Mokuton Authority

Chapter 192 - Scolding Kids.

"Old friend... How? You look at least 10 years younger and way more healthy than I remember you... And rank 47? I... don't know what to say..."(Flander).

"There isn't that much mystery behind this... Aizen here has a skill called [Purify], its name is pretty self-explanatory so you probably can already guess what it does. So after he used the skill on me I ended up be cleansed of all my impurities and my atrophied martial soul was able to become what it should be at first."(Yu Xiaogang).

"...Wow... I am genuinely happy for you... Now you don't have more excuses for her..."(Flander).

"I... don't-"(Yu Xiaogang).

"You don't need to do it now, just swear that you are going to finally take an initiative. She is waiting for more than a decade for f.u.c.k sake."(Flander).

You could see the grandmaster's face pass through a whole lot of emotions in barely a moment, but after some seconds he appears to steel himself and say.

"I will."(Yu Xiaogang).

Well, would you look at that, a Dragon Martial Soul does indeed make miracles when it comes to self-confidence, the dude really is getting better.


The was an awkward silence in the office, even the more boisterous Zhao Wuji stayed quiet, Grandmaster seems to be thinking deeply at something while Flander took his sweet time to drink some tea and say.

"I called you here because I wanted for you to teach at the Shrek Academy."(Flander).

"I know."(Yu Xiaogang).

"We need a different approach at teaching and your specialty in control of Soul Energy will make up for some 'defects' on our curriculum."(Flander).

"Indeed, I observed the kids for a bit and their control is simply too shabby... And talking about the kids... Aizen... You were simply to savage with them."(Yu Xiaogang).

"I did what I thought was necessary, they were taking things simply too lightly."(Aizen).

"I understand what you did, I may not like it, but I understand."(Yu Xiaogang).

"Huh... Tang San said the same thing to me you know... It is kinda funny how much alike you two are at times. Like master like student?"(Aizen).

"Haha, I guess you are right in that part... On another note, are you planning on using [Purify] on then?"(Yu Xiaogang).

"Yes and no, it's a reward from the mission hall. So they will need to 'earn' it."(Aizen).

"I see... so you indeed made the mission hall... An excellent idea, we should start planning some missions for them soon. Use the missions as both means of training and gaining rewards."(Yu Xiaogang).

"I was thinking the same thing... But you will have to be the one to talk about things... I am sort of acting like the big bad scary dude right now, so I doubt anyone besides Tang San would feel comfortable talking to me."(Aizen).

"Since when you cared about the comfort of other people?"(Yu Xiaogang).

"That is the thing, I don't care. I was just kind of warning you because I will do my damn best to make things impossible uncomfortable to then with my presence alone."(Aizen).

"You are downright evil sometimes you know?"(Yu Xiaogang/ Flander).

"Hahaha. You are goddamn right."(Aizen).

Sadly our talk was somehow interrupted by a nervous Tang San who accidentally poisoned Fatty. They were despairing quite a bit, while Grandmaster connected the clues together and reached a conclusion. Taking Fatty and Tang San to a separate place Grandmaster looks at Tang San and says.

"It was you who did poison him right?"(Yu Xiaogang).

"... yes..."(Tang San).

"So there is nothing to worry about. If you have poisoned him you can easily detoxify him."(Yu Xiaogang).

"But I don't have control of it yet..."(Tang San).

"Don't try to control it... Follow your instincts."(Yu Xiaogang).

"Ok, I will try."(Tang San).

Then the eight spider lances burst out of Tang San back, they are more of a purplish back color and they surprised grandmaster a lot, he probably already suspected it but an external soul bone is still rare after all. Touching Fatty with the tips of the lances Tang San starts to suck the venom out, while fatty complexion became better by the minute, and after some minutes Fatty was completely detoxified.

"An External soul bone... incredible... I never thought I would see one of them... Tang San, you must take extremely rare with this external soul bone, soul bones are rare by themselves, an external one is rare between the rares, an ultra-rare if you will. So use it only when it's absolutely necessary."(Yu Xiaogang).

"Yes, master."(Tang San).

"Well, I have an external soul bone too. Here look."(Aizen).

Then I open my wings who immediately engulfs the whole infirmary due to their size, they are mesmerizing and dangerous at the same time, anyone with keen eyes could feel the edge to them.

"I have these wings as an external soul bone, besides their special ability that I am sure you spider lances have too, these wings are extremely sharp, I can basically cut almost anything with them. So I can give you some tips on how to fight your lances."(Aizen).

"Thanks."(Tang San).

"Don't sweat it, kid, this external bone is literally part of you, it will follow you even to the depts of godhood so don't be afraid of it, embrace it and revel on its power."(Aizen).

"What a speech..."(Yu Xiaogang).

"Hah, let's go outside, Fatty si waking up and I am sure everyone is getting worried about him."(Aizen).

"Yeah. And I would like to introduce myself as well"(Yu Xiaogang).

We exited the infirmary, fatty has woken up and is already running around talking about food so I guess he is okay now. Exiting the place everyone is looking at us with some ashen faces expecting some bad news, but when they see fatty and how he is okay, I swear I could almost hear a huge sigh of relief.

Before the grandmaster could say anything I decided to add a little bit of my piece, they were still at odd with me but I need to say some things.

"Sup people. Before grandmaster could say anything I would like to add an evaluation of every one of you, that is some data I gathered until now that may or may not help in your future development."(Aizen).

There is some tension hen I said I was going to make an evaluation fo everyone of them, it ought ti was necessary to do this before the grandmaster starts his training program.

"First, Ma Hongjun. I will be blunt and direct with my evaluation of you. You have the worst talent and potential of everyone here, it may not be noticeable now but the more you progress the more you will see the difference. I know you work hard, but it's still not enough, your performance until now has been unsatisfactory. Either you change and put way more effort than everyone else or you are going to be left behind in some years."(Aizen).

"... I .... will do better... I promise"(Ma Hongjun).

That is technically not a lie, but it's not the whole truth either. I am doing this to help him, according to his future version his biggest regret was that he didn't work hard enough when he had the opportunity, I will guarantee that he doesn't have the same tragic fate. Because if there is something that everyone deserves in this world is to be loved.

"Next here is Dai Mubai, your talent is the worse of all, only Losing to Ma Hongjun one. You are the oldest yet one of the laziest, much of these kids will soon overtake you in both strength and cultivation if you don't put more effort. It has been reduced but I would still recommend you stop with your playboy lifestyle, that was literally one of the biggest reasons your progress has been slower than others. And if you are worried about your brother and the bullshit customs of your country you can easily deal with everything if you are strong enough."(Aizen).

Gritting his teeth Mubai seems to understand what I was saying, I could easily spot some shame and regret coming off him, but what made me pleasantly surprised was his newfound determination.

"I will change... No matter what."(Dai Mubai).

"Next is Zhu Zhuqing, your main problem is the strength of your body, while you are pretty fast most of the other aspects of yourself fell very short, so strengthening your body is one of your top priorities, that is not a problem only your face but we will get there when is the others time. Your second problem is that you are simply too concerned with Mubai, I know about your situation and I don't blame you, so I will give you the same advice I gave Mubai here be strong enough that all the other bullshit doesn't matter. I would also recommend you learn some martial techniques, both to help your walking and fighting abilities."(Aizen).

She seems to think for a time before nodding her head at me, I guess even then disliking me I am still their teacher, and I bet that my demonstration of strength before got then to at least respect that aspect of me.

"Nex is Oscar, while you're one of the most talented support-type soul masters you fell short on a lot of things, like Zhu Zhuqing your body is weak and you should focus on training it a bit more. Your lack of combat ability is a huge problem, so I would recommend you start training on a weapon that compliments your fighting style, something like a bow, spear, or throwing weapons could and will save your life in the future."(Aizen).

Oscar seems to ponder my tips and evaluation, he soon feels pretty dumb with himself for not trying to learn any kind of weapons or martial arts, support type he may be but those things are kind of essential to any soul master wannabe.

"I... Will do it."(Oscar).

"Ning Rong Rong, the one with the most problems yet the one who changed and evolved the most in the shortest time. You are a rich, entitled, and spoiled brat that thinks herself above others, your physical strength is laughable for someone of your level and your techniques or weapon masteries are almost none, its like you did nothing but laze around until now. Which would not surprise me in the slightest considering your previous self. But I think I should also congratulate you for being the only student to evolve the most in the shortest time, you are slowly getting rid of your shitty things, and I can see you are working harder and harder each day. I would only recommend to you the same things I did for oscar, find some movement and martial arts and start learning how to sue some weapons, those things will literally save your ass one day."(Aizen).

It was harsh but I can definitely tell that she understood, as someone who starts to change by her own volition she is self-aware of most of those things but I guess some of the hard truths still hurt, so he just nodded and I continued.

"Xiao Wu, one of the most talented and yet one of the laziest between us. I know about your special circ.u.mstance little rabbit, don't worry I don't care about it, I am here to teach you after all. You already have a pretty good martial art, so that is some points for you there. The problem is that your movement techniques are garbage, and besides being the one with the most talent for body strength here you barely train it at all. So all you need to do is get rid of your lazy streak, work harder, and start training your body for real."(Aizen).

She seems a little afraid of me know her secret, but their fact that I didn't care one bit about it seems to relieve her somehow, looking at Tang San she just gives me a sideway nod so id decided to continue.

"Tang San, one of the highest talents here. I don't have much to say to you as you already cultivate both your body and soul power pretty hard, just continue with your good job. If I had to point something is that you should fight dirtier and unconventionally, that is the biggest strength of your technique after all."(Aizen).

Tang San nodded seemly already aware of his strength and weakness. Now the most difficult two, my daughter an my fellow reicarnate.

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