Mohist Tang

Chapter 1120

Know that in Great Tang, even if an ordinary person is sick, you can use Azure Dragon True Medicine in sufficient quantities, and it is said that the price is only 500 texts.

Five hundred essays are naturally expensive in the eyes of ordinary persons. You must know that the Azure Dragon True Medicine bought by Qu Zhisheng at a high price uses 50 taels of gold.

After all Firearms Squad soldiers were healed, and seeing that the injured soldiers were in stable condition, Mo Dun relaxed and said: “How many horses are left in Firearms Squad.”

Xue Rengui hurriedly said: “Back to Lord Libation Chancellor, Firearms Squad has only 500 horses left, but after the Tibet cavalry escaped, I waited to capture more than 500 Tibetan horses.”

Those Tibet horses were frightened by Gunpowder’s big explosion and fled, but most of them did not run far. They were eventually recovered by Firearms Squad soldiers one after another. There were a total of 1,500.

Mo Dun said with a sneer: “One thousand two hundred horses were selected, and one hundred uninjured soldiers were left to guard Firearms Squad. The remaining four hundred uninjured soldiers followed Libation Chancellor pursues Trinring Tsendro.”

Just now, he had learned from Tibet captives that it was Trinring Tsendro, the son of Tibets name Tongtsen Yulsung, who had come to attack Firearms Squad. This person is famous in later generations. Repeatedly fighting Great Tang has caused Tang Army to suffer a lot of losses, and now he just loses, how can Mohist Family Son let go of this opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

Not to mention that Trinring Tsendro caused the casualties of 150 Firearms Squad soldiers. How can this grudge be not reported.

“Marquis of Mo, do not chase after cornered enemy! Besides, although Trinring Tsendro was defeated, there were thousands of cavalry guards. The risk of chasing this trip was too great, and Marquis of Mo chased, Trinring Tsendro If you are fleeing for eight hundred miles in the vast ocean, hiding in an oasis is hard to find, once you get caught in it, I am afraid Daoist Immortal will be hard to save. Marquis of Mo has just escaped, so why bother to commit the danger? This trip is so dangerous. of Mo think twice. Qu Zhisheng hearing this, he couldn’t help being shocked. At this time, he was sincerely persuading him that Gaochang is adjacent to the vast sea of eight hundred miles, and he knows how dangerous this eight hundred miles of the sea is.

Mo Dun looked at the sand. A desert lizard was greedily sucking the blood of a war horse. Even if there were soldiers not far away, the lizard was still unwilling to give up this hard-won source of water. said with a sneer: “Brother Ju knows that there was a huge lizard in this world, very poisonous in his mouth. When it bit the prey, it did not attack it unhurried, but followed until the prey was exhausted and was eaten raw by the huge lizard. Swallow alive.”

“There is such a creature in the world!” Qu Zhisheng said with a shocked face.

“And now A certain Mohist is this lizard, and now Trinring Tsendro is the injured prey. If he flees and its okay, if he wants to escape eight hundred miles of the sea, its his death The road.” Mo Dun said with a sneer, now that Tibet is defeated, the relationship between hunter and prey between him and Trinring Tsendro is about to reverse.

“Ah! That’s eight hundred miles of the sea!” Qu Zhisheng couldn’t help but wanted to persuade him again, but suddenly it occurred to him that Mohist Family Son had gone deep into the eight hundred miles of the sea to chase Fuyun. This was sighed. Even such magical people as Mohist Family Son, regard the vast sea of eight hundred miles as smooth.

“The end general also follows Lord Libation Chancellor to pursue the remnants of Tibet.” Xue Rengui jumped up and said firmly.

Mo Dun shook the head said: “You have been injured, so just leave and place the wounded for the time being, waiting for Yumen Pass’s reinforcements. Don’t forget to raise the Gunpowder in front of the inner line. Don’t waste it. “

“Yes!” Xue Rengui tried to persuade him again, but he was already injured, and he might not be able to support the long-distance pursuit, so he had to give up.

“Gunpowder in front of the inner formation!”

When Qu Zhisheng heard this, he immediately felt the hairs set up. He was horrified to find that the place where he had just hid was buried underground. Gunpowder, thinking that he had just stood on top of Gunpowder, couldn’t help being terrified.

He is probably the person who has experienced the most Gunpowder explosion in the world. In the battle of Gaochang, he hid in the Imperial Palace and was bombed by Gunpowder. Afterwards, the battle of Gaochang saw the Mohist Family Son hit the city. At that time, he was less than a hundred steps away from the broken city. In this battle, he even saw Mohist Family Son ambush Tibet cavalry with Gunpowder and eat a mouthful of sand. What he didn’t expect was that he just stood there. On the Gunpowder, he can avoid so many Gunpowder explosions in a row, and he is considered the blessing of three lifetimes.

Mo Dun looked at him strangely and said: “Why do you think A certain Mohist exploded so early and crashed the outer front? That’s because A certain Mohist already had the winning ticket at the time. Sacrificing the lives of soldiers of Firearms Squad.”

Qu Zhisheng only then remembered that at that time, the Gaochang cavalry and soldiers of Firearms Squad had just clashed. There was no loss in the battle, and Tang Army had the advantage of armored weapons. The close combat is not inferior to Tibet. The Mohist Family Son directly ordered the detonation of Gunpowder to allow Firearms Squad soldiers to withdraw to the inner line. I am afraid that it would be the first mass destruction of a group of Tibetan soldiers and equalize the strength of the two sides. With the help of the inner line and Gunpowder , Firearms Squad has indeed a firm chance of winning.

Mohist Family Son has planned everything, but did not expect that Tibets horse has never experienced a Gunpowder explosion. The original sound of the explosion of the Gunpowder bag of the catapult, Tibetan soldiers can barely control the horse, but The sound of the final big bang was too loud, and it directly frightened Tibet’s horse. In the end, Mohist Family Son’s after-movement was not used, and Tibet was defeated.

“Mohist Family is good at defending, and the name is not in vain.” Qu Zhisheng was convinced. Mohist Family has always been known for defense. Both Gaochang and Great Tangs defenses are mostly influenced by “Mohist Classics”. However, now the world has only seen the invincibility of Mohist Family Son with Gunpowder, but they don’t know that Mohist Family has never given up his best defense.

Qu Zhisheng couldn’t help but smile. Anyone who encounters Mohist Family Son’s opponent will have a headache. Tibet’s famous Trinring Tsendro is a lesson for the past.

Four hundred Firearms Squad soldiers are ready to go, all one man and three riders, equipped with weapons, food and grass, especially water, and they are carried as much as possible. Obviously, Mo Dun is extremely determined in chasing Trinring Tsendro.

“The vast ocean of eight hundred miles is extremely dangerous, Marquis of Mo must return safely.” Qu Zhisheng said sincerely.

Mo Dun said loudly: “Brother Ju, don’t worry, I will wait to see you in Chang’an City another day. A certain Mohist will definitely invite Brother Ju to drink the best Relieving Thousand Worries.”

“it’s a deal, Marquis of Mo take care!” Qu Zhisheng said loudly.

Mo Dun looked back and saw the determined Firearms Squad soldiers. He waved his big hand: “Chasing!”

Suddenly Mo Dun stepped onto the shadow, and four hundred horses were in a hurry. Afterwards, he lifted up the yellow sand and chased after the trace of Trinring Tsendro’s rout.

Looking at the gradually calming battlefield, Qu Zhisheng sighed in his heart. Tibet ambushed Mohist Family Son. Mohist Family Son broke five thousand. It will surely cause an uproar in Great Tang and Western Regions.

The situation in this world is turbulent again, wind and rain are about to come.

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