Mokuton Authority

Chapter 139 - Gravy.

I could feel that my sealing barrier was being analyzed. This is my cue to disappear from this location.

Now I need to destroy the body, I read too many comics to know how easy is to revive someone, and I don't want that overused trope to bite me in the ass later. A simple stomp on the ground and all the evidence of my doings are engulfed by the earth, any kind of clues ground by a cleaver form of control, and like everything in existence, it returned to dust.

I swiftly used the [Flying Thunder God] and I disappeared, without any delay this time, when I learned the [Flying Thunder God] I quickly passed tot he next stage in whatever I was doing at that moment so I didn't bother to truly grasp it, principally for me as I always felt it was inferior to a common teleportation ability, so I kind of procrastinated on improving it. And is m very ashamed for doing it, with a clone, I could've made the process fairly quick, but I didn't bother at the time as I let my anxiety drive me to do new projects. Old Habits die hard.

Now after my screw up I decided to scrub the majority of my incomplete skills, one of the reasons I sent a lot of my clones around the world isn't simply an intelligence-gathering, it's for knowledge too. It would help me immensely fill my gaps in innumerable areas, it would certainly help in raising my knowledge.

I even created some new skills that I wanted. I didn't do it before simply because I was too giddy and anxious to see a new world, and now that anxiety has mostly passed so I was able to let my creativity flow, principally studying the Rinnegan.

Now I can safely say that I discovered and created a Kekkei Genkai related to gravity. I simply named it Gravity Release following the trend. Creating it was complicated and I can safely say took me the most of my ten years in Atlas prison but it was worth it, and something completely original I created studying other things, it felt really good to possess something truly my own, that I created and could pride myself in. I ended with a very deep connection with it, close to my Mokuton, being the creator of something has its benefits.

And I needed something more original for me, a lot of strong people have their own signature techniques, and I decided to make Gravity release mine. I already have mokuton, but it, unfortunately, can't be used on all occasions, summoning wood and tress is in no shape or form subtle, but Gravity on the other hand is mostly invisible until you met some conditions.

Now I need to hide a bit, killing Athena sure stirred some things principally the factions of the world, I wouldn't be surprised if some kind of war started because of it. And I don't wanna fight 3 or more Gods at the same time, they wouldn't let their guards low at like the now-dead Athena did, I bet they would come at me with a vengeance, Literally.

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