After swallowing the Qi-boosting powder, Li Tianqi's body began to turn red and his body swelled slightly. A large amount of internal energy began to flow uncontrollably in his body, and his eyes were even stained with a layer of scarlet. Zhao Tianhe shouted sternly: "Boy, do you know the consequences of swallowing Qi-boosting powder? Once you start swallowing Qi-boosting powder, you can't stop. Every time you take it, it will damage your body's foundation and greatly shorten your life. If you don't want to die, spit it out quickly!" Li Tianqi laughed strangely when he heard this: "As long as I can avenge my father, I will die here immediately without any complaints!" As the voice fell, Li Tianqi disappeared on the spot. Whoosh! With a sound of tearing air, he rushed towards Zhao Tianhe again at a faster speed!

Zhao Tianhe saw this and knew that no matter what he said at this time, Li Tianqi would not listen.

So he stopped talking, activated his internal force, and became completely serious.

Facing Li Tianqi who was coming head-on,

Zhao Tianhe took a half step back with his right leg and pressed his left hand down suddenly!



With just one move, Li Tianqi, who was as fast as the wind and as fierce as a tiger, was pressed to the ground with a palm!

Even though Li Tianqi's strength was already not to be underestimated, even though he swallowed the Qi-boosting powder and his strength temporarily soared again.

But facing the real martial arts legend Zhao Tianhe, he still had no power to resist!

Li Tianqi was pinned to the ground and his movements were controlled.

Zhao Tianhe then slowly said: "I swear in the name of Tianhe Manor Master that your father's death was not caused by me."

Li Tianqi struggled desperately and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Then why did he get seriously ill after returning from Tianhe Island? Why didn't he say anything until he died? What was the cause of his serious illness?"

"All the evidence I have collected over the years points to you! It's you. You are jealous of my father's martial arts talent and are afraid that my father will surpass you in the future, so you poisoned my father!"

Zhao Tianhe heard this and was about to continue explaining.

At this time,

Li Yiren and Lin Tian arrived.

Hearing Li Tianqi's roaring question,

Li Yiren hurried forward and said: "Cousin, the death of Fourth Uncle was indeed not caused by Master Zhao!"

Hearing Li Yiren's voice, Li Tianqi froze and looked at the two people with squinted eyes: "What are you doing here?!"

Li Yiren took a deep breath and said: "I am here to prevent you from making a big mistake!"

"The reason why I didn't tell you the cause of Fourth Uncle's illness is not because I am worried that you will seek revenge from Master Zhao, but because..."

Speaking of this,

Zhao Tianhe sighed and interrupted Li Yiren: "Since things have come to this point, let me tell you personally about the situation back then. The reason why your father was seriously ill after returning from me was largely related to my deceased ex-wife."

Li Tianqi was stunned when he heard this.

Lin Tian couldn't help but guess when he heard this: "Could it be that Li Tianqi's father was sick because of love? His father fell in love with Zhao Tianhe's ex-wife?"

Zhao Tianhe paused for a moment and then continued: "That time he came to the island to find me, we discussed martial arts as usual, drank and chatted, and had a great time. Who would have thought that he drank more and more, and your father couldn't stop drinking. After drinking until late at night, he insisted on having a midnight snack and drank until dawn."

Lin Tian guessed again when he heard this: "Could it be that his father was sick because of excessive drinking and alcohol poisoning?"

Zhao Tianhe continued: "My ex-wife heard that we were going to have a midnight snack, and she immediately started to prepare it and cooked it herself. The steamed buns she made were always unique, and the filling of the buns used a plant unique to the island. This plant The wild plants can greatly stimulate the fragrance of the fillings. "

After listening to this, Lin Tian suddenly realized: "Could it be that Li Tianqi's father is allergic to this wild plant? So he got seriously ill after eating it?"

Zhao Tianhe glanced at Lin Tian, ​​paused for a long time, and then told the real reason why Li Tianqi's father was seriously ill: "Because the buns were too delicious, and your father drank too much and was a little unconscious, he ate 38 buns in this meal, and his gastrointestinal function was seriously damaged after eating!"

"Later, I went to the hospital for a check-up and said that it was a serious gastric perforation and intestinal damage, which modern medicine could not cure."

"So, your father..."

Hearing this,

Li Tianqi's expression was dull and he collapsed on the ground.

Lin Tian was also dumbfounded.

He never thought that

Li Tianqi's father, Li Chengbiao, was actually killed by eating buns!

It seems that he can't accept this absurd explanation.

, Li Tianqi raised his head with all his strength and looked at Li Yiren for verification.

Li Yiren sighed deeply and nodded helplessly: "I know you definitely don't want to believe it, but this is the fact. After your father came back, he described the situation of the day in detail when he went to my father for treatment."

"The reason why he didn't tell others the truth is because he himself was unwilling to accept such a fact, and he was even more unwilling to let his son who had admired him since childhood know this fact. He just wanted to die decently and die with the title of the first martial arts genius of the Li family."

"His original intention was to keep a perfect father image for you, but who would have thought that this point was used by people with ulterior motives, and coupled with your introverted personality, you don't communicate with your family if you have any worries, so it led to today's big mistake!"

Li Tianqi fell silent.

After a moment,

He began to giggle.

After a while,

He started to struggle frantically again, his eyes were bloodshot, and he shouted at all his might: "Do you really think I will believe these stupid words? You are in the same group! You just don't want to see me avenge my father, I will kill you! I will kill..."


The roar suddenly stopped.

A mouthful of thick black blood spurted out of Li Tianqi's mouth!

Li Yiren was shocked when he saw this, and hurried forward to check.

But Zhao Tianhe reached out to stop him, and shook his head with compassion: "This is the side effect of Qi-inducing powder. It seems that he has been taking Qi-inducing powder for a long time. He coughed up blood to this extent, and basically there is no hope."

"In order to prevent him from losing consciousness and hurting you in a desperate fight, you'd better not come close."

Li Yiren heard this and immediately remembered the scene of finding red powder in the room before, and said with a gloomy face: "Is there no way to cure it?"

Zhao Tianhe shook his head silently

Just as the three of them were watching the blood pouring out of Li Tianqi's mouth and his eyes rolling back.

In the rain,

Another brisk footsteps sounded.

The three of them moved their eyes at the same time.

They saw,

Qiu Xiaoren, wearing a bright red raincoat, was full of blood. He was holding a bunch of things in one hand and throwing red sugar beans high in the air with the other hand.

He raised his head to catch the sugar beans while walking over leisurely.

When he approached,

The pupils of the three of them suddenly contracted!

Qiu Xiaoren was holding eight bloody heads!

The original owners of these eight heads were the eight top martial arts masters who were supposed to be on standby in the hotel conference room!

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