Mokuton Authority

Chapter 189 - YGGDRASIL.

I was in the starry sky, there wasn't a solid ground per si, but I was still waking on something. An infinite dark bluish expanse filled with shining stars that expanded until neither my eyes nor my senses couldn't see anymore.

On that vast expanse of stars, there was a tree, a tree so big and vast that I defied the sense of space, time, and reality itself. [Yggdrasil], the tree that holds the nine worlds on its branches, but when I looked at it I couldn't help but think that this tree holds... so much more...

Unknowing I started getting closer and closer, seemly pulled by the divine pull of the tree, its energy, and aura filling me... I was happy at being able to find such a magnificent piece of nature. I started getting closer and closer, taking a bit more control of my steeps I went closer.

Then I felt something... A boundary of sorts... So all this time the tree's true presence and energy were "contained", I couldn't help but want to cross it. With spring on my step, I took a step forward but-

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. That is a trip with no going back."(???).

My eyes shot open and I was immediately on guard. You have to know that all these years in the Douluo world, and with me reaching the [Boundless] ream of the [Purple Demon eyes], my sensing abilities have reached somewhat of a divine realm. Even Allessa would have to make a lot of effort to hide from me if I was effectively looking for her. And when you add my multiplication power from my seed, and all the skills from my soul bones, I became truly a monster when it came to sensing.

But this being has truly evaded my perception. And seeing as I am at the [Yggdrasil], this must be Odin. looking at the man I ask.

"Odin I presume? but..."(Aizen).

"Nope. I am not Odin, as you can see I still have both eyes. Odin was busy, and as a good friend of him, I came here in his place."(???).

"Oh. Understandable... Can I ask what you want with me? or why I should go to the Yggdrasil yet?"(Aizen).

"Calm down son. Why don't you sit here for a bit, I wanted to talk with you for a long time, and this is the perfect chance."(???).

"*Sigh* Why not? I am already here."(Aizen).

Getting closer and sitting I look at the man. I can definitely see something familiar with his appearance... Wait... He looks like Morgan Freeman

"So let's get with the presentations. I am Aizen Senju. Who are you?"(Aizen).

"I am God."(God).


"I absolutely love saying that. It gets them every time. And I suppose I owe you some explaining about my interruption."(God).

"Go on."(Aizen).

"Well, As I've said that is [The Yggdrasil]."(Good).

"I know. But..."( Aizen).

"No, you didn't understand. That is The Yggdrasil, more specifically, The Yggdrasil of the Omniverse."(God).

"Wait... Omniverse?"(Aizen)

"Yep. There is a clear difference between this one and the other you can find all around the universes. In your journey, you had found Gods from other pantheons right? "(God)

"Yeah, I fought Athena and killed her when she was weakened and fought Ares and Thanatos too."(Aizen).

"Well, you certainly fought them. But at the same time you have not."(God).

"What do you mean?"(Aizen)

"It won't be wrong to say that you killed Athena from that universe."(God).

"Ah, so that means..."(Aizen).

"That there was a bunch of other Athenas that don't even know about your existence. Well, Athena's echoes to be more exact."(God).


"It's a fairly simple concept, when someone becomes really strong their presence ripples across the Omniverse, those ripples can be felt by some compatible people and those people go and reproduce the god 'history', so to speak. They follow their footsteps and end up becoming just Echoes, 'imitations' of the original."(God).

"Like shadow clones?"(Aizen)

"No, they aren't connected in any way, they are just that 'imitators'. An example is the Biblical God in DxD, that guy is an echo of me, but we literally had no connection with each other. I only knew about him because my son Lucifer likes to collect works with both of us in them."(God).

"Wait... shouldn't you be enemies or something?"(Aizen).

"He has never been my enemy, he had a rebellious streak some eons ago like all teenagers. But in the end, we were able to make peace and become closer again."(God).

"So why shouldn't I go to The Yggdrasil? It literally calling me."(Aizen).

"As I said, there is no going back after you passed the boundary. And you are not ready yet."(God).

"Ready for what?"(Aizen).

"To become a god of course... You have no idea have you?"(God).

"I know I am still not on rank 99, but-"(Aizen).

"That is not what I am talking about... You are literally the most promising being that I know going to becoming a God..."(God).

"I didn't know I was that talented."(Aizen).

"Not just that. The moment you become a god will shake the Omniverse, you are simply too strong. Just reaching the divine will put you in the top brass... That is something unheard off."(God).

"So that is why you said I am not ready to enter Yggdrasil... I need to finish my other preparations before right? somehow the Omni Yggdrasil have some correlation to becoming a God."(Aizen).

"Good, you caught up fast. Due to your sheer potential and strength you will attain when becoming a God, it caught the attention of too many people. Principally the unsavory ones. The anti-life"(God).

"The anti-life? Like a god of death?"(Aizen).

"No, of course not, Death is just part of life no something so vile... You already had contact with the anti-life, and it was quite earthshaking."(God).

"I already have... Wait... the skeletons. I knew there was something wrong with them."(Aizen).

"Yup, until that moment you were just a pretty strong person reaching for divinity, rare, but not something that would warrant the anti-life attention. But after you successfully evaded that 'ambush' and was able to start one of four states of being of Buddhism, your threat level for them simply skyrocketed. Thankfully you are doing a splendid job at getting stronger."(God).

"What a headache. Are this a war or something?"(Aizen).

"Yes and no, if I have to compare it would be something akin to the cold war that happened on earth."(God).

"So just a huge d.i.c.k-measuring contest right?"(Aizen).

"Yup, you got it. And that is the principal reason I don't want you to enter the Yggdrasil right now, you would undoubtedly be able to become a God, but it would take way more time for you to reach a higher strength. But if you finish all your preparation... It would be epic."(God).

"I guess I should hear the tips from God, I was catholic after all."(Aizen).

"I know."(God).

"Any more things I should know?"(Aizen).

"Well, when you become a God you will be strong enough to enter the Omni council. But don't worry, we are more of a friends gathering than a proper council so it won't have politics. On the council, there is Me, Odin, Zeus, Buddha, Lucifer, and a bunch of other Omni Gods. That is another reason I am talking to you right now. When you become a God, you be insanely strong enough to be part of it right away, you can consider this like me taking care of a future member."(God).

"I understand. Guess I need to thank you for the info it really helped, it's just a pity that I would need to wait more before going to the Yggdrasil."(Aizen).

"Don't worry son, you have done a lot already. Just remember to return to that world from before you came On the Douluo continent, that Seals is worrisome if it's left out on its own."(God).

"Sure. I was already planning on it anyway. But there is something that is bugging me, would I have an echo?"(Aizen).

"Who knows? It all depends if someone writes a history about you."(God).

"I don't understand."(Aizen).

"Don't worry, it's probably very far away, it also may never happen. Echoes are quite the mystery after all."(God).

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