"Lady, you're good over here."

A young man leading the way turns around and looks for a girl.

"Yes, if you keep going straight, you'll be out at the back gate of the castle. If you're that way, you can open the key that I have."

If you move two blocks or so of the main street running through the center of Saratoga to the port side, there is a small mall.

In the back street, there was a man and woman running in a panic (awkward) alley where the restaurant was at its best.

A total of nine.

In the center of the eight men, one girl to be protected.

The girl's origins are the so-called (so-called) white blouse, housekeeper (maid) clothes on the black ground. Meanwhile, when it comes to the presence of the men surrounding that poor girl, all of them are skin armor for the Asmodimos army supplies that raided Saratoga the other day.

There is no way that such a suspicious group can remain in a person's eyes.

Fortunately, however, the evacuation guide for this area seems to have already been completed, and this unusual group of people were running through a straight alley with no one to spare.

Shortly before the girls and the men left, the bursting sound that began to sound on Central Boulevard continued uninterrupted, and between the narrow alleys, if you look up at the rectangular sky cut into the building, sometimes you can see the shiny sky shining.

Apparently, there's a hell of a lot of magic on Central Boulevard.

To the bursting sound that continues to sound, a man with a loose plain (hiccup) face of his front teeth running on the girl's right side says, "Whoa! It's awesome," he said with a slightly higher voice, laughing with pleasure at the bearded old man at the rear.

"Ha ha, boulders are our enemies in the Unholy Heaven. I've never heard of such a ridiculous magic attack. Then Rhoda's people will have their hands and feet."

This is what the girl thinks as she deliberately listens to the word.

I could do it smarter.

The heart of a girl is complicated in many ways.

This mustache old man is laughing. I have always praised the enemy's warrior while calling him the enemy of Uncluttered Heaven.

... Something you'd like too much already.

And the biggest problem is that the enemy warrior is self- (...) self- (...) self- (...). is the fact that

One line is on its way to Saratoga Castle.

Their purpose is twofold.

One is to rescue the girl trapped on the lower floor.

And the other is to bust Saratoga military master mi (...) li (...) a (...).

In other words, the girl will be running for the purpose of killing herself.

Of course, he's not going to kill you, either.

How did the girl who was supposed to have been abducted get to act with the men?

The story goes back about half an hour.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

"... Uncle, I have a favor to ask you"

Miriam said, staring at the 'liquor barrel' morgen on her upper eye.

At noon, a dim corner of the abandoned house. The sunlight leaking from the torn ceiling illuminates the cobbled floor round.

"Please wo?

The young man next to him, not Morgen, put the sound of fright on the words. Morgen took control of it with his hands, I said.

"Say it."

I want you to help my sister.

"Sister?... Isn't that a different story? Lady."

"It's not that. Actually, we..."

Eight hundred lies starting there.

Said, the girl is the daughter of a certain lord, whose father has taken his daughter hostage and has been forced to cooperate with Saratoga in various ways.

In addition (...) is (...), my sister is trapped in a dungeon, and the girl is used as a housekeeper (maid) Hell of a day, the Morgens who showed up there, as is the Prince of the White Horse for the girl.

Successfully (...) will (...), if you will save my sister, accompany Morgen and the others to tell me the whereabouts of Miriam, the warrior of Saratoga, a spiteful schemer, a ruthless demon.

And here we are.

The girl complained to the men as it was already emotional, tears in her eyes at one time, dew (reveal) her anger at one time, and whimper (snap) at the scene where her sister was thrown in jail, etc.

I get intoxicated by my story, and when a girl looks around with a lukewarm look, she realizes that there is a really stiff air going on.

"Oh, that...?

If there was an 800 lying empress here, Saratoga Bormio, this is probably what I would have said.

"Thirty points."

A young man pounds on the shoulder of a confused girl, sighing.

"Lady, just grab this bearded old man, there's no white horse prince, hey captain...... what, eh?!

Turning around, what he saw was the appearance of a 'liquor barrel' morgen crying in a man's cry.

For a young man, it is an unbelievable event.

Where in the earlier story was there a crying element?

But to Morgen's appearance, convinced of the success of the operation, Miriam gasps posing in her chest

"I want you to save my sister"

This sister is about Mio. He's three years younger than Miriam in terms of age, so he'll be able to argue with his sister adequately.

There are people who really need to hang on Petten to get their hands on a pawn named Uncle Rhoda and flip the strategy over once again by their enemies.

That's why we need to rescue Mio, who has so much fraud (tsubotsu) as a word tie (spellbound), as a top priority.

But Miriam got a little on track here.

It's bad for Mio, but if I can go, Mio, maybe I can lower my rescue priorities. That's what I thought.

For no reason (okay) to know inside Miriam's chest like that, 'Barrel' Morgen grabbed Miriam's shoulder disappointingly with both hands and said:

"Your daughter's sister will be sure to save you!

"Hey, hey Captain?!

The young man rushes to stop, but Morgen, on the contrary, roughs up his voice by poking his finger at the tip of the man's nose.

"If I abandon you here, the man will abandon you! Look! If I find out, it could be a terrible sight, but you're the daughter I looked up to who wants to save my sister until you lie (...) hands (...) down like this!

The young man flaunted his shoulder at the curtain of Morgen and looked back at Miriam and said:

"I'm glad to hear that. Lady."

"Soudesne, hahahaha......"

A dry laugh fell from Miriam's mouth with eyes like a dead fish.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

A line that broke into the castle of Saratoga on the guidance of Miglia runs down the stairs, leading the way to the lower floor of the 'liquor barrel' Morgen.

"At the entrance to the prison, there is a guard!

"Leave it to me."

Morgen responded comfortably to the girl's warning.

From below the stairs you can hear the men laughing with pleasure.

I guess the fact that they can afford to bicker means that the soldiers who are on the lookout have no idea what's going on out there.

Then, when Miriams reached the entrance to the prison floor, three soldiers wrapped in white armor and suddenly appeared to the men, interrupting their bickering and grabbing the sword in haste.

"You! We're off-limits from here! Pull back..."

The man who raised his voice like that held his breath before he could say "turn back" to the end.

"Peach, Peach, Peach, this is so weird!

It was instantly made into two pieces by Morgen's giant battle axe.

The two remaining soldiers and Miriam.

There was no such thing as a well-minded old man.

"Oh, I did it. Don't freak out too much, lady. Do it. When you're on the battlefield, the" barrel "Morgen is a ghost."

Right beside him, a man with a plain face sighs.

"Next! When?

Morgen hoists his armpits to intimidate the two remaining Royal Guards.


(10) One of them cuts toward Morgen in a strange and reckless manner.

At the same time that Morgen plays the sword with an axe of war,

"Lady, you're going to get involved!

So a young man pulled Miriam's body back.

At the next moment, Morgen waves a battle axe at the mercy of his power, and when he jumps the opponent's upper body, leaves it to inertia to rotate another time.

The battle axe blade (if done) plundered the wall and sparks splashed, knocking down the last one who was frightened and stiff behind him.

Instant kill.

Miriam on the boulder also holds her head on this.

The fact that Morgen is so strong was totally out of the math.

As for these men, I wanted to let them get away with it if possible after fulfilling their purpose, but I was also looking at killing them as the worst case scenario.

But it is this strength.

I don't know how many soldiers would sacrifice to stop Morgen from breathing.

When he exhales loudly with Fuchsiu, Morgen turns to Miriam and speaks with a nostalgic smile.

"My lady. Not if you're scared, but you have a sister in the back, right?

"Yes, sir"

As soon as Miriam makes a noisy noise, something happens that no one has made predictable.

That's too sudden an event.

The whole Saratoga shakes heavily at the same time as the fierce collision sounds like splitting (crushing) the ears.

Then, along with the crushing sound, the impact is transmitted late.

That's a severe impact with a vector from right to left.

Everything in front of me was so vibrating that I could see it blinking.

Fragments of stone walls peeled off the ceiling poured apart, couldn't afford to scream, blew up like they were beaten to the full extent, and Miriam and the men were knocked against the wall at the same time.

Millia and the others don't know, but at this time, Gergios, the maneuver castle fort, was setting up a special attack on the starboard side of Saratoga.

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