The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

Lin Tian was stunned when he heard this and looked back.

He saw a courier riding a small electric donkey, wearing a black "Tianming Express" costume and blue sci-fi goggles looking at him.

Seeing Lin Tian turn his head,

The courier took off his goggles, smiled politely, and immediately handed a large cube box about one cubic meter in size to Lin Tian.

"Tianming Express? I haven't heard of this courier company. What did you buy?"

Zheng Chang came over and asked.

Lin Tian took the big box and said casually: "A good treasure that can help me reach the peak."

Zheng Chang was stunned and looked at the big box: "Another silicone doll?!"

Lin Tian:......

Seeing that the courier looked at him with a strange look,

Lin Tian ignored the fat man with a dark face.

After taking the big box,

he followed the courier's instructions and stretched out his finger to press the fingerprint on the courier's tablet computer to indicate that he had signed for it.

The courier put on his goggles again and smiled politely again:

"If you are satisfied with my service, please give me a five-star praise on the order interface. Thank you and goodbye!"

After saying this set of formulaic words,

the courier immediately rode his electric donkey and galloped away into the distance.

Lin Tian looked at the courier's back and was amazed in his heart:

"It turns out that the things I got from the mutant shopping app will also be delivered by courier!"

"However, this courier seems to be a mutant version."

"Tianming Express... It should be a courier company from another world. This courier is likely to have traveled from another world."

Lin Tian turned his head and was about to return to the dormitory with a big box to check the items inside.


He seemed to have thought of something and his expression was stunned.

The next second,

Under Zheng Chang's puzzled gaze.

He turned back suddenly, his figure turned into a residual image, and quickly chased in the direction the courier left.

"Since this courier came from another world, he must have a way to travel to other worlds!"

"If I can use the courier to travel to other worlds, can my mutant version of "flash delivery" come in handy?"

Thoughts flashed quickly in Lin Tian's mind.

Running at full speed,

His body was faster than his thoughts!

In just a few seconds, he came to less than 20 meters behind the courier.

Just as the courier turned into an empty alley, a black space crack suddenly appeared at the end of the alley!

The courier slightly turned the throttle, and the whole electric donkey floated up as if it had escaped gravity, and was suddenly sucked into the space crack.

Lin Tian, ​​who was chasing after him at an extremely fast speed, also suddenly got into the crack under the influence of this suction!


After a moment of dizziness.

Lin Tian sat up straight and suddenly found that he appeared on a three-wheeled courier.

Looking to the left, outside the left window, there were illusory and distorted planetary patterns floating everywhere, and the scene was very psychedelic.

Looking to the right, the courier boy just sitting on the right was staring at Lin Tian with a dull look on his face.

After a moment of silence.

The courier boy asked expressionlessly: "You... are not a buddy! Why did you come in? Didn't I already give you your package?"

Lin Tian scratched his head and smiled: "Well, can I ask you for a favor? I want to go to other worlds for a stroll. Can you give me a ride?"

The courier boy immediately shook his head: "No, driving a courier car to carry passengers is strictly prohibited by the company. If I am caught, I will be fined!"

Lin Tian thought for a while and said: "Just say I am not a guest, but an object you want to deliver."

The courier boy frowned: "What object?"

Lin Tian replied: "A customized version of the AI ​​intelligent mechanical sword servant with channel heating."

Courier boy:......

Courier boy was speechless: "Who the hell would customize a mechanical sword servant like you, and which channel of yours needs to be heated!"

Take a deep breath and calm down.

The courier boy's expression became serious, and he pointed at the empty space under the car and said: "Get down quickly!"

Lin Tian asked tentatively: "You can return to Earth by jumping off the car, right?"

The courier boy shook his head: "If you go down, you will be twisted into cosmic particles by space ripples."

Lin Tian's mouth twitched: "Then I'll get off the chicken! Let me get off the car, you have to at least open the door back to Earth for me, right?"


The delivery guy said unhappily: "Do you think the door to the world can be opened at any time? Do you know how much a world key is worth?"

"You broke in for no reason, why should I pay for your recklessness?"

Lin Tian was stunned and said: "So... the situation is deadlocked here now?"

The delivery guy sighed and took out a paper-thin electronic screen helplessly and said:

"I will contact the company and let the company handle it."

"Although I will definitely be deducted from my salary if something like this happens, it is better than letting me go in with a world key!"

Seeing that the delivery guy was reluctant to contact his boss,

Lin Tian's eyes slightly He turned slightly, and quickly grabbed him and said: "You will be punished anyway, so why not cooperate with me!"

"If you are lucky, not only will you not be punished, but you can also make some extra money!"

The courier frowned when he heard this: "How to cooperate?"

Lin Tian smiled and said: "You take me to other worlds first, and when I finish my business, I will place an express order to Earth through you, and then you can bring me back. At that time, the money for the world key should be paid by your company, right?"

The courier sucked his teeth, thought about the probability of being found out for illegal passenger transportation and the severity of the punishment, and felt that Lin Tian's proposal was indeed cost-effective.

But considering another key point, he shook his head again and said:

"My sailing route is also fixed by the company. I can't take you to where you want to go! Changing the route without permission is against the law!"

Lin Tian shook his head and smiled: "It doesn't matter, I will follow your route and go to any world as long as it is the territory of the Destiny Empire."

The courier was a little moved: "That's not a problem. In my trip, except for the earth, the rest are the territories of the Destiny Empire."

After saying this,

The courier began to look at Lin Tian again, rubbing his fingers and smiling: "Then about the extra money you mentioned..."

Lin Tian waved his hand and said: "As for the Destiny Coin, I don't have it now, but I will have it after this trip. Don't worry, I will never lose you!"

When he heard that Lin Tian had no cash,

the courier hesitated again.

After thinking about it,

he put on the blue goggles again, and after aiming at Lin Tian, ​​he pressed the left survey button.

After discovering through the goggles that Lin Tian's life force and energy intensity were unusually high,

he was slightly surprised, then slowly nodded and said: "I can accept the cooperation you mentioned, but there are a few things that need to be clarified first."

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