Mobile Fortress Saratoga ~Silvery Sword Princess Became My Servant.

Lesson 34 Your 'sister' has no soul caged.

Sugar smoke that rises.

From beyond the collapsed stone wall, intense light pierced Kisk's eyeball.

I panic, blocking the light with my hands, watching from between my fingers on the other side of the wall.

A group of silhouettes in the backlight.

There is one woman in the center. And around it, big men with muscular bones lined up in side chest posings, fingers around their hips and chests.

"Black Roses, look!

That's what the woman in the center said, punched the ground with a wiggle.

... what the heck.

I can't hide the confusion from Kisk, just like that.

Excessive showup using lighting, even though it just appears.

The same was true of the kid above that siege castle, but apparently, the people at this manoeuvre castle fort are sorry if they don't play mountain games every time.

Though so frightened in his head, Kisk looks around restlessly with a chill. Kisk now can't help but think of each other as a trap.

Gradually, the lighting is weakened so that it is possible to clearly check the person's appearance.

Once again, the men are amazingly tanned and shorts naked in their upper body. He seems to be applying oil or something to his exuberant muscles, which are very blackish.

When it comes to weapons-like weapons, it's just a fistfighter style with iron-reinforced armor (gloves).... So, hey, the second guy from the front row right, fuck moving his nipples pic.

If you're a woman, you're a beauty who seems to be attracted to fishing. Ponytail with long dark hair wrapped around the back. A perfect black skin upper and lower separator with a good understanding of the body lines. I feel a little loneliness around my chest, but even if I subtract it, I can say it's a fantastic fit.

The woman turns around and looks up at the fucking kid in the siege.

"To Master Mio! Salute!"

Following those words, the black muscles (guttural) lift their hands to brag (rub) their muscles and move into a double-viceps pose.

If I'm wrong, that's not a salute!

Unexpectedly, I put a twitch in my heart.

"Um, it's dauntless. Your lords are looking good today."

It's okay!

No, I can't see any more.

If I'm dealing with these guys, I'm going crazy.

Let there be no misunderstanding, Kisk is not a serious man among the generals of Asmodimos. Instead, it's called a "walrus beard" around a tough iron beard, and they've been complaining about how much.

So much so that Kisk wants to preach to you for an hour, these guys are cod (bullshit).

Slowly dropping her shoulder, the woman in the center turned her gaze toward Kisk and opened her mouth.

"How old are you?"


Kisk answers the sudden question with vigilance. But as soon as she heard the answer, the woman distorted her face as she scorned, and spit.

"Pep... Hate (unfortunately), but not for your brother"


"Fair enough. Beat me, brilliant, shoot your brother in the seat."

Confused, Kisk looks up at Mio above the Siege (Yagura) and asks.

"Hey... I have no idea what he's talking about.

"Uh, never mind. It's been a hot day lately, hasn't it? Some people still have a fever in their heads."

"Dear Mio?!

With a stunned look, a woman looking back.

Apparently, from that fucking kid, he's weird.

"So, after all, what are you?"

"Me? My name is Killier. Killier-Alsard. Be Saratoga Kingsguard, Black Roses' Tutor. But the identity devours the afternoon's slumber as she hugs her sister and brother in a log house facing the lake. I dream of such a life, an extreme, normal sister everywhere."

... What shall I do? Something thick came out of him.

It is a recurring extreme of obscene mountain play.

Until earlier, I was hung by Mio's Peten, and it was a kiss that was mentally cornered, but I felt like I was going to be cornered from a different angle, and I felt blue at once.

By the side of such a kiss, the beasts (Zoanthropes) roar simultaneously about whether they have reached their limits sooner than the kiss. The stress on them, who can't even get a twitch in, was probably more than a kiss.

And to respond to the roar of the beasts (Zoan Slope), the black muscles (Gachimuchi) roar... why are you guys roaring? Aren't you human?!

While Kisk accidentally puts in the penetration, the beasts (Zoan Slopes) rush towards the black muscles (Gachimuchi) all at once.

"Oh, hey! You guys! Wait!

Neither does stopping Kisk make any sense here. The hounds that have been removed from the scabbard, while the beasts (Zoanthropes) fly to the black muscles (Gachimuchi), continue to storm the battle.

Some things are suddenly beaten up, and others are meeting with a knife. Some others cage and push each other to grasp each other's hands and twist their opponents down. The different ways, they are all meat and meat bumps and lettering meat bullet fights.

At first glance, a beast man (Zoanthrope) with more than human physical abilities appears to be pushing if compared to simple forces. However, the number of black muscles (gatimuchi) doubles for beasts (zoanthropes) who have been reduced to nearly forty. It is obvious that if we stick together, the beasts (Zoanthropes) will still be at a disadvantage.

"Well, I don't know what's wrong"

Inside the whining (crushing) that sounds like a light mouth, there is a serious roaming (grunting) of kisses hidden.

If it was the usual Kisk, he must have tried to escape with a species of life and a donkey horse (Roba) in this gap.

But around not transferring it to execution, perhaps Mio's Petten is caustic.

Anger, roar, earthsmoke, dull hitting noise, sharp throwing (chatter) sound.

Killier walks towards Kisk in a slow foothold in the middle of a turmoil in which they are shaped as one blend.

Seeing that figure, the only way to survive came down in Kisk's head.

"We have to be ready."

When one shrugged, Kisk went down the back of the donkey horse and found Kirier.

"Does the owner suppose to wear keri between the owners"

As soon as he heard the word, Killier distorted his face like a mockery.

"Pfft, Mio blamed me for the words, and the guy who was crying would say it better."

"So, who's crying or something, boggle!

Kirier gains something while blushing her face and scorning (offering) Kisk to say back to her excitement.

A dagger with a whip on the right hand and a tooth-like irregularity on the left hand | part of the blade.

"Sword Breaker is another old-fashioned hobby."

A long time ago, combat styles with defense-specific daggers, such as Swords (Man Gosh) and Sword-breakers (Swordbreakers), were popular in the arms of those who were not dominant in place of Swords. However, because of the difficulty of retrieving it, the lighter weight of the wax went on, and it became lightly obsolete.

"The feeble (...) woman's skinny arms, however light, are tight."

Kisk, on the other hand, pulls out his sword and rests on his back.

The object is a long patterned two-handed sword (buster sword).

Kisk, who has been running around the battlefield as a mercenary since his mid-teens, learned there that the simpler the weapon, the better. It is unbreakable and the substitution works.

The two stare at each other at a distance and gauge the timing of their first blow.

It was Killier who moved first.

The tip of the whip flies with a kiss, and the kiss flies with a light step.

At that moment, when the tip of the whip wore the cobblestone at his feet, Kisk unleashed a massive blow across his side as he packed a pause at once and rotated his body.

The sword muscle is far from refinement and abounds in the roughness of our lifestyle.

I can't stop!

He tried to escape by stepping backwards, but the tip of his sword plundered Kirier's flank, and blood seeped into the flank of the peel.

Not deep, but Kirier can't hide his surprise at a sharper sword move than expected.

But that wasn't the end of Kisk's attack.

Interrupting the follow through, which occurs according to the law of inertia because of a tremendous swing, at the mercy of force, and returning the sword at hand, he persists (as if) to repeat a short slaughter towards Killier.

Kirier falls ill but hurts, bouncing it back with a sword crusher (swordbreaker), but he doesn't see a gap that turns to counterattack.

To get a distance, he tries to roll around and turn to the side, but Kisk obsessively follows in sidesteps.

"I'm not willing to give you time. The whipper packs and kills, that's the mercenary Theory."

"Persistent men are not hot."

"Dear Hate, I'm a local hottie."

I certainly can't even wield a whip this close. It's not even a great deal of power where I can't shake it.

"You're done, sister."

Kisk waves his sword down from the top and Kirier takes it hard with a sword crushing knife (swordbreaker). A heavy blow that leaves a paralysis on the wrist.

"Your 'sister' doesn't have a soul caged! It just sounds like" sister "to my old man in a pretty shop."

With a ball of sweat on his forehead, Kirier slips the received sword over the blade, pinches the other sword's blade into the tooth area of the sword crushing knife (swordbreaker) and twists (twist).

This is where the sword crusher (swordbreaker) is named. Break the opponent's sword with the least amount of force using the principles of Tetsuko.

And when the sword is broken, the moment the body tilts toward the twisted (twisted) one. Heavy impact thrusts through Kisk's jaw. Kirier's kick caught Kisk's jaw and rocked his brain.

A hugely blowing kiss. Let's just say it was splendid not to let go of the sword. But there's no way Killier misses this opportune opportunity to wait, and Killier won't let go of the pursuit.


Heavy whipping ramblings draw lacerations in the body of a kiss, like a flying bee.

"Goddamn it, I don't have a hobby that's happy to be shiva with a whip, you idiot!

There are just some things that have been going on with mercenaries for a long time. Kisk does not escape behind him, but flies forward with his sword in pain in order to pack the time again.

Poke for the chest. Kirier has a sword breaker (swordbreaker) on his chest to jump it up.

At that moment, Kisk's sword tip sank in. The chest is faux, the real aim is the feet.

Killier's stunned expression instantly turns into agony.

There was a sword piercing Killier's leg.



Mio's stunned voice overlaps Kirier's scream from above the siege.

Killier, who pressed her leg against the pain and squatted (groaning), kicked her down on her back, and Kisk stuck a sword to her throat as she horsed over her limb (from).

"There's a battle. Sister."

"So... I'm telling you your 'sister' doesn't have a soul cage"

Killier squeezes her words out of a rough breath of pain. Kisk, looking seriously at the appearance, laughed fondly.

"If you keep your mouth shut, you're pretty enough. If you're going to be my mistress, you can save my life."

"Pardon me. Besides, there's no way you can get out of Saratoga safely in this situation."

If they say so and Kisk looks around, the Beasts are quite disadvantaged. The situation is that it won't take that long to be suppressed. But even confirming that, Kisk looks down at Killier with an extra look.

"No, I can. Now we have a hostage."

Yes, Kisk was after this from the beginning. Taking Killier hostage was the only way to survive left in Kisk.

Killier bites her back teeth with regret.

"Nice, that face is good too. Strong women prefer it. Don't worry about chest poverty. Asmodimos has magicians who make their breasts bigger."

Killier opens her eyes wide to the word.

What did this man just say? Magic that makes your chest bigger......

At the next moment, Killier's left hand grabbed Kisk's right hand with a sword stuck to his throat.

Waste of resistance. What can you do with a woman's fine arms? While Kisk thought so.

With the power of all-powerful force, the right arm of the kiss is lifted.

"He's in pain!

"What did you hear about Mio? They told me that when you throw in the information you want to believe, people can easily fool you."

Killier's right hand grabs Kisk's head with a distressed look on his face.

"Weak? That's what you wanted to believe..."

"Hey, what are you doing! Stop it!"

"It's all a lie."

At that moment, the skull of the kiss makes a mellow sound.

Killier's grip is unusual.

In the past, Gustavo called it a female gorilla in the shadows but bent the joints of his arms in a direction not normally bent for it, and Bosmus stroked his butt but broke his finger crushing for it. Nanashi was similarly held up in his head, and his consciousness was about to be taken to the other shore.


With a huge scream, Kisk peels his white eyes.


Confirming that Kisk was unconscious, Killier tore his body apart abusively. Then he looks up at the siege (Yagura) and raises his voice, remaining in a position where he slept on his back.

"Dear Mio! Did you hear that?

"Oh, I only heard that. Kirie, let him talk. That information is our only hope! Wash your neck and wait."

In parentheses is the voice of the heart.

To those who heard beside him, Mio would have sounded like he was burning his fighting will to Asmodimos.

The truth is, at this time, I forgot about Asmodimos, Colo, so the business is quite profound.

Thus the first raid of Asmodimos came to an end.

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