The next morning, he was awakened by a knock on the door.

Lin Tian, ​​who was leaning on the bedside, was about to slide down the bed by inertia after waking up!

At the moment when his body was about to fall to the ground,

his eyes suddenly widened, and his arms and legs suddenly pushed hard to the ground!



With the huge force, he flew up like a spring!

The next second.


His head broke through the wooden roof directly, and his head was stuffed into the attic on the ceiling!

After taking a look at the book "Biography of Geisha" hidden in the attic,

Lin Tian was a little confused: "Why is this old man like a hamster, hiding spiritual food everywhere!"

After a while,

he supported the ceiling with both hands and pulled his head out of the ceiling.

After landing,

he looked at his strong limbs and muttered: "The strength has increased too much at once, it seems that I still need to adapt."

Bang bang bang!

At this time, the knock on the door sounded again.

Li Yiren's somewhat hurried voice came from outside the door: "Lin Zi? What's the noise? Are you okay?"

Lin Tian hurried over and opened the door: "No problem, time to go?"

Li Yiren nodded and took a look inside.

After discovering a gap the size of a human head on the ceiling, he asked in confusion: "What's going on?"

Lin Tian thought for a moment and replied: "Well... morning erection."

Li Yiren:...

Li Yiren: "Hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth, I'll be waiting for you."

Although he didn't believe Lin Tian's lies, Li Yiren didn't ask any more questions given the tight time.

After greeting Lin Tian, ​​he immediately went to make other preparations.

Ten minutes later,

Lin Tian, ​​Li Yiren, Li Chengqian, and Li Yiren's cousin, the four of them got on a business car and started their journey to Tianhe Village.

On this trip, Li Yiren was the representative of the Li family, and Lin Tian was his accompaniment.

Li Chengqian, his brother, and Li Tianqi, his cousin, were the contestants in the competition.

Li Chengqian and Li Tianqi were both top-notch warriors of the younger generation under the Li family.

Compared to the tall and mighty Li Chengqian, Li Tianqi is slightly thinner and shorter, with a similar body shape to Lin Tian, ​​and can also be considered strong.

After the vehicle started to move,

Li Tianqi nodded to the three people, put on his headphones and listened to music, and seemed to have no intention of talking too much with the other three.

Seeing this,

Li Yiren could only chat with the two of his family.


After a full five-hour drive.

The four finally arrived at a pier.

After getting off the pier,

several young people in uniform black Tang suits came to greet them immediately.

The leading young man saluted respectfully and smiled, "The boat to Tianhe Manor has been prepared for you all, and you can set off at any time."

Lin Tian was stunned when he heard this, and tilted his head to look at Li Yiren and asked, "Do we still have to take a boat?"

Li Yiren followed the young man in the black Tang suit and answered, "Tianhe Manor is on Tianhe Island, so we have to take a boat."

A few minutes later,

Lin Tian and the other four boarded a small cruise ship.

On the cruise ship,

In addition to the four people, there was also a well-proportioned young man.

The young man looked about 27 or 28 years old, with a fair face and dyed red hair, looking quite fashionable.

He was wearing a classic white shirt, a brown vest, and a camera hanging on his chest, and was throwing candy beans into his mouth.

Seeing Lin Tian and his companions boarding the boat,

he took the initiative to stand up, put away the candy beans, narrowed his eyes into a slit, and greeted with a smile: "You should all be the masters of the Li family! Come and sit down!"

Seeing that the other party took the initiative to greet,

Li Yiren, as the representative of the Li family on this trip, naturally could not lose his manners, and immediately bowed and said: "You sit down too! May I ask who you are..."

The red-haired guy narrowed his eyes and smiled: "My name is Qiu Xiaoren, a reporter from the Chinese Wushu Newspaper. I was invited to come here to record the actual situation of the Tianhe Manor gathering."

Li Yiren stepped forward to shake hands and smiled: "Reporter Qiu! I'm sorry!"

After some politeness,

the five people sat down.

Li Yiren asked in a low voice in Li Chengqian's ear with some suspicion: "Brother Chengqian, how did this reporter know that we are from the Li family?"

Li Chengqian didn't care, and answered casually: "Maybe Tianhe Manor gave the newspaper information about us."

The boat started to move soon.

Midway, twelve o'clock.

The cruise ship staff started

The food was served and a simple lunch was provided for several people.

After eating, there was nothing to do.

Lin Tian came to the unmanned deck on the second floor and continued to practice the "Prison Locking Evil Dragon Art" course.

Before the two classes were finished,

a small island appeared at the edge of the field of vision.

There were many similar cruise ships docked around the island. It seemed that this island was the legendary Tianhe Island!

Ten minutes later, the cruise ship docked.

After the five people got off the boat, Qiu Xiaoren, a reporter from the Chinese Wushu Newspaper, was the first to bow and say goodbye.

Seeing Li Yiren and his team arrive, many family representatives who had friendship with the Beihe Li family immediately stepped forward and bowed to greet them.

After another round of tedious courtesy, everyone finally went deep into the island and entered Tianhe Manor under the leadership of the Tianhe Island reception staff.

The so-called Tianhe Manor is not a Chinese pastoral building complex like the Li Family Manor, but more like a modern hotel resort.

At the entrance,

A huge stone nearly 20 meters high was placed against the gate.

In the center of the huge stone, a poem was engraved.

[The breeze blows through the ages, and the traces are as high as the stars]

These two sentences are from Li Bai's "Recalling the Past and Giving to Jiangyang Mayor Lu Diao".

Lin Tian asked curiously: "What's the matter with this stone?"

Li Yiren smiled and answered: "It is said that this stone was here when Tianhe Manor was founded. As for the poem on the stone, it was left by Bi Qingfeng, the most powerful legendary figure in the modern Chinese martial arts world."

"It is said that this Bi Qingfeng is still alive. He is now over 140 years old and is practicing in a secret place."

Lin Tian sighed: "There are still such masters in the world!"

Walking into the gate of Tianhe Manor,

Inside, there are several luxurious buildings.

In the center surrounded by buildings, a medium-sized stadium is also built.

In addition to the conventional plastic track, the stadium also has a group of wooden piles and weapon racks.

On the east side of the stadium, there is a wide sandy land with a large number of fighting rings standing on the sandy land!

Li Yiren pointed to the ring and said: "The annual martial arts competition is held on that ring. All contestants will compete in pairs until the final winner is determined and receives the generous prizes prepared by the organizer of Tianhe Manor."

"In addition to the final winner, the other top eight contestants will also receive rewards, and the family forces of the eight contestants will also be named the 'Eight Major Sects of the Year' and gain great reputation in the martial arts world."

Lin Tian absorbed the information and nodded slowly, then looked at Li Yiren and asked: "How many family forces participate in the competition every year?"

Li Yiren thought for a while and shook his head: "It depends on the criteria for Tianhe Manor to issue invitations every year."

Lin Tian asked again: "What was the Li family's previous ranking?"

Li Yiren pondered for a moment: "It depends on how many family forces participate in the competition every year."

Lin Tian tilted his head and thought: "... So the Li family is always at the bottom!?"

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