From the Saratoga raid by the soldiers of Asmodimos, we retrace (retrace) only a few moments.

Mobile castle fort Gergios, a lodging outside its pleasure district.

Later in the night, when the lights fell in the pleasure district, the couple who were staying in the inn went out to the city to avoid the eyes.

My husband said that he didn't wear a bandage that covered his eyes, and that he walked well with his hands behind his back during the day, but now such weakness doesn't make him feel fine dust. The wife was also an active fit with shorts on a short, tubular top, as opposed to a poor piece during the day.

Nanashi and Arge, when they laid the slave girl (Nino) to sleep, moved for the original purpose of infiltrating this Gergios - the rescue of Nanashi's sister-in-law, Kisaragi.

Surprisingly, according to information obtained in the slave market, the new lord of Gergios is' Xaragi '.

It simply cannot be the same name. Because 'Xaragi' is a unique name for the people of the desert. And given that it's named after Nanashi, and the prize money hanging, it's not hard to imagine that Xalagi is a food to lure Nanashi, a prominent position listed as a lord.

The smell of conspiracy drifts thick. But you can't just not move.

Less than a moment later, they were walking along the stone wall on the west side of the castle of Gergios.

In this area, where the workshop connects houses, there are many people's streets during the day, but there are few private houses, and in the middle of the night, people's streets are almost completely interrupted.

While Nanashi was treating Nino, Arge went shopping for clothes for Nino while doing some research. That's when we set the route for the break-in.

Arge, deputy captain of the Kingsguard, is on the side of Saratoga directing security inside the castle. I am well aware of a place where vigilance tends to diminish.

That's where there's nothing to mark.

When determining the placement, it is easy to place soldiers in places that are easy to verbally instruct, such as "around the fountain" or "beside the stone statue".

In contrast, where there is nothing distinctive, patrol soldiers come around occasionally at best.

Talk like an idiot, but it's what humans do.

There are not so many stupid people who want to break into a castle, etc.

And if the situation continues for a long time that nothing happens, the aim of protecting the castle from intruders is forgotten, and the means of guarding is replaced with the objective.

Rather than its original purpose, the balance tilts to ease of doing, and laziness makes the width heard under the beautiful name efficiency, where a hole can be made.

The other side of this stone wall, apart from the implantation, has nothing.

According to Arge's view, this is probably the hole in the castle of Gergios.

Stepping on Nanashi, Arge jumps on the stone wall and next pulls up Nanashi. As they jumped inside the walls, they stayed put and rolled into the shadow of the implantation.

As expected, there's no sign of a guard there.

For a while, the two of them will kill their breath there and wait for the patrol soldiers.

But instead of patrolling all the time, I never even saw one of the soldiers in the distance.

Attack the patrol soldiers, take their clothes and disguise them. That's what I was going to do, but it's not obvious.

"Is there anything you don't even patrol?

"Neh. That means..."

"It's a trap, isn't it"

"Oh yeah. So, what are we gonna do? If it was a trap, would you break in?

As Arge stared at Nanashi waiting for the answer, Nanashi said with a slightly troubled look on his face, tilting his neck.

"Do you want to stop?

"No, no, no! This place is like, 'No way!" Follow me. "It's like giving it back, isn't it? That's what you pretend to be, so give it back properly! Why, are you trying to entrust it to me? You know the word" initiative "?

Arge folds all at once with his fingers poking at Nanashi's face.

Nanashi said it again in advance, turning against his body, as he fled the momentum of Arge.

"Well, I won't stop"

"Then I don't need it."

"I won't stop."


Let Nanashi say that, breathe out of your nose, and Arge looks satisfied.

"When you get something out of your nose, it's the maiden's end."

In Nanashi's head, the word Kirier said the other day was rebutted, but this is something that Arge doesn't need to be told. If I tell him so, he'll kill me.

Without a choice, the two quickly travel from shade to shade, breaking into the castle from the back entrance. The back door is not locked either.

In the castle, we travel carefully between walls, but there is still nothing to show in front of them as one. At last, it reached the floor, which appeared to be the residence of the lord, situated as it were on the upper floor.

"... if this isn't a trap, I'll catch you, Captain Gergios' Kingsguard, and preach for an hour, really"

"Well, we've got this far intact, so let's just say we were lucky."

Nanashi is right, we should be happy to have reached our destination so easily, but this sense of shoulder blush doesn't convince Arge at all.

"Anyway, there's got to be some xaragi in here"

"Oh, don't get distracted. Imagine coming at me as soon as I open the door."


Saying so, Nanashi gently turns the knob as he lays down on one knee.

A peek into the room through the gap between the open doors revealed that it was dark inside and in the moonlight, a luxurious bed was installed in the centre.

Kill your breath, make sure you crawl, break into the room.

I look around the room, but I just say it's a man's room. It's a killing landscape, and apart from the bed, there's nothing to see except a figurine of armor standing on the wall.


I hear a creaking voice, and Nanashi and Arge's body jump pickly.

And I could see the blanket on the bed moving with the mozo.

"Mm-hmm, I'm finally here. Huh, it's late."

A voice that can't be misheard.

Though in a dark room, that silhouette of a man with a torso can't be mistaken for a stretch on the bed right now.

It was Xaragi, the sister-in-law I sought.

"I've been waiting a long time already. I told the soldiers that when you arrived, you didn't show them here."

... Apparently when I went to the main entrance without infiltrating, it was so far that they brought me here.

"Xaragi, I'm really glad you're safe. I was worried. Are you hurt?

In the dark, moisturizing his voice, Nanashi approached the bed with ease.

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"Right, good. Then let's run away together. Xaragi."

Saying so, Arge suddenly grabbed hold of Nanashi's hand as he tried to reach for Kisaragi and pulled it back, pulling it all the way.

"Mr. Arge, what is it?

Nanashi rarely has irritation over her voice.

"Hey, garbage cuss. Your sister is from the desert."

"That's right. Isn't that obvious, what are you talking about?

"Then why are his eyes red (...)"

It was not visible to Nanashi, but in the eyes of Arge, who was trained in night combat training, he could see the same red colour in the eyes of Xalagi as your species (Noble).

"Oh, that's not true."

"Amy, who's that guy?

"Oh, oh, Mr. Arge. He came looking for you with me."

"Fine, get away from me!

With that said, Arge pulls Nanashi's arm with even more strength.

Xaragi chuckled as she saw how it was going.

"... why are your eyes red, because the worm (bug) won't even admit you're a lord, guys"

"Hmm? What do you mean..."

I can't understand the meaning of Xaragi's words, and Nanashi's expression turns into something surprising.

"I don't care about that, honey, I'm hungry. Atashi, I want to eat you"

In the dark, Arge's eyes saw the mouth of Xaragi seemingly distorted with pleasure.

"Poor Nanashi, but this guy is just like Lord Bosmus"

"No, so what...?

"I shaped your sister, it's something else!

When he shouted, Arge threw Nanashi behind his back with strength, pulling a double knife out of his breath.

"Hey, monster! What have you done with his sister?

To Arge's inquiry, Xaragi just laughs with Couscous.

"You're listening! Chemicals."

"Monster, don't say monster, this girl's soul is in me properly."

"............... you ate"

"Yeah, let's play. Even the soul of a bug tasted just like a human being."

"Ki,... xaragi?

The moment she heard Nanashi tremble behind her back, Arge hurriedly screams behind her back.

"Nanashi, don't listen! You get out of the room now!

Behind Arge, Nanashi kept his buttocks on his rear hand, his eyes open and his lips trembling into small pieces.

"I was surprised when I tried it. There was something terrible in this girl's memory. I can't believe the worm had such a secret."

"A secret?

Arge frowned.

"Yeah, right. I can't believe these filthy little people are hiding an ancient final weapon that turned this country into a grassless desert."

"The final weapon? What's that?

"Come on. I didn't even know about this girl, I just knew she had the key."

Unexpectedly, Arge looks back at Nanashi.

Nanashi was stiff looking at Kisaragi blindly.

"By appointment, all I had to do was replace him with Gettingen's grandfather, but I asked Master Mahmoud to create a body just like this one. Thanks to you, 'Amy' came out of this, so all you have to do is eat your soul and make your memories mine. You can be one with your sister's soul. Isn't that a bad thing?

Arge bites his back teeth off and spits out words to squeeze them out.

"... I'm going to ask you one last thing. If I kill you, will Nanashi's sister ever come back to life?

Kisaragi laughed down hard after he rounded his eyes at the words.

"Hihihi... stop it. Don't be so funny, my stomach hurts. Then I ask, when you die, the bread you ate yesterday returns to the wheat ear?

At the next moment, along with the wind incision, Xaragi's right wrist was cut off.

Arge ran down from the bottom to the top.

"Hey, monster! Now it's not worth killing, but don't worry, I'll make sure you get it straight before it falls. But right now, it's not sneaky to show him where to chop something in his sister's shape. Whatever hand you use, I'll smash every Gergios, so shake it and wait!

After a blurry look at the section of his chopped wrist, Xaragi distorts his face to anger.

"Don't let my little girl get on with it!

With those words, Arge saw the flames burn over Xaragi's left hand.


A fireball, along with the sacrament, flies towards Arge. But you can't just go. There's a sudden, self-defeating nanoshi behind you.

There's no way Nanashi can flatter something like this right now.

Arge crosses his swords, squeezes them in front of his body, and receives a fireball.

Anyway, you can't accept a fireball with your sword. Arge knows that, too. As soon as the fireball landed, Arge took his hand off the sword and flew with all his might towards his back.

A fireball that explodes at the same time as a bullet landing.

As he was swept away by the blast, Arge held Nanashi's body and rolled out the door.

I manage to get passive even as I bump all over my body.

"Are you all right?

Arge asks Nanashi but has not responded.

I was forced to twist my neck, and when I looked at my face, I had lost my vibe from my eyes.

"You idiot! It's not like you're bluffing!

With that said, when I looked behind the door, again, I could see the fireball starting to burn up over Xaragi's palm.


Arge hugs Nanashi and jumps out of the front of the door to flank him, keeping his momentum, rolling down the stairs.

With an earlier blow, there are no more double swords in Arge's hands.

Fingertips grabbing the nanasi are slightly painful due to major burns, and the skin is curly.

He kills. But now we have to run.

With Nanashi's head in his chest, Arge, rolling down the stairs, is strongly slammed on the wall of the dance floor and his breath clogs for a moment.

But you can't keep the dimensions still either.

Dotadota and adult footsteps are beginning to be heard up and down the stairs. Soldiers are on their way. There is no escape from being sandwiched on the dance floor of the stairs.

Grabbing Nanashi's collar, as he pulls over, he runs further down the stairs and down to the floor below.

There were several doors on that floor, which seemed to be a residential area. But no matter what room you jump into, it's definitely more of a dead end than the room ahead.


At that time, behind the floor in Arge's eyes and below the wall, a square iron lid with a handle entered his eyes.

Dust chute.

I have resistance, but I can't replace my belly on my back.

Arge jumps up the lid at the mercy of his strength when he grabs the handle.

I peek into the back of a dark hole with my mouth open, but I have no idea how deep it connects.

"I didn't mean to name this guy a garbage cunt..."

No way, I really didn't know I had to fall into a dust chute like a garbage cuss.

When he took one sigh, Arge threw Nanashi in as he was, and he jumped in there himself.

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