion.

"Special abilities (skills) of a housekeeper (maid)."

"Special abilities (skills)?"

"I can read people's minds."

"Housekeeper (maid), not too awesome!?

Stunning fact, he can't hide it from the housekeeper (maid).

"So now Nana says, 'Ha ha, made-up clothes are super horny. I want to push you down and do something awesome,' cause it's a prospect!

"I don't think so!?

Horrible. Leaving it alone, it's going to be tailored by more and more perverts.

"The elevator's all stopped because of the sword princess, so I'm going up the stairs."

Through the front of the elevator, Miriam starts running up the back stairs as she is.

"Because of Princess Sword?

"I've got all the spiritual stones in the elevator, that guy."

I didn't know what that word meant, and at that moment when Nanashi tilted his neck, a fierce explosion sounded and the whole Saratoga rocked.

Regardless of the shaking itself, the explosion sounded a lot farther away.

It sounds like something huge fell outside Saratoga, like that.


Miriam stepped off the stairs to a thrusting vibration, but Nanashi had a haircut, reaching out and grabbing Miriam's arm.

"Are you all right?

"Yeah. It's okay. Has Sand Flood arrived yet?

"No, I don't think this is"

The sway quickly subsided, but somewhat anxious to let go of their hands, the two climb the stairs, keeping each other's hands.

There was nothing nasty about it, but Miriam remained silent, and Nanashi felt softly restless.

Climbing for a while, the end of the stairs. Several doors went out onto the floor.

"There it is!

Make sure Miriam kicks in the door pointing her finger.

"Sand Flood is coming! Please retreat Saratoga now!

Nanashi shouted as much as she could as her indoor human gaze coincided with a sudden intruder.

After a moment of silence wrapped around the room, the wrinkled air dominates the room.

Mio, sitting in a luxurious chair at a height, gazed at Miriam in the shadow of Nanashi.

"This is what the Lord said, not the big pinch."

Miglia does not distract herself from Mio and nods cocklessly.

Mio leaned at something like a pipe stretching from the wall just beside him and said, "Surveillance tower! shouted," but no response from anywhere.

"I see, they did it. Is there anyone alive in the watchtower?"

And after laying his eyes down for a moment, he rises out of his chair, waves his hand up and gives instructions.

"Saratoga, retreat at full speed! We're leaving here at maximum speed!

The crews of the bridge began to move in haste and simultaneously.

Once again, Mio opens his mouth towards Nanashi as he lowers his back to the chair.

"Either way. I can't go after Gergios anymore, just fine."

"What do you mean?


Beyond what Mio pointed out was a giant spiritual tablet (monitor).

What was reflected there was a huge crater of smoke and sand flourishing.

"What's that?

Sir Cerdis.

"What? Princess Sword?

"A giant golem blocked Saratoga's path, so when I asked Sir Cerdis to eliminate it, he did eliminate it... He created a bigger obstacle than that."

"Well, the shake just now..."

Sir Cerdis.

Sighing mio. Nanashi and Miglia losing words.

I am stunned by the destructive power that has completely protruded from the realm of mankind.

"He probably doesn't realize he's created a new obstacle or something. from a real natural mess."

"Yeah, that said, even when I first came to Saratoga, I was threatened with sinking Saratoga."

Killier affirms Mio's sighing words.

It wasn't in my eyes because I was so desperate, but in Mio's side seat, Bosmus, Quiltheim, and Killier seemed to be in a row.

"That's what happened. I brought him here to recapture Saratoga, but thanks to him, he's the wingman of normal war-like post-war processing."

That's what Mio laughed powerless.

"Dear Mio, Sir Cerdis will be left behind, if you don't mind?

Mio freezes with a powerless smile on Quiltheim's sober pointer. He suddenly began to panic when he turned his face to Quiltheim, like a gigigi and oil-run machine.

"No, it's not nice! It's not nice at all! Nanashi! Do we have enough time left to retrieve Serdis?

Nanashi shakes his head

"Saratoga himself, I think, is Setouchi to see if he can escape"

Mio's complexion fades all at once, and his fingertips scratch the universe without a location.

"He's not the benefactor of my Saratoga! You throw that away and you tell me to run!

"You're going to lose Saratoga's greatest power."

Quiltheim says so calmly, but that calmness invites Mio's wrath.

"It doesn't matter if it's power or not! My benefactor, my friend! Sacrifice and live in a whore!

Mio kicks his seat and gets up, letting him wield his clenched fist.

"Heh heh heh, Master Mio, what you say is best, but you can't possibly put the lives of all the residents of Saratoga and one sword princess on the scale. You have to be ruthless here as a lord."

The bosom that breaks between Mio and Quiltheim like Yoo Me.

"I know. You know what I mean. But, Miriam. You must have hit something with your hand about the Lord. Right."

Mio looks at Miriam with a crying face. But Miriam stays down, just shakes her head.

At a time when too much bitter air could enter the bridge (bridge) and everyone was about to give up, there was someone to speak up.

I'll go.

The gaze of everyone on the spot is poured out simultaneously, mainly of the voice.

At the end of that gaze are the people of the desert with dark hair and dark eyes. An earthworm (bug) and one boy scorned.

"Nanashi. What will the Lord do if he goes?"

"I will bring back the sword princess"

Nanashi stares straight at Mio.

"No! He's gonna die!

At the next moment, Miriam grabs Nanashi's arms from the front and vehemently disagrees.

While slightly surprised by her dramatic reaction, Nanashi smiled gently.

"Miriam. No desert people will die in the sand flood."

This word is not a lie.

However, the prediction of sand floods (floods) is that they do not come close.

"Why should Nana go? If you're a sword princess, don't be a sand flood, you'll be back flat."

"Perhaps so. But Miriam... maybe not."

Miriam stared into Nanashi's eyes in tears and saw a strong determination dwelling there. As it is, Nana will go.

"Sister! Don't even shut your sister up, do something about it!

Releasing her hand from Nanashi, Miriam turns to Killier and shouts a screaming voice.

"Is there any prospect?

With his arms together, Kirier asks Nanashi.

"Yes. But I'll probably say the same thing without it."

Killier slowly lays her eyes down and breathes suddenly.

"Right...... You must be a boy."

Smile gently, and said.

"Go away."


Miriam opening her eyes to Killier's words.

Nanashi nodded silently at Killier and flew straight out of the bridge (bridge).

After chasing Nanashi's back with her eyes, Miriam turns to Killier and stares at her with tears in her eyes. In his palm, he could see his nails eating in and his blood seeping in.

"Why! Why won't you stop me!

Killier tells Miriam to teach her to grab her.

"Miriam. Boys can't be boys from that moment on if they learn to run away."

"What's that! I don't know! If Nana hadn't come home, I would never forgive her!

Screaming like that in a semi-frequent way, Miriam cried out on the spot.

Mio held her face against his chest as he sat next to Miriam.

And I told him to squeal as he slowly turned his gaze to Killier.

"Your sister's in trouble."

"Believe me, waiting is also my sister's flavor."

That said, they had a faint laugh.

But at that moment, one of the crew shouts out loud, tearing apart the gentle air that drifted.

"Enemy shadows in the rear! It's a 200-strong unit. You can also see the Sandwolf (Sandwolf) equipped with a broken castle hammer!

Mio raises his voice with Miriam in his arms.

"I don't mind! Keep going. If you get caught, intercept inside Saratoga!

But the crew raises a bewildering voice.

"That's Master Mio. It means that the general was singled out despite this high-speed trip......

"Whoa, whoa, you did what I said. We make it look like we're going out, and we get out. I'm surprised the insider was Gustavo."

There was some good sound to that word of Bosmus.

"You heard."

"Yeah, I did hear that."

Mio and Kirier look at each other.

"Miriam, how's the Lord's prospect?

Miglia nods cocklessly as she buries her face in Mio's chest.

I don't know what that means, and Mio speaks out clearly against Bosmus, who gives me a puzzling look.

"You're not the informant. Bosmus."

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