The sky was full of stars, and the sky was full of stars.

"The meteors are flashing."

With a thought,

he moved his hands to the left and right and pulled them.


The meteor floating in the air in front of him split into two!

What he couldn't do before, he could easily do with the support of strong enough mental power.

With a thought, he split his hands again.


The two meteors split into four!

Lin Tian tried to split again.

This time, it was a bit difficult.


the four meteors split into eight smoothly!

Trying to control the eight meteors to fly at the same time, Lin Tian felt a little heavy, and the speed was much lower than when controlling a single one.

At present, it seems that it is more convenient to control four at the same time.

The feeling of controlling four is basically the same as controlling one, and the power of a single meteor will not be affected by the increase in number.

After combining the eight meteors into one,

Lin Tian tried to use "Meteor Transformation" to increase the size of the meteor.

Before, the meteor could only be enlarged to the size of an apple, but now it can be as big as a refrigerator!

In some special cases, this ability should also be of great use.

Lin Tian tried it, and he could even sit on it and control the enlarged meteor to fly with him!

This can be regarded as satisfying Lin Tian's childhood dream!

When he was a child,

Every time Lin Tian cleared the toilet, he would ride the toilet plunger and run around, imitating Harry Potter.

Every time he flew, the residual excrement on the toilet plunger would splash everywhere, and everywhere except the bedroom was covered with shit.

He was beaten for this.

After practicing the use of Meteor for another two hours on the playground, the clock struck twelve.

Lin Tian returned to the dormitory with a sense of unfulfilled desire.


The next morning,

Lin Tian and Li Yiren got up early to catch the high-speed train.

Zheng Chang and Zhou Huaijin were awakened by the noise of the two getting up.

Zhou Huaijin sat up and said in a daze: "What are you two doing?"

Li Yiren said casually while getting dressed: "Take Linzi to practice martial arts."

Zhou Huaijin wondered: "Don't striptease dances at night?"

Li Yiren: ......

Li Yiren: "Go to sleep!"

The fat man also climbed down from the bed to pee, and smiled self-righteously: "I will officially perform on stage in the evening, so I have to get up early to practice!"

Zhou Huaijin suddenly realized: "Reasonable! It's worthy of being a striptease family!"

Just saying.


Zheng Chang suddenly screamed and sat on the ground.

Hearing the noise,

the three of them hurriedly looked in the direction of Zheng Chang.

Zhou Huaijin asked: "What's wrong? Did you pee in your pants?"

Zheng Chang's face turned pale and he said: "Fuck! I think my waist twisted and I can't move!"

Hearing this, Li Yiren, who was about to put on his pants, and Lin Tian, ​​who was brushing his teeth in the toilet, hurried over.

Li Yiren came behind Zheng Chang and frowned and asked: "If you don't move, will it hurt?"

Zheng Chang shook his head: "No, but I can't move. It hurts when I move!"

Li Yiren touched Zheng Chang's lower back twice and judged: "It may be the dislocation of the coccyx. Stand up slowly and I will help you reset it."

Zheng Chang hesitated after hearing this: "No, are you sure?"

Learning about Li Yiren's identity as a medical and martial arts family, Lin Tian took the lead to guarantee: "Don't worry, if you can't cure it, it's my fault!"

Zheng Chang's face turned even paler after hearing this: " Last time when we ate grilled mushrooms, you said it was yours! "

Li Yiren said helplessly: "Have you forgotten who cured your appendicitis last time?"

Zheng Chang thought for a while and replied: "Uncle Zhao who sells grilled sweet potatoes at the school gate, he said eating grilled sweet potatoes can cure appendicitis, I ate four in one go!"

Li Yiren's mouth twitched: "I fucking massaged your acupoints for a week, and you gave the credit to Uncle Zhao, right?"

Zheng Chang hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to trust Li Yiren, and stood up slowly according to his instructions.

However, because his waist could not move, he could not stand up straight, and could only stand in the middle of the dormitory with his body bent.

"What should I do next?"

Zheng Chang asked anxiously with sweat on his forehead.

Li Yiren commanded: "Linzi, you grab his head in front, I will hold his waist in the back, and you will twist hard when I tell you."

Lin Tian nodded and took his position immediately.

Li Yiren also came behind the fat man, adjusted his position, and was about to give orders.


The door suddenly opened!

A handsome man in black

A girl with a high ponytail appeared outside the door. It was Xu Hongying!

In the dormitory, Li Yiren was holding the fat man's buttocks, and Lin Tian was pressing the fat man's head under his crotch. The three of them were maintaining a weird posture.

Her originally cold expression suddenly froze.

Seeing Zhou Huaijin's fiancée suddenly appear in the dormitory,

Lin Tian and the other two were also stunned and dared not move.

Silence lasted for a long time.

Xu Hongying pretended not to see the three people, came to Zhou Huaijin's bed, and said coldly with a stern face again: "Asshole! Get off!"

Zhou Huaijin swallowed his saliva, and the memory of being bullied since childhood suddenly flooded his mind.

He shrank into the corner and said: "What, what are you doing?"

Xu Hongying threw a stack of documents on the bed fiercely and said coldly: "It's okay that you messed around before, I don't care about you, now, we are engaged, you still do this kind of thing! Are you sick?!"

Zhou Huaijin took a look at the hotel check-in record on the file, spread his hands indifferently and said: "It's not Yingzi, we It's a marriage of interest between the two families. Is it necessary to take it so seriously? Isn't it good for you to play yours and I to play mine? There should be many handsome guys in the military! "

Xu Hongying was stunned when she heard this, and then, with red eyes, she gritted her teeth and said:

"You bastard! How dare you insult me ​​like this, believe it or not, I will chop you!"

Seeing that Xu Hongying was really anxious and was about to climb up the ladder to her bed,

Zhou Huaijin quickly admitted his fear and said: "Wrong, wrong, wrong... I was wrong! Isn't it okay if I don't mess around in the future!"

After hearing this, Xu Hongying calmed down a little and climbed down the ladder coldly.

Walking to the door of the dormitory,

she stared at Zhou Huaijin expressionlessly, and said indifferently: "Remember what you said, and..."

As she said,

she glanced at Lin Tian and the other two who were still in a weird posture: "In the future, have less contact with these improper people, especially that fat man!"


After saying that,

she slammed the door and left.

Zheng Chang wanted to cry but had no tears: "What the hell did I do wrong?"

Before he finished speaking.

Li Yiren shouted: "Push!"


The two of them turned at the same time, and Zheng Chang's coccyx returned to its original position smoothly!

After curing Zheng Chang's problem, Li Yiren looked up at Zhou Huaijin: "What are you going to do with your girlfriends?"

Zhou Huaijin said indifferently: "Keep talking. If she checks the hotel records, I will just not go to the hotel in the future!"


After the morning farce ended, Lin Tian and Li Yiren immediately rushed to Jincheng High-speed Railway Station.

When there were only three minutes left before departure,

the two successfully entered the carriage and sat in their seats.

As soon as they got on the train,

Li Yiren was a little surprised and said: "Oh, you still booked a business class?"

Lin Tian smiled: "You can't wrong anyone, but you can't wrong your brother!"

This time, the high-speed rail ticket was booked by Lin Tian.

After all, he had something to ask of Li Yiren, and he was not short of money at the moment, so Lin Tian booked two slightly more expensive business class tickets. This was also his first time sitting in a business class. Not long after he sat down, he saw the attendant began to distribute free snacks and drinks. Lin Tian took it as a buffet for buying a business class ticket and ate it up. Until the attendant told him with a wry smile that if he ate more, the passengers who got on the bus later would have nothing to eat. Lin Tian stopped. Li Yiren glanced at him and said, "Why did you suddenly become so greedy?" Lin Tian shook his head to indicate that he didn't know, and thought it was related to the increase in his Qi and blood value.

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