Mochiron, Isharyōseikyū Itashimasu!

Demon teacher of swordsmanship at Demon Academy

The door opens and the footsteps sound.

Coming all the way to the front of the lecture with some gait free walking, he has gray hair and pigmentless eyes.

As the swordswallowing gaze turned forward as if intimidating, the students trembled.

Quiet, he says.

"It's Sin Reglia. Starting today, I will be teaching swordsmanship at this Demon King's College."

Mass stares at Singh.

"... father...?

Hmm. In that way, didn't you know Singh would lecture at Demon King's College?

If you think the distance has narrowed at the ceremony of the Rebirth of the Demon King, how can you say that?

"Hey. Sin Legria, and that face... no matter how you look at it, it's the right arm of the Demon King, right?

"Ugh, yeah. Besides, wasn't he the Spirit King now?

"Surely, there is an alias" Thousand Swords, "which uses a thousand demon swords.

"And two thousand years ago, they said he was the strongest swordsman of the Demon Clan."

"... are you serious... such a tremendous person will be in charge of coaching swordsmanship..."

"After all, is it the arrival of Master Anos...?

The students are all surprised that Singh, called even the right arm of the Demon King and also King of the Spirit, will be in charge of the lecturer.

"Kakkaka, are you surprised, Omae? The proximity of that tyrannical demon king will guide you through the sword. You've never had a better chance! More!"

As the aledmead twirled, he spun the wand, pointing its tip at the students with Bishy.

"The Demon King's College plans to establish a system of cooperation with the Spirit's school building (Mamaya) to hold a sitting and trial by the Great Tree Eniyunien of Education. The conversation is also moving towards arranging a special instructor who can learn how to deal with spiritual magic and its applications. In addition, there will be detailed individual instruction by the demons two thousand years ago. Extremely!

Grabbing his fist all the way, Yale Domed hoists his nibbles and lips.

"We have the highest instructors, new and special classes, who deserve to teach the Demon King more than anyone else. It's called..."

Leaping to the spot, the dying king rang his feet with Dan, and said softly.

"It's Big, Demon, King, Coach, Coach! Now Omae and the others have been promised the way to the Demon King."

After a tremendous gesture, the Death King corrected his posture and now began to speak calmly.

"Regardless, this magical lecture and practice by the King of Death will, from day to day, knock the abyss into his body with a snare. Now that the Demon King is reincarnated, why has the Demon King's College prepared such a generous curriculum?

The Pippy Death King pointed to one student with a cane.

"Omae in black there, try to answer"

White and black clothes from Demon King's College have no particular significance today.

The system of white clothing because it is mixed and black clothing because it is royal has been abolished, and the students are each free to choose their uniform.

Nevertheless, the sun is still shallow since it was changed. As a result, most students wore uniforms of the same colour as before.

White and black clothes were one of the bad things about this dillheid.

Nevertheless, where the uniform itself has been abolished and the colour changed, what can be changed?

The key is the will, whether it's black or white.

Of course there was an opinion to abolish white and black clothes, but I dared to leave this uniform, which divided the Demons into two parts, as a precept.

"What's up? It's Omae. Answer me."

"... that, because the Demon King was reincarnated, he was able to gather talented people?

The student answered with no confidence.

Then, Yale Domed laughed nicely.

"Exactly! That means Anos, the Demon King, who can use all this talent for education! I know, Omae knows."

The relieved students seemed happy somewhere.

"But that's not all. It is only with the hope of the Demon King that talent has been gathered, but it is there that I want to know why we will invest in education."

Alemade was a wand and again pointed to the student.


"... hey, hey... I don't know..."

"No, I know. Omae would know. Let's think about it a little bit more. If you invest in education and if you can't, where does the difference come from?

Students annoy their heads, yeah, and squeal softly.

"... in the future...?

"Future. Yes, the future. In other words, the Demon King thought about investing in education for the future, for the future. Correct. Isn't that wonderful?"

Praised by Yale Domed, the students looked like they had gained confidence.

"Okay, let's ask one more thing. Why focus on the future?

"... as it is now, you mean no...?

"Yes, yes, yes. It can't be what it is."

Yeah, yeah, and nodded again and again, and the King of Death glanced at him.

"Why not?

"... that's a little..."

"No, you'll see. If you're an Omae, you'll see. What's missing? What do you think the Demon King is missing? What's in the Demon King and not in the Omaes?

"... I think it's all..."

Yale Domed rotated his wand and pointed to the student again.

"Correct. Isn't that great? Yes, it's not enough, anything. The Omaes don't have enough power, wisdom, knowledge, magic skills, anything. But you have nothing to be ashamed of. Omae knows that."

Tan and the dying king lay his staff on the floor.

"The Demon King needs someone who can be the enemy of the Demon King - Ugh...!

Yale Domed holds his throat down with his left hand for a long time.

It's as if it's tightened to something you can't see.

It has the effect of not defying me.

"... let, Doctor...? Are you all right, sir?

"Ah, gu... oh, whoa... I have a story to say about enemies. To be precise, yes, we need those who stand in line, those who can compete! You can be incisive, yes, there are good enemies (competitors)!

By rephrasing, he was freed from < contract (zect) > and Yale Domed corrected his posture.

"Then it's a question again. Is it easy to keep the peace?

"... I don't think it's easy..."

"Exactly. So why isn't it easy?

"…… because it is a country and a country, is it"

"If it's a country and a country, why can't we keep the peace?

Students shut up.

"Let's change the story a little bit. Has Omae ever had a fight with a friend?

"It's, well"


"... that, hey. They said they were going to join another squad, not my squad, and they argued..."

"Is that about it? Weren't you my friend?

"... I'm a friend, so, uh, I thought I'd try my best in the squad with you... so I felt betrayed... and, of course, we made up..."

Niyali, and Yale Domed laughs, pointing at the student with a cane.

"I thought I was betrayed. But my friend had a reason to want to join another squad, and I thought Omae would understand? On the contrary, didn't you think so? How can you not understand me?"

"... yes, I think it was... it was something I could tell from the thought..."

"So why don't we put the Omaes' fights between countries"

all the time the students gave the same look they noticed.

"... ah. Uh, with all due respect to yourself... so, um, in your own circumstances, do you feel like, at some point, you're violating the peace of another country when you try to maintain your own peace...?

"Exactly! Wonderful, don't you still know? They say that the relationship between the country and the country is difficult, but if you stick it out, in the end, it is difficult to have a people-to-people relationship. The Omaes fight. Even with friends, lovers and strangers. A country is a collection of each and every one of its Omaes. At the earliest possible moment, it's one giant creature, a chaotic consciousness that can't even grasp its full content."

Yale Domed makes a delightful peek at the grin.

"There's no way that something like this won't be disputed!

He twirls his wand and slaps the floor in a ton.

"So Anos the Demon King will invest in this Demon King College. I don't see it as chaos, even if I try to see the country. Even his demonic eyes can't see the country. That's why you look at people and nurture each and every one of them carefully. according to the belief that the country is a person"

One of us stopped the fight by doing everything we could. That's not peace.

Even when I divided the world into four parts, there was just no dispute.

True peace is still a long way off.

"I believe that by giving strength, wisdom and knowledge to all the Omaes, the country will eventually be better and we will eventually be able to avoid the crisis of the nation we visit, the crisis of the world and the great strife. Kakaka, what a tunnel, isn't it a distant ideal"

Kakkaka, and Yale Domed laughs off.

"But it's funny! It's not exactly the demon king who challenges the impossible! Until the dream was broken, this dying king made a covenant to teach here. Ask the Omaes to grow up fine with everything. Still, it should be noted that that demon king will grow even bigger for a time when he finds out there will be a dispute!

Generally speaking, the deal with Yale Domade is exactly what he just said.

The Divine Nation is true to its promises, but also, it does not know how much it adapts to the demigod demigod's dying king.

Then I'd rather make a suggestion that he'd be interested in than be loyal to me. Because it makes sense that things like those held down by force will eventually break.

It makes sense that I dived into this school looking like a child and checked the results of my education in the student's shoes.

If you are known as the Demon King, few students and teachers will speak for themselves.

"Based on the above, I'm a swordsmanship coach in the arena today. Dr. Singh, if you have something to say before the coach, why don't you say it here?

"Right. It's my first day, so there's only one thing anyone can do."

Sin said as a matter of course.

"For once, I want you all to die."

Students in the classroom reacted sissy and bloody.

"If possible, twice"

And, Singh added.

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