Mokuton Authority

Chapter 200 - Movie Time.

After picking up everyone, we went to one of the numerous movie room inside the Shrek Castle. the room has a red and black wall painting, all the chairs are more of Beds than a chair themselves. And just touching a nightstand at the side of your bed/chair and thinking about something to eat it will immediately appear ready for consumption. A truly VIP movie room.

But before we sat on the chairs/beds, we were trying to decide what movie we should watch, I wanted to watch the prequels again, but most wanted something new. And after some strange and different ideas, I showed them [Superhero Movie].

This movie is at its greatest when you have watched those superhero movies from the early 2000s, Fantastic 4, Spiderman, X-Men, that have watched most of them so I am quite sure they will laugh a lot with this masterpiece. And I was right:

"Titanium blades, they cut through diamonds."(Villain)

"I am not wearing any diamonds."(Hero).

There was a chorus of laughter among everyone, even Allessa was laughing at it. Hah, if I knew they liked this type of comedy movies I would've shown then it sooner. Then there is the part at the dinner table.

"What happened to your arm?"(Villain).

"A bike messager knocked me down..."(Hero)

I see your wrist is bandaged."(Hero)

"Yes, I burned it in some hot coffee..."(Villain).

"And you have a cut on your lip."(Villain).

"Ann... My crack pipe broke..."(Hero).

"You have a scratch on your neck?"(Hero).

"Yes... I met a girl on Craigslist..."(Villain).

"And you have a bruise on your neck."(Villan)

"I met a guy on Craigslist."(Hero).

"I am sorry lads, I've got to go."(Villain).


"I... Shat my pants."(Villain).

The whole scene they were trying to hold their laughter but when the Big bad villain said "I... Shat my pants." no one could hold it anymore. Everyone burst out in laughter and they couldn't stop it anymore. The sheer bullshit happening in the scene was simply too much, and the fact that the actors said everything with a straight face like they were completely serious made everything even worse to hold their laugher back.

After that everyone continued watching the movie and when it ended everyone was looking kind of surprised that this kind of movie made everyone laugh so much. Zu Ling even found me after the movie and said.

"That was hilarious. Please say that you have more like those? I think I finally found my favorite movie genre."(Zu Ling).

"I have some more, and if you somehow are still not satisfied your mother can get some more for us."(Aizen).

"YES! I will tell everyone the good news."(Zu Ling).

Then she went for her friends and started telling them about the news and they started talking about the movie and the funny things about it.

"That was different... Different but enjoyable."(Yu Xiaogang).

"I'm glad you liked it, I only made everyone watch 'serious movies' until now before you found one of those wacky and comedic movies. Some people say you need to watch [Superhero Mocie] the same way you watch the [Prequels], always searching for a laugh and something funny."(Aizen).

"Heh, now that I look at it that way... "(Yu Xiaogang).

"Now, I want to give a tour to some special places here in the castle, so I will call everyone."(Aizen).

Calling everyone I told them about the tour and the important places I want to visit. Everyone got a bit excited about saying even more wonderful places inside the castle. The first one I wanted to show them is the hall of fame. I open a random door on the corridor, go down a reverse flight of stairs a spin two times in the same place, and bam the door is opened.

It was a very regal-looking door, it had a multitude of shapen and color that gave it a royal and regal feeling, it greatly impressed most of the people present here. With a little twist, the door opens and we enter a hall that seems to stretch infinitely. The hall seems to have a bunch of divided spaces on it, on each divided space there were nine blank statues, they just look like a plastic mannequin without a face or any discerning features.

Everyone seems to be looking at the infinity hall with amazing expressions taking in the beauty and novelty of it, giving everyone a bit of time I explain what I want for showing then the Hall of Fame.

"This is as some of you already suspect the Hall of Fame, here will be recorded every Shrek 9 devil's generation. Just touch any of these mannequins and send a little bit of soul power into it, it will engrave your appearance. And don't worry the mannequin will actualize to your new appearances, and when you left this world ins some form or shape it will constantly change from the moment you touched it to the peak, showing everyone you through your life."(Aizen)

They thought it was incredible, and the kids as anxious as they are immediately touched their mannequin and sent some soul power into it. The mannequin immediately changed to show their appearance, it looked extremely lifelike like those wax statues you see of famous people.

After that I brought everyone to the hall fo music, here you can find every musical instrument that I and Allessa know off, it works in a similar manner to the library, that if you made and musical instrument recognized by the hall and tossed it inside of here it would get engraved here forever. There is also a bunch of kinds of music I gathered from my past life, from Beethoven and Mozart to Despacito and Rick Roll. Allessa also helped a lot by picking up music from different universes and multiverses.

After that I went with everyone on the artistic excursion where I showed all the artistic halls, from painting to sculpting, I literally put everything I could think of in this castle, it's literally one of my masterpieces as a creator. It's not perfect as I damn well know that nothing perfect exists, but anyone could see how much I put into making it.

This castle is also a safe haven for me, I don't know how much becoming a God will change my personality, maybe I will become a completely different person? Or maybe I won't change at all. But this castle has the special and hidden function of in the case I change too much to show who I really was before I changed. Allessa thinks I am being overly paranoid, but paranoia is a shinobi bread and butter, so I am just being myself.

Time passed fast and soon it was the day Tang San returned, I could already feel him close to the school. He must've seen the gigantic Shrek statue Jojo posing, I can see how it could be a surprise to anyone. He even stopped to read the engraved motto at the base of the statue, his face held a legendary poker face that makes Ok Saitama proud.

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