Modern Cultivation Record

Chapter 43: Human response

Ye Feng will get acquainted with the map, and then get familiar with the shortcut keys, in case he doesn't know how to press it.

"This is the shortcut key for the dagger, the shortcut key for picking up the gun, switching between weapons, um, and the scope, ah, I forgot to set the mouse sensitivity. The uncle said that you need to set a suitable sensitivity." Ye Feng murmured while playing.

   Duan Yuming and several people were sitting next to them. Hearing his muttering, there was a burst of sweat. I’m not familiar with the shortcut keys either. It’s a shame, forget it, forget it, just play it. The nervousness of everyone was wiped out, and the battle was regarded as ordinary entertainment.

   Ye Feng did not expect that his rookie behavior allowed his teammates around him to eliminate the nervousness of the game and perform better than before.

  En, the shortcut keys are almost familiar.

   It seems that if you want to win, you can try the flash mirror method that the uncle said.

   Since the foundation was successfully built, I have not tried to play games with the ability of monasticism.

   "My advantage is that the reaction is fast enough, and the reaction action is fast enough, and the hit rate is almost okay after a good practice." Ye Feng analyzed in his heart.

   The reaction speed of a normal person is about 0.2 seconds, the fast reaction can reach between 0.1 and 0.2, and the slow reaction may be 0.3 or more. In addition to skills and experience, the gap between masters and rookies playing CS is actually the difference in personal response capabilities.

   Ye Feng holding a sniper rifle, walked out of the corner. No, there are two people, and each of them has an AK-47.

  AK-47, special gun for bandits, good at shooting.

   Ye Feng intuitively sensed the danger, pointed at a person and quickly opened the mirror, lightly left-clicked, and then jumped to the right.

   "Bang!" "DaDaDa"

   Ye Feng and them fired almost at the same time, but it was only a few tenths of a second faster than them. One of them was resolved. The mouse sensitivity was not suitable. Before the other one shot out, the flashing mirror shot and was killed by one person.

   "It seems that people who play CS really react faster than ordinary people. If you don't concentrate, they are really easy to make mistakes." Ye Feng compared his previous experience and discovered this fact. However, they are just a little faster than ordinary people.

   Human reactions are divided into instinctive reactions to danger and reactions to actions. Some people react quickly instinctively, but cannot effectively make movements, and their body cannot keep up with the reaction; some people have better physical fitness and move fast enough, but the instinctive reaction is not fast enough.

For example, if a policeman sees a bandit in front of you with a gun pointing at you and is about to shoot, your brain tells you that it is dangerous, hurry up and avoid it. The brain's commands are transmitted to your feet through the nerve center, but your feet are too late. Reaction, so you were killed by the bandits.

   Trained people, when the brain feels dangerous, it will tell you to dodge or fight back. Then you react, your legs run as fast as you can to dodge, or the bandit is shot and killed. This is the difference between training and untraining. In the shootout film, why a policeman can kill more than a dozen enemies depends on the usual reaction training and physical fitness training, which can react to danger as quickly as possible, and can make movements with his own body.

   "Reaction training and physical fitness exercise are the factors that restrict a master, including gamers, racers, police, and warriors." Ye Feng understands how important a person's response is.

After repeated training for CS masters, the reaction time can be slightly increased, and the increase is almost unnoticeable. After all, it happens in one second, but the most important effect of training is to enable them to make corresponding actions. It's much better than ordinary people.

"Top masters have a good instinctual talent, coupled with hard work, improve physical fitness, so that the body can keep up with the reaction, and then increase the hit rate to become a master in the eyes of others. After the foundation, my current reaction is absolutely superb , Coupled with superb physical fitness, as long as I improve my shooting rate and learn more skills and experience, I will definitely be able to play CS very well.” Ye Feng felt that today’s game might help Duan Yuming and the others turn defeat into victory.

   In the twelfth inning, Duan Yuming and his team played super-level, but they still lost by a slight gap, with a score of 5:8.

   "A rookie is a rookie, do you still count on him to perform miracles?" Long Mao said with contempt.

   "Where can there be so many miracles in this world, they are not Chinese cabbage on the street."

   "I imitate my brother, I know how to make a cup of coffee!" After the spectator lit a cigarette, he spit out a smoke ring and pretended to be B.


   No matter how others criticized, Ye Feng ignored them, but Duan Yuming was a little uncomfortable, and their faces were not pretty.

   Boss Xu stood in the back, smiling without saying a word. It can be said that he is also an old world in CS, and he has quite a lot of experience. He saw that Ye Feng hadn't exerted his true strength, and that Ye Feng didn't seem to have been playing for a long time, which was somewhat intriguing.

  The 13th round begins

"If you lose another round, we will lose completely. The map is almost familiar, and the sensitivity has been re-adjusted. This time, we need to concentrate." Ye Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of real luck was on his eyes. This time Let's be real.

"This reaction is not simply a qualitative change through You are just the reaction of ordinary people. There is an essential difference between me and you." Ye Feng remembered that he had asked too. Suddenly the question of his reaction.

   That was when Zhang Feng was being taught in Jiangnan City. When fighting with them, Ye Feng obviously felt that Zhang Feng's movements were much slower, and he could do whatever he wanted to dodge. This is the difference between an ordinary person and someone who has practiced martial arts. In the eyes of martial arts practitioners, ordinary people move slowly like tortoise crawling, and they have dozens of ways to escape.

   Mingjin masters have been trained to be much faster than ordinary people in both reaction speed and movement speed, but they are also limited to ordinary people. When encountering the same Mingjin masters, they are compared with moves and experience. And those who practice martial arts with Ming Jin and Hua Jin, their speed is qualitatively different from that of Ming Jin masters, which is the result of a master's spiritual transformation.

Remember Spider-Man, although it is a movie, it can be reflected very well. Pete, who has been genetically modified by spiders, sees the action of the other person, and as long as he concentrates his attention, he will be able to watch the action in slow motion. Before, Pete could choose how to avoid.

The inner qi in the human body with dark and absorbing energy has improved the optic nerve of the eye. When they concentrate, the retina will automatically adjust within the range, and they can see the slow motion of other people's movements. The greater the adjustment range of the human retina.

Ye Feng, after refining Qi, his body is better than ordinary Huajin masters. Innate true qi, jade liquid to restore pill, hair removal and marrow washing, the body gradually returns to the innate state, which greatly improves Ye Feng's retinal nerves, and its adjustable range Becomes very big.

   Now, as long as Ye Feng concentrates, the action of shooting and avoiding them will slow down, just like controlling a film negative and playing a slow motion movie.

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