The next day at noon, Lin Tian returned to school. When he arrived at the door of dormitory 606, a strong smell of stench hit him. "Did the fat guy knock over the urinal again?" Lin Tian pinched his nose and pushed the door open. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhou Huaijin wearing a black tuxedo, spraying perfume in front of the dormitory mirror while looking at himself. The stench just now turned out to be sprayed by Zhou Huaijin. Li Yiren was also sitting in his seat, aiming at the front camera of his mobile phone to adjust his collar, and occasionally putting some delicate makeup on his face. Even Zheng Chang, who was always sloppy, put on his collection of fake brand-name clothes and was carefully wiping his Putian sneakers.

"Hey! Linzi is back!"

"Welcome back, Captain Timo."

"Brother Tian, ​​how was the mushroom picking?"

The three of them greeted Lin Tian when they saw him coming in.

Seeing that the three of them were carefully tidying up their appearance,

Lin Tian's face suddenly darkened and asked, "The squad leader is dead? Is today the funeral?"

Zhou Huaijin tilted his head and glanced at Lin Tian: "Not yet... Have you forgotten what day it is today?"

Li Yiren smiled and said, "Today is the day for the open class, my buddy!"

Lin Tian suddenly realized: "Open class! It's time to see the big horses again?!"

It's the second semester of the third year. Although there are not many daily courses, there are still open classes that can be selected every semester.

The open classes selected by all the students in the 606 dormitory are business French.

It's not that they are interested in business, nor are they interested in French.

The reason why the four chose this open class is very simple... to see Adele.

Adele is the lecturer of this course, a pure French woman.

This woman looks very good, and her figure is also filled with pearls in milk tea--duangduang, very attractive!

"Business French", which was originally quite unpopular, was fully registered by the whole school because of Adele's existence!

It is said that on the day when this open class was opened for registration, the registration system of the Academic Affairs Office was crashed by everyone!

I have to say...

This is the power of the bulls!

"Hurry up and change your clothes, Linzi, we have to go there early to take a seat."

While chatting,

Li Yiren also squeezed into the long mirror frame of the dormitory and posed in front of the mirror in various sultry poses.

In terms of appearance alone,

Li Yiren is definitely the most handsome in the dormitory.

He is a typical Korean Oppa type handsome guy, with a slender and thin figure and a fair and clean face, which is very lethal to young women!

Except for his slightly effeminate temperament and the occasional pretentiousness of a literary youth, he has almost no shortcomings in fighting against women.

After being in the same frame with Li Yiren,

Zhou Huaijin, who was originally a little handsome, was immediately compared and looked mediocre.

In fact, Zhou Huaijin's appearance was not too high, basically the same as Lin Tian.

However, he has a more symmetrical figure, better skin, and can match clothes. He also spent a lot of money to find a foreign hairdresser to cut his hair.

After all, he is a rich second generation,

Money is still very nourishing.

Compared with Korean Oppa and rich young masters, Lin Tian is a boxer-type man with slightly rough skin but a strong figure.

His appearance is not outstanding, and he has no aesthetics and can't dress up, but his eyes are bright.

During the three years of college, there were two girls who pursued Lin Tian.

Unfortunately, Lin Tian really didn't like to press F to enter the tank.

As for Zheng Chang's appearance... a little.


After changing clothes, the four of them strolled towards the teaching building.

On the way,

Lin Tian touched the Emerald Eye in his pocket, looked at Zhou Huaijin and asked, "Jin Zi, are you familiar with any jewelry store?"

Zhou Huaijin was stunned and replied, "My family has a jewelry store."

Li Yiren couldn't help but interrupt and asked, "Isn't your company engaged in technology products? Why is it also engaged in jewelry business?"

Zhou Huaijin scratched his head and said, "My company seems to be a large group, and it is involved in a wide range of areas."

Zheng Chang leaned over and asked, "How wide is it?"

Zhou Huaijin thought for a while, "Scientific research, food, investment, resource recycling... Anyway, there are a lot of projects on hand."

Zheng Chang asked curiously, "For example? Is there any specific project content that you can tell us about?"

Zhou Huaijin touched his chin and said, "I remember when I was a child, I went to find

My dad was playing. In the morning, he was discussing the acquisition of hydrogen car patents with foreign guests. In the morning, he went to the gate of the community to sell pancakes. "

"At noon, he went back to the company to hold a board meeting to discuss which stocks to buy. In the evening, he took me to collect waste on a tricycle."

The three were silent after hearing this.

Li Yiren pondered for a moment: "Um... As an outsider, I would like to make a less professional suggestion... Can your family's food and resource recycling business be put aside for a while?"

Lin Tian added: "If it really doesn't work, let your dad find someone to take care of it! Don't let the chairman do everything himself!"

Zhou Huaijin spread his hands: "Selling pancakes and collecting waste may be my dad's hobbies... By the way, Linzi, what did you ask the jewelry store just now?"

Lin Tian then remembered the business and replied: "This time when I went up the mountain to pick mushrooms, I picked up a gem. It looks good. I want to see if I can sell it for some money. "

Hearing this, Zhou Huaijin agreed directly and said, "No problem, you come with me to the same city in the afternoon, and I will do this for you today... However, I remind you in advance that gems are only valuable in a few fine products. Most of the things you pick up in the mountains are not worth much."

While talking,

they have arrived at the teaching building.

When they entered the 201 tiered classroom on the second floor, the classroom was already crowded with people.

"I guess there is no hope in the front row, sit in the back row."

Li Yiren sighed and was about to lead the team to the back row.

Zheng Chang suddenly exclaimed, "Hey! Isn't the one sitting in the middle of the first row the class monitor? "

The other three people immediately looked over upon hearing the sound, and immediately found their class monitor Jiang Wenming.

This guy is a complete hypocrite, wandering around with a hot water cup all day, really thinking he is a big leader.

In the first and second years of college, he did not give his classmates a lot of trouble, so he was very unpopular.

When the boys in the class rushed to sign up for the open course "Business French", Jiang Wenming also posted a circle of friends to mock the boys for being useless.

Who would have thought that this guy also secretly signed up for this course, and even took up a VIP seat for watching the horse race!

"Fuck! I was wondering why I saw him sneaking out of the dormitory building last night, it turns out that he came to take a seat in advance!"

Zheng Chang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Zhou Huaijin couldn't help but twitch his face: "He came yesterday? Too perverted! This guy is really too perverted! "

The four of them sat down in the back row and were complaining about Jiang Wenming's abnormal behavior.

A beautiful blonde girl in a purple low-cut dress came in and greeted everyone with a smile in somewhat stiff Chinese: "Hello, classmates!"

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