Mokuton Authority

Chapter 136 - Montage.

I traded places with my wooden clone and went on to my mix of exercises, using the sky I improved my physical strength more and more. Road to infinity strength Baby.

But I didn't only improve my psyche, while I was doing physical exercises I keep up with my elemental training, at the end physical exercises are something extremely menial so I have long since mastered the art of doing it while doing other things at the same time.

I of course spammed my Wooden clones to the Max, I am no idiot when it comes to training efficiency, and cheesing my way through things. Most of my clones weren't training thought, they were focusing on creating seals for the previous resident of this prison, Atlas. Preparing the trap for him was something I will definitely do, but as time passed and I was able to think a little more deeply into things, Better be safe than sorry.

I entered a routine, I would exercise and train my elements until my mental strength failed me. Then I would meditate and try to apply the tips Hagoromed said to me, Reaching the liquid state alone is no joke, but I have faith that I will be able to do it. After all, I have all the time in the world, don't I?

I, of course, stopped to eat and drink every time my body demanded it, just the fact I am thirsty is a show of the first signs of dehydration and even if I have a [Sage Body] being healthy is something good for both your body and mind.

After spending a long time in this prison I was able to tell that time is distorted here, this was also one of the reasons it was so f.u.c.k.i.n.g difficult to connect to nature energy here, besides Gaia of course. but after a long time, I was finally able to synchronize myself with this Universe natural energy.

It was a mindblowing experience, It felt extraordinary, it was like a part of mine that was missing for so long finally reconnected like I've lost an arm and magically recovered it perfectly. finally, my sensing abilities are back in full, I was definitely feeling extremely handicapped before, but now I am back to normal, and growing stronger by the minute. Thanks, Atlas for this prison that it's looking day by day more like a gift than anything else.

Thanks to my sensing abilities now 100% I was able to feel how distorted times were here, sadly it's extremely incoherent and confusing. So I am sadly not going to get my own hyperbolic time chamber any time soon.

But this didn't bring me down, being on my normal again felt very nice, so I proceed to take my training even more seriously. If this was possible anyway.

After exercising so much my strength skyrocketed, I can safely say that I can destroy the moon now with half the effort, how much time it took? I have no idea. but after having such a great boost in strength I had to train my control of it again, don't want to end like superman, feeling like he lives in a world made of cardboard. Even if it's true.

I didn't neglect any of my other skills either, I spent a lot of clones to improve my mastery fo then, after all, there is no perfection, the road to mastery is like the Universe itself Ififnity and always expanding. Even knowing there is no end to improvement, didn't bring me to an existential crisis or something, it only motivated me more.

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