Mokuton Authority

Chapter 11 - Camp and Frontline

Reaching the tent where my squadron sleeps, I am appointed to my bed, sitting down I started to contemplate my day revising all I did, be it right or wrong, this self-reflection is an important part of your training, because how can you improve if can't even find your success or errors, like Grandmaster Yoda, says '' The greatest teacher failure is'', the first and foremost thing that comes to my mind, is that if I was fast enough I could've cast a Swamp of the Underworld binding a lot of enemies, and even avoiding the death of some of my comrades.

Waking up the next day we all gather in front of our Jonin captain.

Captain: Good everyone is here.

Captain: So I will be direct, we all are going to the frontlines, we will spearhead the charge.

The atmosphere in the room instantly turns bleak we all know that spearheading the battle has very low chances of survivability, but someone has to do it and our unity was chosen.

Following the Captain orders, I quickly prepare and go with the squadron to the position, we all flare our chakras and started running, we make a smooth run until we meet a rock squadron. Our encounter was fierce both sides spammed Jutsus until we clashed.

The multiple Jutsus clash +the shitty climate of Amegakure that is always raining, creates a certain curtain of smoke rain and debris reducing vehemently the visibility causing both sides to go to a melee battle only composing of sometimes some short-range Jutsus.

Making my way through the battlefield I quickly encounter an Iwa ninja, I immediately fire a Rock Bullet but with some quick reflexes, he Creates a Rock Wall jumping to the side of the wall, I fire again a Rock bullet but he quickly makes another Rock Wall, being fed up with this game, I fire up two Rock Dragon Bullets the first one breaking his wall while the second one hitting his left side, kilim him, I didn't even have much time to commemorate as another ninja tried to stab my back with a sword, quickly detecting that, I evade and make a one-handed Rasengan that I pressed against his face turning it into bits.

Taking a breath I detect another one coming in my direction this one is a bit tougher, I quickly use Shunshin aiming a punch to his face, but he evades and we quickly start a taijutsu battle, not wanting to waste the opportunity I check everything around us with my Haki seeing that we are relatively away from other ninjas, I quickly use this as an opportunity to polish my skills in Taijutsu, using my body I quickly began to use the strong aspect of my Senju taijutsu quick and strong attacks that can easily crush weaker enemies my down kick quickly crush the earth we are on as the battle continues and seeing that we started to gather attention I make a bunch of Earth Clones surround him and keep substituting with my clones and hitting him at the same time, finally he showed an opening and I finish him with a Rock Bullet thought his head.

This battle gathered quite a bit of attention so instead of dispelling my Rock Clones I make them disperse each one in a different direction through the battlefield easying away my tail of enemy ninja, sadly three Iwa Shinobi start persecuting my main body, not wanting to become another causality I make a simple plan, going away from the main battlefield reaching a good distance, I weave some fast hand seals launching the Water Dragon Jutsu at my enemies quickly staggering them, using this opportunity I fire a Suiton: Rising Geyser quickly acc.u.mulation the water at the feet of the trio and exploding upwards killing the one in the middle, but the other two escaped thanks to a timed substitution.

The residues of my Rising Geyser quickly made the already heavy rain into a even more heavyer rain using this distraction as an opportunity i disappear from my enemies vision, using Shunshin i appear at the side of the more distracted and fire a Water Bullet point blank trught his hearth instant killim him, this of course alerted the other that rapidly goes by some handseal making a huge rock appear and kicking it towards me, not wanting to became some random paste, I use another Shunshin to evade this atack, the enemy not wasting this opportunity weaves some seals and creates some earth Spikes where I would land if I was a normal person using the Shunshin, stoping before the spikes start impaling me, I fire a Rising Water Cutter that cuts one of his arms, the opponent stops for a milisecond a fire semly lit on his eyes, he starts trowing some explosive weapons and quickly use a Shunshin to short our distance, sensing that I don't have that much more chakra due to the fact that I keep spaming some jutsus that I haven't mastered yet I quickly make a Water Prison at my front pumping as much chakra as i can, the guy enters my water Prision and instantly Suicide explode.


Everything goes black...

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