Mokuton Authority

Chapter 198 - Shrek Statue.

But right now I need to concentrate on the most important thing right now, the Shrek Statue. I will be using some divine metal forged to the best of my abilities to make a rule indestructible statue for the Douluo continent inhabitants.

First is the size... Hmm, I am thinking of making the statue at the school entrance so it will be the first thing anyone can see then they get closer to Shrek academy. Now the size, it honestly has to be big, big enough to impress these cultivators who have a strange and skewered sense of proportions.

I decided to make the Shrek statue 99 meters, the number is of course symbolic as 99 is the number of the peak/limit in Chinese culture. It also the final level a mortal can achieve before becoming a God, it is also three times the size of the "Colossus of Rhodes" considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

Now that proportions are already set, I need to find a pose. Jotaro's Jojo Pose will do, it's almost some kind of divine revelation to put Shrek 100 meters statue in a Jojo pose. {AN: I will post the pose in the comments.}

Then I got to work, first, I made the frames and the skeleton of the statue, putting a lot of emphasis on making them extremely sturdy and using the maximum of [Fuinjutsu] I could to reinforce everything to kingdom come.

After that, I made the body of the statue with great thickness and volume. After making the body of the statue I start making the details until now the statue looked just like a silhouette of Shrek. So I started making all the detail, from the eyes and ears to the belly and pants. This was the most difficult part as details are important.

In the interior of the statue, I expanded its interior to the best of my and Allessa ability. Inside I put numerous things from dormitories to classrooms to libraries, practice rooms and etc. But most importantly, I made a lot of rooms that you can easily see the outside world monitoring rooms if you will, so this will in the future become Shrek's academy's future guardian home, where he would be able to see the whole of campus and protect everyone.

It took some time but I eventually succeeded in making a perfect Shrek statue doing Jotaro's Jojo pose, I, of course, applied as many enchantments and fuinjutsu I could think of in this statue, being prepared never hurt anyone.

And as the final touch, I went for the base of the statue and inscribed "Shrek is love, Shrek is life". Now, this statue is finally finished, a true show of magnificence and dedication. This is Art, pure, and unquestionable ART!

What I didn't think at that time is that the motto I wrote in the statue would slowly begin to slowly become the school motto, in the future a lot of Shrek students when asked about the academy would just answer "Shrek is love, Shrek is life".

It took me the whole of Three months to make everything, two for the campus and one for the Shrek statue. I of course made a mission hall inside of the campus buildings right now it's fully operational and filled with competent people handling the missions.

The mission hall idea truly shone when faced with a larger school population, but Flander knows if I am not here he would go broke in no time with the way the mission hall worked before, so Flander sort of made Shrek mission hall in some sort of Adventure's guild, so we are just the intermediaries for our students. But the Rewards the academy provide are pretty great, and most of the things in the rewards (Herbs, weapons) can be made in one of the varied rooms I made on the campus.

The knowledge for the production methods are all in the library, of course, you wouldn't believe the face Flander made when I gave this response to him. "If you want to know more, everything is in the library". He got a bit frustrated at first but ended relenting, it was still there after all. That was until he saw the massive size of the library, there he almost gave up. But then I explained that the campus library worked on the person's intent, you just want to read a book and walk a bit on one of its corridors, then you would easily be able to find the book you want.

After that Flander was understandable happy, he and the grandmaster spent quite a lot of time reading books at the library. I also said that to add new books to the library they have to just toss them inside the room somewhere, the magic and [Fuinjutsu] would take care of it and organize everything.

They got worried about destroying the books, but I said to not worry as all the books are just magical copies of the originals, the originals and newly added original books are safely stored in an alternative dimension inside the library. That was Allessa idea and creation, she is indeed a once in a lifetime genius.

After giving the correct directions to Flander and the grandmaster I decided to at least engrave the same instructions on the Library walls, it would also help the students when they come here too. After dealing with those matter me and Allessa wnt to our new home the Shrek statue.

Yeah, when I said this should be the home of Shrek Academy guardian everyone immediately assigned it to me. I tried dissuading them but apparently, due to the change in the mission hall I wasn't the mission hall elder anymore, so I need a new function. I would've at first objected to such a thing, but the prospects of living inside of a giant Shrek statue were simply too tempting. Allessa also thought it was pretty cool, so we kinda inaugurated our house watching all Shrek movies, it was a blast, to be honest.

There is also something strange that a notice, normally when a person is cultivating the more he advances the more difficult it becomes right? For me something kind of weir is happening, even if I have to literally double my energy at every level, so it's not multiplication its potentiation. But instead of becoming exponentially more difficult, I am having generally the same level of difficulty as I had in the previous levels. I took some time to notice it because it wasn't as apparent before the rank 95. But after I got said rank the milestone of a Super Douluo I didn't get the expected drop in expansion of chakra quantity speeds.

I talked a bit with Allessa and she said that either my body is constantly adapting to this increasingly harsher routine of expanding my chakra reserves, or my divine seed is multiplying the speed of it. Or it could simply be both at the same time, we aren't that worried because the change is positive anyway.

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