Mokuton Authority

Chapter 19 - Suna Camp.

So we started our journey to Suna, the way was pretty calm no bandit tried to attack us, they may be dumb, but not that dumb to attack a trained shinobi squad.

Reaching the Suna encampment we headed immediately to our tents, everyone is exhausted from the journey so we immediately go to sleep.

Immediately after waking up, I go to the medical tent where Tsunade resides.

Aizen: Hi Tsunade!

Tsunade: Aizen! What a surprise!

Aizen: A good one I hope.

Tsunade: Hahaha of course it is, but why are you here?

Aizen: My unity was transferred to Suna as reinforcements.

Tsunade: Good we are needing some help here.

Aizen: why with how strong this camp are I imagined you could destroy then quite easily.

Tsunade: No is quite the opposite their poison is quite the headache but I am close to cracking its antidote.

Aizen: Good to know, dying by poison is quite a bad way to go.

Tsunade: Yes when I find a solution to the poison, half of the problem will be gone.

Aizen: Just half why? I thought poison was the biggest problem here.

Tsunade: Ah, is because of the [Scorch Release] user here they are a pain in the ass.

Tsunade: [Scorch Release] is a pretty strong bloodline and you can consider its domain as the desert, it's the same as [Wood Release] that is good on a forest or [Ice Releace] that is good on the snow.

Aizen: It's really must be a pain.

Tsunade: yep the bodies lose their water when they are hit, if they don't die of being burnt they die of dehydration.

Aizen: I guess I will need to stop using water Jutsu and focus more on my earth release ones.

Tsunade: Maybe if Like Granduncle you could use the water molecules in the air you would be able to use some low-level water Jutsus.

Ahh if she knows that from the first time I used a water Jutsu I was already able to do it what will she says hehehehe.

Aizen: Yes the Second was really strong, not only because of his water Jutsu but by his mind, I really wouldn't want to fight a strategic battle again him.

(i considered Tobirama Senju someone similar to Batman he relied more on strategy and prepare to win his battles than pure strength, this is something I think everyone respects.).

Tsunade: Yes he was, but the most important thing is that you're finally coming out of your shell.

Azine: What shell?

Tsunade: Well you've always been reclusive always training and training I was quite worried, now seeing you interact with people more it makes me really happy, now you only need to make some friends.

Aizen: hahahahahahah.

Now that I remember she is quite cheerful compared to her future self It really saddens me how much tragedy she will have to endure I really want to help Dan and Nawaki but I have no idea where the hell they are, the only thing I know is they died in this war, I just hope everything becomes better in the future.

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