Mohist Tang

Chapter 16

“By the way! How did the fish in the fresh fish shop survive for one day?” Shopkeeper Wang suddenly thought of a question.

After Chi Zhiyong’s trial and Mohist Village’s reaction, everyone knows that Mohist Village’s live fish secret skills are on the Mohist Village’s waterwheel. But today, the Mohist Village waterwheel did not enter Chang’an City at all, and the live fish in the fresh fish shop can still live well and even survive all day.

Zhang Accountant replied: “According to the little man’s personal observation, the pond dug in the backyard of the fish shop is connected to one of the rooms.

Wang Shopkeeper frowns saying: “It looks like Mohist Village live fish secret skills are in that house. “

“In fact, there is another way to get the secret skill of live fish. “Zhang Accountant thought deeply.

“Then say it! “Wang Shopkeeper said anxiously.

Although the live fish business in Mohist Village is small, it occupies the high-end market. The business is prosperous and very profitable. Although Wang Family fish shop occupies Chang’an City’s Most of the fish market, but the profits are mostly low-end markets such as dead fish.

Furthermore, dead fish have a short shelf life. If they cant be sold, theyll fall into the hands and the business is not good. If you can get the secret recipe of live fish in Mohist Village, all the fish in Wang Family fish shop will live freely in the water, selling and raising, and you will never be afraid of dead fish in your hands.

Thinking of such a vast live fish market, Shopkeeper Wang is even more anxious.

“Cooperation! “Zhang Accountant said heavily.

Zhang Accountant whispered quietly in Wang Shopkeeper’s ear, and Wang Shopkeeper immediately opened his eyes and smiled.

“Cooperation? “

In the fresh fish shop, Mo Dun looked suspiciously at Zhang Accountant in front of him.

“Not bad. “Zhang Accountant said with a wisp of beard. “Our Wang Family fish shop controls more than half of the fish trade in Chang’an City, and Mohist Village has mastered the secrets of live fish. If we both cooperate, the entire Chang’an City fish market will be Will be our world. “Zhang Accountant said impassionedly.

“When the time comes, the revenue of Mohist Village will be dozens of times and hundreds of times. “Zhang Accountant continued.

“That’s very good! “Li Yi Xin joyfully said, “If that is the case, Mohist Village will be saved.” “

The rest of the Mohist Village people are also happy, yearning for the beautiful scenery envisioned by Zhang Accountant.

Mo Dun not at all was dazzled by the hugeness and said: “Also In other words, the secret skills of live fish in Mohist Village will need to be shared with Wang Family Fish Shop. “

“Of course, our Wang Family is out of most markets, and it is reasonable that you have a secret technique for living fish. “Zhang Accountant nodded and said.

Not only the King Shopkeeper, but even some Mohist Village people also show approval.

Li Yi has a hesitant expression on his face, but he can’t see it. What’s the trap.

Mo Duns heart is coldly snorted. The seemingly fair deal is actually the biggest trap.

Once the Wang Family fish shop acquires Mohist Villages live fish secret skills, Then there is nothing in his Mohist Village. Zhang Accountants seemingly beautiful promise is actually the poison of honey.

Mo Dun comes from later generations and has long insight into such bad street tricks. Is clear.

“I object! “Mo Dun said suddenly, stunned everyone.

“Why?” “Zhang Accountant couldn’t believe it. He saw that everyone in Mohist Village was a little moved, and he was secretly proud.

“The secret recipe for live fish in Mohist Village can only be in the hands of Mohist Village, impossible to leak. “Mo Dun stared at Zhang Accountant word by word.

“Yes, Mohist Village is absolutely impossible to reveal the secret recipe of live fish. “Li Yi also woke up from the temptation.

More and more people in Mohist Village figured out the joints and stared at Zhang Accountant with bad eyes.

“Good You cunning little thief, dare to hit our Mohist Village live fish secret recipe. Attention, see if I will not kill you! “Tie An roared, stepping forward and wanted to teach Zhang Accountant.

“Tie An stop. “Mo Dun was born and saved Zhang Accountant in the clutches of Tie An.

“But Mohist Village and Wang Family shops are not unable to cooperate. “Mo Dun said slowly.

“Young Master! “Li Yi was anxious and wanted to stop Mo Dun.

Mo Dun raised hand and interrupted Li Yi: “In fact, we can cooperate in another way.

“How to cooperate?” Zhang Accountant hoped.

“If Wang Family fish shop wants live fish business, you can buy it from the south city gate. My Mohist Village is willing to wholesale live fish to you at a preferential price.” Mo Dun said.

“Young Master is wise!” Li Yi admired.

People in Mohist Village also nodded agree that this method will not reveal the secret skills of live fish, but also increase the profit. It is simply one move, two gains.

Zhang Accountant’s face flushed and said: “If Mohist Village is not willing to cooperate, why bother to tease others. Don’t forget that our Wang Family is the largest fish merchant in Chang’an City. If Mohist Village wants to In Chang’an City for a long time, it depends on whether you have that ability.”

“p_ng!” Zhang Accountant was thrown out of the fish shop by Tie An.

“By the way, Young Master asked you to tell Chi Zhiyong, this Young Master remembered him.” Tie An Weng said.

Zhang Accountant’s heart trembled. Did they know that Chi Zhiyong instructed them, heart trembled, to leave quickly.

“How did the Young Master know that Chi Zhiyong was instructed by the Wang Family fish shop.” Li Yi’s voice came from behind the door of the fresh fish shop.

Mo Dun faintly smiled and said: “I didn’t know before, but now I know.”

Wang Family Fish Shop

“peng~ peng~ peng~ “

There was a sound of broken bottles, and Shopkeeper Wang no longer remembers which bottle he dropped.

“Mohist Village is simply bully intolerably. I want our Wang Family fish shop to sell to him. That’s not because I will look at the face of that yellow-haired youngster in the future.” Shopkeeper Zhang roared.

Wang Family Fish Shop is the largest fish merchant in Chang’an City. Now it has become a second trader. Such a position gap makes Shopkeeper unable to accept it.

And the people of Mohist Village seem to have known what Chi Zhiyong asked us to instruct. “Zhang Accountant said cautiously.

“hmph! What can I do if I know it?” That yellow-haired youngster is just a shabby Count, what can he do for me? “Shopkeeper Wang said proudly.

“Shopkeeper, this Mohist Village simply fails to appreciate somebody’s kindness. The villain has also contacted a few Mohist Village villagers in private, and I dont know what medicine these villagers have taken. No matter how much benefit the villain gives, he will not reveal the secrets of live fish in Mohist Village. “Zhang Accountant said.

“Mohist Village, since you fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness, then don’t blame me for being impolite. “Wang Shopkeeper’s face is grim.

Wang Family Fish Shop can be the No. 1 in Chang’an City. It is not because of business experience, but on the fact that there is an evil force that dominates the fish market under his hands Yubang.

In recent years, Wang Shopkeeper has not only used the fish gang to suppress competitors, drive up prices, and make the business bigger. It also lets the fish gang deal with some crimes for him.

The citizens of Chang’an City hate the fish gang even more, but Shopkeeper Wang has a very background. The fish gang is getting stronger and stronger and more rampant. Committing any imaginable misdeed in private, it has become a faintly harm to Chang’an City.

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