Mokuton Authority

Chapter 209 - Giant sword.

This part of the tournament inevitably ended, Shrek's popularity has been skyrocketing recently. A lot of eyes were in this new school that has been showing everyone its power. I even detected some people that went to the academy to investigate, sadly for than the number of wards and fuinjutsu in the Shrek castle is staggering enough that even I would have a little bit of trouble invading the place. Sadly it's easier to destroy than to build.

The new rising fame of Shrek aside, the kids had a little bit of rest period before the second part of the tournament, heck even Dugu Bo appeared to say hi. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/mokuton-authority_17402525605705405/giant-sword._51045959144104406 for visiting.

Tang Hao also appeared to observe his son like the stalker that he is, I let him off the hook right now, but if he bothers me again I don't mind sending him flying for the third time.

After some period of rest, the Shrek academy entourage went to the two empire's borders. Close to the border appeared the giant sword mountain, the giant sword mountain is even more impressive up close. According to the legend, this sword-shaped mountain is the Angel's god sword that fell after her fierce battle against the Asura god.

But I have another theory, my theory is that this mountain is the legacy of the Sword God. Like the [Sea God Island] is the Sea God legacy to find his successor, this giant sword mountain is the Sword God legacy, it works entirely different from the [Sea God Island] but if what I am feeling is right, that should be the way the Sword god will choose his successor.

Sadly the requirements for you to become the new Sword God are quite steep, you need to have a [Sword Type] martial soul, and have enough proficiency with the sword that you have awakened your intent, or is close to it.

Intent is well... A strange topic. You could say for example that I have long since awakened my intent and have been using it since I was younger. How? quite simple actually, Haki is intent.

I guess I need to explain it a bit better, Haki is your will and you could say that intent is almost a synonym for will, and as intent is a form of superimposing your intent upon reality to gain diverse effects, you could say that Haki is closer to it.

An example would be Zoo's master on One Piece, Zoro's master on One Piece explains that a master swordsman can swing his sword as hard as he can and not cut even the weakest of leaves, while also weakly swinging his sword and being able to split metal. The key to that is of course Haki being used together with Intent. When swinging the sword at a leaf you have the intent of 'not cutting', and when swinging your sword towards the metal your intent is 'cutting'. Thus this led me to believe that either Haki is extremely close/connected with intent, or they are the same thing looked at from a different angle.

Another example is the [Conqueror's Haki], the Haki fo the King's, if you have the intention of bowing, of bending the knee to someone you will never awaken this Haki, all users of the [Conqueror's Haki] are kings in their own right, and using [Conqueror's Haki] is pressuring the role and the people to you will, it could be also seen as using you intent to pressure someone/something.

So this led me to draw those conclusions that [Haki] and [Intent] are almost the same thing, but Haki is of course notably different from what we are accustomed to seeing what intent is. So maybe [Haki] is an anticipation of [intent]? a more abstract form?

When I reached those conclusions I immediately taught [Haki] to Allessa to help her awaken her halberd intent, it helped a lot. But sadly she is still extremely awkward when using [Haki], not surprising seeing she just started using it. I bet I was like that in the start too. Having two millennia to refine something really does make a difference.

But the fact that Allessa awakened her halberd intent can also mean that magic does indeed also use intent for its spells, even if it's in a different and minor form, so even if she didn't advance much on the [Haki] department she was already using intent for other things, [Haki] only helped on giving her that final push to awaken her halberd intent.

Leaving the talk about intent behind I guess I should also say that the second part of the tournament for the kids is being an absolutely breeze, they are simply destroying their opponents be it on the individual or team battles.

And even now that Mubai is on the border of his Empire, his brother faction didn't think much about him, I can't stress this enough, on how funny it is that even Mubai being stronger than his canon counterpart with the [Evil Eye White Tiger Sage] legacy his brother doesn't care about him now just because they don't know much about his mutated martial soul. The human mind is surely a mystery sometimes.

There was another battle against the blaze team, and Hu Liena the leader even showed her exceptional Soul Ring fusion technique. Sadly for her Tang San is leagues ahead and was able to successfully counter and win again her new strategy.

The battle again the Thunderclap Academy was even more pitiful, for the enemies that is. Mubai, Tang San, and Ma Hongjun showed why a second awakening is such a big deal when the fights they had in the canon were pretty difficult, and when it came to this one even with the seals they were still able to safely win showing their superior skill and strength.

After that fight, the Ghost Douluo from spirit hall tried to threaten Tang San due to his surname being tang and the possible correlation with Tang Hao, let's just say that I added another person on the list of things I slapped out of existence. The funny thing is that he came here in secret so I don't doubt the spirit hall will take a lot more time to notice his disappearance than they should.

The funny thing is that situation still triggered Tang San enough for him to reveal to the world his [Clear Sky Hammer] martial soul. Now I just can't wait for the spirit hall to send more shitty minions(titled Douluos) for me to slap out of existence.

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