Mokuton Authority

Chapter 203 - A different Awakening.

Hah, who would think my [Purify] skill would be so op. Who I am kidding? It's a 1million years old soul skill of course it has to be op, but I got to be honest here, its effects are better than I expected principally with the right timing. If my skill is used together with other beneficial factors it is pretty easy to get an upgrade for normal people.

But I still want to see the effect of this skill on something evil or corrupted, All this time I've been using it basically to learn impurities but... maybe if I use it in some corrupted creature I will be able to purify it? It worth testing it in the future. Maybe when I visit Allessa's world I can test it on those demons and whatnot? I know I am basically a quasi-buddha seeing as I have attained the four states of being and I probably have an extremely unfair advantage against anything considered "evil".

But right is Yu Xiaogang time, he is currently almost finishing absorbing his herb. Seeing eh finished I immediately use [Purify] on him. He didn't expel that many impurities like last time, but he still expelled some, which must be some newly acquired ones. But what surprised me the most is that my purify was the final kick for his 3rd awakening? That is quite a surprise.

Grandmaster's third awakening didn't have a light show as the previous time, no. It was a simple exceeding blinding flash of light followed by a draconic roar and then silence. It was the fastest awakening I have ever seen, he probably was extremely close to it and just needed the final push the [Purify] provided. Getting up I can see the changes in grandmaster, he is blonde now, Draco Malfoy blonde. His muscles grew and gained a little bit more definition and his skin has a yellowish shine to it. Looking inquisitively at himself he says:

"[Radiant Light Dragon King], A third awakening? how is it possible?"(Yu Xiaogang).

"Quite simple my friend, it was due to a number of lucky coincidences and opportunities. You had the 'luck' of being born with a failed martial soul. Wich made it way easier for your Second awakening to happen, you just had to provide the correct resources, in this case my [Purify]. The third awakening must've happened because it would happen anyway."(Aizen).

"What do you mean? Like it was destiny or something?"(Yu Xiaogang).

"No, nothing of sorts. Your second awakening could be said to be ""incomplete"" with a lot of quotation marks there, you basically just needed to acc.u.mulate a little bit more energy and with a little nudge, you would have your 3rd awakening."(Aizen).

"But that..."(Yu Xiaogang).

"Is something exceeding rare I know, if I got by the history of the Douluo planet there is maybe just a handful of people who passed through the same phenomena."(Aizen)

"But I don't remember any records of this."(Yu Xiaogang).

"This type of things you won't find one records, it has been a long time ago. If you want info about it you need to ask the planet itself..."(Aizen).

"What do you-"

"If I am not mistaken the first ancestor of the [Clear Sky Clan] was one of these cases. He was born with a simple hammer spirit, was able to evolve it to a [Sky Hammer], and after a lot of hardsh.i.p.s and lucky encounters he evolved it to [Clear Sky Hammer] we have today."(Aizen).

"Wow, impressive... Is the [Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon] martial soul something similar?"(Yu Xiaogang).

"Nope. The [Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon] is a mutation of a diluted bloodline from the [Blue Dragon King] which is one of the "sons" of the Dragon God."(Aizen).

"It gets way more complicated I am right?"(Yu Xiaogang).

"You have no idea my friend, no idea. If you want to research ancient martial souls a bit more I wrote everything I could find in the library so you can easily find some ancient and obscure info there."(Aizen)

"How did you get such Info if they are so rare?"(Yu Xiaogang).

"Didn't I say it before? I have the best informant. But right now I better go, Mubai and Zuqing are close to finishing their herbs. Bye, see you later."(Aizen).

Teleporting to their room I see both of them back to back finishing absorbing their herbs. Seeing the perfect moment I use [Purify] on both of them simultaneously. As expected they started shining but instead of the typical shining, I could see that the light was interwoven between themselves. Seeing this opportunity I shout.

"Use your martial soul fusion skill right now, don't lose this opportunity."(Aizen).

Apparently, they heard me as the lights started spinning and fusing together when it finished a giant behemoth was standing in their place, the beast roared and I could feel the changes in temperature. Ther beast was still shining and seeing this as another opportunity I used [Purify] on their martial soul fusion.

The beast shone brighter and brighter and after another loud roar, I could see both Mubai and Zuqing changes. Zuqing grew up, her muscles were more defined and aimed toward agility, she was taller and curvier, her hair now is now the same color as a black magmatic rock and sometimes you could see the shining "magma" under it. Mubai grew more muscled and broader his previous blonde hair now a deep black with white stripes, his aura also changed to that of a cold prince rather than the previous boisterous playboy.

"Your [Magmatic Hellish Civet]..."(Mubai).

"Your [Forst Blacklight Tiger]..."(Zhuqing).

The looked at each other a multitude of emotions flashing in their eyes, it appears that the fusion was more than just something physical like last time, maybe they got a mental connection too when they did it? But better let the couple resolve their grievances, I am not going to get in between a couple like this. So I just disappeared to Min Ren Cultivation room.

Reaching there I could see that he is almost finished absorbing his herb, waiting a little bit for him to finish I use [Purify]. Min Ren started shining in a rainbow-colored light, a DNA helix symbol appeared in the middle of the shining light... Can I laugh at someone's second awakening?

Come on, the dude's second awakening is the Mega Evolution of his pokemon martial soul, that got to be a cosmic joke somewhere. The light shone brighter and brighter until Min Ren was engulfed by a cocoon of energy which he soon exploded from, and a new Min Ren Appeared.

He was taller now, his muscles more compactor but more defined with a lot of explosive power contained within. His waist-length hair blue like the sky, and his eyes a menacing Red shining color. He looked at the new himself and then at me.

"Don't laugh..."(Min Ren).

"I want, but I won't. But you got to admit that it was funny... Min Ren Mega Evolves to [Mega Rayquaza], if you shout "rayquaza, rayquaza" I wouldn't be able to hold myself and I would die from laughter."(Aizen).

"Sigh... At least I am way stronger now."(Min Ren).

"Yup, maybe you can even become the God of the Sky? who knows?"(Aizen).

"... That does indeed sound plausible, but I don't know any god like that..."(Min Ren).

"Don't worry, you and the others from the merry band are already in the eyes of the gods. Sooner or later they would send their tasks to all of you."(Aizen).

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