The question was asked, but seeing Li Yiren's serious expression, Li Chengqian was stunned, but he quickly recalled: "It seems... it seems that he left! When I was standing, he opened the door and went out for a while." Li Yiren hurriedly asked: "How long was he out?" Li Chengqian thought for a while and replied: "Two or three minutes, anyway, it must not exceed three minutes." After getting this answer, Li Yiren and Lin Tian were both stunned. If Li Tianqi only left the room for no more than three minutes, then who was the figure they had been chasing for a long time before? As he was talking, the door suddenly opened. Li Tianqi had headphones hanging around his neck, and he looked out and said, "What's wrong? Is there anything I can't listen to?"

Li Yiren and Li Tianqi looked at each other and said casually, "Ye Runhe is dead, and the murderer is still on the island. I just came to remind you, be careful."

After that,

he pulled Lin Tian back to their room.

After entering the room,

Lin Tian sat on the wooden horse by the window, shaking and saying, "Since Li Tianqi never left the room for more than three minutes, that is to say, the person we chased downstairs at that time was not Li Tianqi."

"If Li Tianqi didn't go downstairs, then whether it was killing Ye Runhe or sending a letter to Zhao Tianhe, he didn't have time to commit the crime. From this, it can be basically inferred that Li Tianqi has nothing to do with this case. Now you can rest assured, right?"

Li Yiren looked at Lin Tian, ​​and after a moment of silence, he suddenly said, "The color is wrong."

Lin Tian was stunned: "What?"

Li Yiren narrowed his eyes and continued: "The color of the headphones is wrong."

"The headphones that Li Tianqi was wearing around his neck just now were purple, and they were clearly green before."

"The reason why I misjudged that figure as Li Tianqi before was because that figure was wearing headphones that glowed green."

Lin Tian frowned: "So, what you mean is... that figure took away Li Tianqi's green headphones?"

Li Yiren nodded, rubbed his temples and said: "If he left the room for two or three minutes, he met someone and gave his headphones to this person , then who is this person? What is the purpose of passing the headphones? "

Lin Tian saw that Li Yiren's speculation was becoming more and more bizarre, and couldn't help but persuade him: "Are you thinking too much?"

"Maybe the green light on the figure is not Li Tianqi's headphones at all."

"And Li Tianqi just happened to have two headphones, one for daytime and one for nighttime."

Li Yiren shook his head to deny Lin Tian's idea: "Who would prepare two headphones for different time periods?"

Lin Tian immediately gave an example: "Isn't Zhou Huaijin the same? Wearing in the morning Cloth underwear, silk underwear in the afternoon, you can't just judge that Zhou Huaijin took off his cloth underwear at noon and secretly gave it to others to wear based on this point, right? "

Li Yiren:......

Li Yiren: "Can this be the same thing?"

I really can't figure it out,

Li Yiren leaned against the wall with a headache: "Anyway, I have to listen to the movement next door. If he is really related to the murderer of Ye Runhe, I must find a way to stop him from getting deeper and deeper."

While talking,

his head was dizzy and his body was shaking.

It seemed that he was about to fall.

Lin Tian hurried over to hug him, put him on the bed and said: "You go to sleep first, I'll keep an eye on you, and I'll wake you up if there is any situation."

"Thanks, brother." Li Yiren closed his eyes heavily.

Since last night, he has been preparing the itinerary and information for this trip, and he didn't sleep well all night.

Today is another busy day. I just ran outside in the rain. I can't stand it anymore.

Seeing Li Yiren fall asleep on the bed, Lin Tian took out his mobile phone and opened HEEP.

"The situation on this island is getting more and more complicated. We may encounter danger next. We have to continue to improve our strength as much as possible."

Although Lin Tian knew that he already had some strength.

But facing completely unknown dangers, he still raised 120 points of vigilance.

Enter the course selection interface of HEEP.

After collecting all the books on the first floor of Tianhezhuang Book House, Lin Tian's martial arts points have reached 6100 points!

Such a large number of martial arts points can unlock the most advanced ancient magic martial arts courses on the HEEP application!

(Martial arts course level: entry

=Entry level, elementary, intermediate, advanced, top level, secret level, magic level, ancient magic level)

Considering that his current blood strength is high enough, and his moves are supported by the two martial arts of Prison Lock Fist and Evil Dragon Sword,

Lin Tian plans to unlock a light skill course or an internal skill course when browsing new courses.

Seeing that there are basically no light skill courses in the ancient magic level courses, but internal skills courses account for more than half.

Lin Tian began to screen these internal skills courses.

About ten minutes passed.

He finally found an internal skill course that he liked!

"Nine Thousand Universe Secrets"!

This internal skill,

is the internal skill that he can unlock at present, and it requires the highest martial arts points!

The most expensive is not necessarily the best, but it will definitely not be bad.

Lin Tian did not hesitate too much, and immediately unlocked the course after choosing it and started learning.

The shadow of the "criminal suspect" appeared on the screen again and began to lead Lin Tian to practice this internal skill.

"The first action, press the tongue against the palate, sink the qi into the dantian..."

"The second action, press and rub the temples and scrape the eye sockets..."

"The third action, silently recite the multiplication formula..."

"The fourth action, cross your hands over your abdomen, and push your shoulders to the right front..."


[Training is over, take a break! ]

More than ten minutes later,

Lin Tian successfully completed the first follow-up study of the "Nine Thousand Universe Secrets" course.

A very strange cool air flow suddenly flowed into his body from his fingertips at this moment, and finally gathered in the dantian.

After the air flow appeared,

Lin Tian raised his hands and feet, as long as he moved his mind, he could activate this air flow to bless the part that was exerting force, and enhance the force of exertion.

"Is this the internal skill?"

Feeling the effect of the practice, Lin Tian felt a little magical.

He lowered his head and looked at the mobile phone screen.

[Congratulations on completing the "Nine Thousand Universes" course]

[Reward: Internal Force +100! ]

[Current Internal Force: 100 (the average internal force value of a normal internal force practitioner increases by 10 points per year)]

Lin Tian roughly calculated.

The internal force value increase he gained from studying the "Nine Thousand Universes" course once is equivalent to the skill of a normal internal force practitioner for ten years!

And this "Nine Thousand Universes" course has a full 99 classes!

After learning all of them, his internal force value can be increased to at least 9900 points, which is equivalent to the skill of a normal internal force practitioner for nearly a thousand years? !

Crisis is the best motivator.

In order to ensure the personal safety of himself and Li Yiren, Lin Tian began to study the course uninterruptedly.

Even though it was already late at night, he was very sleepy, but he did not slack off in his actions. He did eye exercises for a while and recited multiplication formulas for a while.

Until four o'clock in the morning,

He completed the study of the 30th course!

[Congratulations on completing the "Nine Thousand Universes" course]

[Received a reward: Internal Force +100! ]

[Your "Nine Thousand Universes" cultivation has been upgraded to the third level]

[Additional reward: 3000 internal force points]

[Current internal force value: 6000 (the average internal force value of a normal internal force practitioner increases by 10 points per year)]

At this time,

His internal force value has reached 6000 points!

Equivalent to the cultivation of an ordinary internal force practitioner for 600 years!

With a casual wave of his hand, a huge airflow like a river passed through his arms and palms.

Lin Tian felt that if he were to use his internal force now, he only needed to extend his fingers and touch it lightly, and he could blast the wall in front of him into pieces!

He wiped his face,

Just when he was about to continue studying the course despite his sleepiness.


He vaguely heard a gust of wind.

Looking around the room, he found no leaks.

Lin Tian suddenly widened his eyes, opened the window and looked out.

He saw that the window of Li Tianqi's room next door was wide open, and wind was blowing in through the window.

Realizing that Li Tianqi might have jumped from the window,

he hurriedly shook Li Yiren and said, "Brother! Something's happening!"

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