Mokuton Authority

Chapter 132 - Bitch Goddess.

- ???Athena??? -

Fighting with him was... strange. I know I had to do it for his own good, but it certainly was something indescribable. Now I can certainly say he looks Handsome even when he is pissed.

This is the second time we met for real, and he certainly surprised me with his strength. Not even my time abilities were able to correctly predict he would already be so strong. I had to even use some of my magic to send him to that place.

Faking being that bitch was a pain, it hurt a lot. Principally faking that shitty false personality of hers. To this day I hate her, even if I hadn't met her 'personally'.

And sending him to that place was certainly the correct choice. He would reach there anyways. It is his destiny. But being the one to do it brings a heartache I hate with a passion.

I know you would be safe eventually. But I am still worried about you, dear.

With this, some light started exiting Athena's body, and what appears to be an illusion is slowly dissipating. What appears in the place of her is someone that would certainly surprise Aizen, someone he knows. A certainly tall mysterious elf woman, that as soon as the illusion faded away disappeared in a rainbow-colored light.


- Central Magical Government Body (CMGB) -

Today is a good day for the CMGB, they are 100 days without receiving any outsiders. It is certainly something to celebrate. They even invited Inquisitors to the party, those guys may send a chill on everyone's spine but they are still part of this.

The party started and you could see that everyone was happy, people are drinking non-alcoholic drinks as we are on work, after all, sweets, Doritos, mountain dew, coke, and a bunch of other things were around to fill people stomachs. Some electronic music is in the background, you can even see some couples dancing. Everything was good and peaceful, as it should be.

But then an alarm flared, dying the place in red and a loud sound. One of the inquisitors quickly took leadership and start sending soldiers to intercept the new outsider. He appears to be fairly pissed for being interrupted and seeing the embarrassed female friend of his I bet any man would.

It was proven correct as seeing he immediately activated the [God Slayer Gas].

The [God Slayer Gas] was a gas created to slay gods and godlike beings. The gas slowly sips away inside the being melding with their energy. The gas is almost imperceptible, and this is on purpose, the being would detect the gas and "expel" it from their organism, but the real deal will continue there slowly eating away at then, and besides everything, the gas provides the current location of the Outsider.

Soldiers quickly entered formation and proceed to confront the Outsider, sadly the guy appears to be fairly resourceful and was able to run away before a confrontation, and everyone was kind of depressed about it, this one was smart. And seeing that they couldn't contain the Outsider they would have to call the bitch, no one likes that arrogant goddess, much less having to deal with her. But they don't have a choice, by what they are able to detect, the guy that entered is too strong.

The goddess always makes a scene, and she wastes a lot of precious time complaining and finding excuses to not come and do her job. But then they felt it.

A huge pressure, and energy that literally shook the entire world, something only a god should be able to do. This made the bitch immediately shut up and go there at maximum speed.

And to the surprise of everyone they only found a destroyed park and a lot of spatial distortions, they tried to detect the Outsider by the gas but the detector only comes out blank. This pissed of the Bitch a lot, something about a lost slave to her.

Sadly we are the ones that she used to discount her anger, she even took some of our young officers to do god knows what.

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