"What themee. I thought you hadn't looked at me in a long time, and you said you came all the way out here to tell me that pinch?

All I'm saying is I'm scared, that's the girl who throws up.

"Between the glances", lined with cylinders that are neither structurally necessary nor likely to be necessary, and lined with red carpets with long hairy feet.

The girl was there, burying her hips in a flashly decorated chair, staring at a man kneeling at her own feet with boring eyes.

14-15 when I was a girl.

Longer dark hair with some braids on brown skin with an even deeper color than the typical Escalis Meermills.

The attitude of the mouth and dignity itself, which seems to be very attentive, gives the viewer a natural impression of a soldier as soon as it is compatible with the fluffy light armor (light armor) that surrounds him.

"If Sanettone's bastard says it's white, my answer is black. If I'm not guilty, I'm not guilty! You know what I mean!

"Yes, I thought it was needless to say, too. Our military master is careful. Just in case. Sister-in-law."

Kneeling (kneeling first) at his feet, the voice was the voice, but if you listen well, the content and tone were shattered.

There was no fear of the girl, and her kneeling was only ceremonial.

"Keh! I don't want Themé calling my sister-in-law."

This man, who smiles bitterly at her for throwing up in a grumpy mood and cleverly puts his shoulder down with his head down, is Saratoga's first secretary.

His name is Kirchheim.

It was here, at the behest of Miriam, that he visited Merclius, a manoeuvring castle fortress, under the guise of running away.

Notoriously 'belligerent' and 'like a hungry wolf', this manoeuvred castle fort strengthens its military colour whenever the lord's generation changes, and now turns off any non-combat contact with other manoeuvred castle fortifications, taking the path of independence.

Asmodimos, among other things, was constantly being targeted as a vengeance for uncertainty.

Although this manoeuvrable castle fort was Kirchheim's birthplace, it is unlikely that this military trend and his relatively liberal personality tendencies will first be reconciled (wow), and it is also a natural consequence for us (Mama) to move to Saratoga.

No matter how close you are, it is usually not the first time that a hard-won sarcastic man is sent to another manoeuvre castle fort as a messenger.

Because for the most part, it is visible that they will piss off the other party and break it off before the negotiations.

"I think you should get rid of these anachronistic wasted installations like" Between Views ". Clarify it. It's a waste of maintenance.

But even in your place, I hear this Merclius spends more money on war than any other manoeuvring castle fort.

You can't even face your deceased stepfather if he's broke in your place, can you?

What if I could create a cost-saving proposal for you?

Hit the sarcastic pointer as you can think of it this way, carving a wrinkle between the girl's eyebrows, who should be the negotiator.

Clearly, as a messenger, I'm glad to say it's the worst possible candidate.

Nonetheless, this time he was sent to Merclius as a messenger for a reason.

"Urusuke clerk! Why did your sister marry such a hard-won..."

That's the girl who holds her eyebrows down.

Krull von Schlechter, lord of Merklius, a manoeuvring castle fort with the alias of a war maniac (Warmonger).

My sister, whom she does not respect. She was once again convinced that the only mistake was choosing this man as her partner.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

"I'll intercept!

Nanashi tells the Silver Ridge sword princess, who is disgraced with her cover over her body as she captures two black chunks in her sight that are approaching.

The sword princess, who was holding her cheek in embarrassment, gave me the same look she gave me back for a moment, and did not even care about Nanashi's impatience, which was already a slow (kanman) motion, and rose remnantly away from Nanashi's body.

Nanashi waited for the sword princess to rise, but she didn't care about the black dog (Black Dog) coming right up there.

Nanashi opened his legs back and forth when the sword princess left or left, and cut the carp of the love knife.

Earlier, a black dog (Black Dog), a demon living in purgatory, attacked Nanashi, who was heading to Pericles, Fort Maneuver, with something that ripped sand (Sand Spreader).

Though they took a hard blow, they fell from what tore sand (sand spreader).

The black dog (Black Dog) that followed the unmanned sand ripper (Sand Spreader) took it back and was about to hit them again now.

"Lady Sword! Coming!"

"Please call me Maris..."

The two black dogs (black dogs) jumped for Nanashi and Princess Sword.

He flies at the same time, leaving a short footstep of grounding time specific to the tough beast.

Approaching (after).

Without distracting himself from it, Nanashi runs the sheath (Saya) in pursuit of a black dog (Black Dog) dancing through the universe.

The blade of divine speed (if done) that is released by making the sheath (saya) look like a catapult.

It was a blow by Jigen, a swordsmanship passed down to the desert people.

Perfect timing for black dogs (black dogs) who dance in the universe.

It is a special blow that rips the head into a single letter.

But if it is, the black dog (black dog) takes steps in the air where nothing is supposed to happen and jumps even higher.

Nanashi opened his eyes to unexpected events.

Nanashi's blow to the head is inexpensive, although it spitefully plunders (scavenges) the back leg of a black dog (Black Dog).

Probably just a scratch on a piece of skin or something.


The opponent is a warcraft who says he will live in purgatory. It doesn't translate to a beast like Sandwolf.

In the swordsmanship of "Zigen," which hangs everything on the first blow, dealing with it after it has been avoided, is completely abandoned.

I mean, in a nutshell, it's awkward.

If you can't finish with a single blow, die at large.

"Zigen" was an extreme, extreme swordsmanship that, based on that idea, continued to hone only the first blow of the special.

When the black dog (black dock) jumps large over the head of the Nanashi, it turns at the same time as the landing, and once again it flies, it can focus on the front leg.

From the mutilated hind leg, although it bleeds in a daze, as far as the precipitation of its movements is concerned, it does not appear to have been inflicted with enough wounds to inhibit its movement.

The black dog (Blackdock) kicked the ground and jumped up faster than Nanashi could get in shape.

Nanashi hastily tries to set up, but the hour is already late and the fangs of a black dog (black dock) are about to stick up to Nanashi's shoulder.

That moment,

"Baptism of Frozen Earth (Brinicle)!"

Holy Word sounding high and low in the desert of darkness.

A tornado surrounds Nanashi as he wraps up grains of ice, ripping the nose tip of a black dog (black dock) that was still close to just eating and slamming its giant hard into the earth.

It is the magic of the sword princess.

Nanashi exhaled loudly as he made a noise with Hyun-hyun and watched the tornado surrounding him.

"Thank you, sword princess... ma?

What Nanashi looked back at was another black dog (black dock) pierced by a giant ice column (hard) stretched upside down from the ground.

The pimply and spasmodic giant with no voice, bleeding heavily, had already begun to disappear into dust.

Princess Sword flatly tells Nanashi she loses her voice.

"Please call me Maris. Lord."

Apparently, the sword princess was a magical blow, and the battle was decided lightly.

It is nonetheless cod (bullshit) strong.

After all, I'm not the Lord's vessel...

Nanashi was struck by a blow, and he was ashamed of himself.

Once again, the black dog (black dog) bounced off by the Baptism of Frozen Soil (Brinicle) can't move his frozen forelegs as he thinks, although he is scratching his feet, and he repeatedly tries to get up and go in.

"Lord, give me a todome"

When she nodded silently at the sword princess, who quietly told her so, Nanashi once again pulled the sword out of her sheath and slapped the black dog's head in two.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

If the sun falls, the temperature in the desert starts to drop gradually due to radiation cooling.

During the day temperatures exceed 40 degrees and even drop below freezing point in the middle of the night.

Nanashi and Princess Sword were walking with two sets of footprints on the land of sand as they felt the exhaling breath begin to freeze white.

A Black Dog raid left two sand spreaders (sand spreaders), the key means of travel, unattended to fly ahead.

I think it's stopped somewhere and fell, but with that momentum, that would be quite a bit further.

The two of them kept walking silently for about two minutes.

A sword princess walking behind Nanashi's three steps in silence suddenly opened her mouth.

"Lord, I've been thinking..."


"My breasts are hitting the Lord's back while he's on the sand-tearing thing (Sand Spreader)."


Nanashi stiffens to remarks that are too unintentional.

Turning around uncontrollably, Nanashi curled up a quick, excused comment.

"Yes, no, but, you know, the sword princess is wearing a chest armor (breast plate), so it only feels like iron. It's okay! It's okay!


A hasty comment.

The uncomfortable silence that comes shortly thereafter is unusual.

However, in contrast to Nanashi's haste, Princess Sword continues to look at Nanashi without changing one expression.

"So how was it when you and Lord Arge went all the way to Gergios?

Nanashi is already close to KO at this point.

But even though I wonder what to say, the thought begins to remind me of my journey with Arge on my own.

Come to think of it, I feel Arge, even though he said it was somehow, was very vigilant on his outbound journey and careful not to touch Nanashi as much as he could. But on the way back to Saratoga, it would also be because of the pinch of Nino in between. I remember feeling disappointed.

"I think he was careful not to touch it as much as he could..."

The temperature, which should have dropped a long time, leaked sweat into the forehead of the nanoshi.

It is a so-called unpleasant sweat.

I had intended to give the most difficult answer possible, but Princess Sword gave a clear expression of dissatisfaction to the answer.

In a nutshell, 'I'm not convinced' that's the look.

"Lord Arge was not wearing a chest armor (breast plate) during his journey to Guergios."

Yes, it was a tube-top-style tunic that Arge had wrapped himself around during his journey to Gergios, as Nanasi had destroyed it in two just before.

But Nanashi doesn't know how to answer and laughs vaguely.

"So, that thief, Lord Arge, has rubbed raw milk on the Lord for days."

"Raw milk?!"

Nanashi raises his voice to a statement that has no clap.

But the look on Princess Sword's face is serious in itself.

Nanashi trembled, back-to-back with the sweat on his forehead, feeling that the ambient temperature had suddenly begun to drop.

"No, no, no, I'm wearing it. It's not raw! I'm wearing a hood cape, too, so I didn't feel anything like it at all!

"Now think about what you're wearing and call it half life milk."

"Half your life?!"

As Nanashi opens his mouth and stiffens beyond impact, the sword princess grabs a three-step distance and presses her forehead against Nanashi's chest.

And he whispered.

"I'm anxious. Ever since I came back to be left with all those passionate letters of proposal, the Lord has been a much more relative attitude. Instead, keep your distance."

"So, Sonnakotoja, Nydesyo......"

I can't tell you that the passionate letter and the dot were fabrications of Princess Fatima, etc., even if her mouth is torn.

"So between the time you wrote the letter and your return, I was wondering if there might have been anything that would have changed your mind."

When they say that, there are a number of events that overtake Nanashi's head.

If I confess honestly, as the woman who touched the deepest part of Nanashi's heart, I would be lying if I told her I didn't care about Arge.

However, as a Nanashi, I think it is unlimited to friendship.

"So, that thief... I wonder if Lord Arge has tempted him for half his life..."

But it's not because of milk.

There's absolutely nothing to say in your mouth, but if you choose there's more to it... shuffle.

But the sword princess stares at Nanashi once again, with a face that comes to mind.

Pale eyes so clear that they are about to be sucked in staring seriously at Nanashi.

Silver hair and white magnetic skin like a bundle of meteors are illuminated by the light of the moon and floating white in deep darkness.

Once again, Nanashi breathes when she realizes the beauty of the sword princess.

To the extent that he was hesitant to even touch it, Princess Sword opened her mouth as if she had decided to do so, wrapping around a sacred atmosphere.

"Then I guess I'll have to step out raw!

"Don't step through it!

It was a scratch of divine speed.

Cloud-spraying sacred atmosphere.

No, maybe there hasn't been anything like that since the beginning.

But to Nanashi's words, the sword princess even unexpectedly circled her eyes.

"Can't you?! My lords?!

I feel a fierce misconception about creatures that say men.

"No way, ho......"


That's all I'll ever let you say. Don't let me tell you.

Wrong, if such rumors come up, it's obvious in an instant that it will feed the Black Roses.

How did this happen?

Nanashi sighs unintentionally at the barren interactions she has to think so.

As usual, I felt the sword princess gazing still at Nanashi, and when the item dripped, I saw a trace there, straight from my foot, of something crawling through the sand.

If you follow that line, there's bound to be something (sand spreader) rolling in there that rips the sand.

Nanashi's body, tired though it was, was very heavy.

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