Mokuton Authority

Chapter 219 - Exiting the Room of Truth.

I am sure that whatever happened inside of the room of the waterfall of truth is bound to change most of them forever. They won't just have to confront their fears and insecurities, but also their past errors, regrets, guilt, heart demons.

Yep, any cultivator would sell their soul just to be able to enter a room like this, a Room where you can confront your hearth demons. some encounter will be pacific and short, other would-be aggressive and lengthy, but eventually everyone would be able to exit this place changed people.

And I was proven right when three days later the first one to exit was Ma Hongjun... This outcome is not unexpected, after all, Ma Hongjun had almost resolved most of his grievances thanks to changes I and the grandmaster made, he does indeed looks more serene, determined, and sure of himself. Which is a good thing, I bet he will work even harder now.

Ma Hongjun just looked at me nodded and went to his room to cultivate some more. Probably gonna wait for the others to come back.

A day after Hongjun came Oscar. He is almost the same, but I could see that he grew up a bit in this time, he also looks like a weight has been lifted from his shoulder, probably was able to tighten some loose ends that were tormenting his mind.

Half a day after oscar came Rongrong, she seems... Different, more mature, that ghost of arrogance that she still carried from her past self gone and now we have someone with confidence and enough power to back it up. A nice conclusion to her changes if I do say myself.

To a lot of people's surprise, she went on date with oscar not soon after, Oscar was almost a surprised as everyone but accepted it nonetheless. They had quite an interesting afternoon... That made me remember, I should also go on a date with Allessa one of these days, it has been some time since our last one, it most certainly could be fun.

Two days after Rongrong and oscar date Tang San exited the room. To say a weight has been lifted from his shoulders is a complete understatement. He literally behaves like another person almost entirely, he has a lightness to his very being, steps, and actions that screams otherworldly. It appears that he is one of the people most changed by the room.

Five days after Tang San the one who exited the room was surprising Bibi Renxue, she looked at me with a plethora of different emotions, but the highest I could think of was gratitude. She now has a distinctly holy and compassionate aura around her, almost like she is some kind of saint... If I had to compare her right now to someone, it would be Asia Argento from DxD. yeah, her transformation was THAT shocking. She also seems a lot more docile, gentle, and kind right now.

A day after she became friends with Ma Hongjun after some wack situation at one of the Training Halls, they became friends pretty fast and if Hongjun wasn't already engaged to Bai Chenxiang I don't doubt they could've ended up together. But the future is full of surprises so I wouldn't put past this new, stronger, and more proactive Hongjun to have a second fiancee in absolutely no time.

3 days after Bibi Renxue and Hongjun becoming Friends the one who exited the room was the Grandmaster... He took quite some time, way more than I expected, but the new appearance of Bibi Dong in our midst may be the culprit of that. The air around him felt more serene as it vibrated with contentment and happiness, guess he was able to get some good closure on some more complicated matters.

Half-day later Liu Erlong exited the room with a skip on her steps, guess she was finally able to accept the time she spent waiting for him, she also looked happier and more sure of herself. In her first opportunity, she just kidnaped Yu Xiaogang and they have been spending time together since.

The next day was Zhao Wuji who looked relieved and way more happy and boisterous, guess he was finally able to come on terms with the results from the last war he participated in, those things have been haunting him and I don't doubt he had some kind of mild PTSD, but now he looked at least 10 years younger.

A day Later Flander exited the room. Guess he was finally able to get over his crush for Liu Erlong, he, Yu Xiaogang, and Liu Erlogn were on a love triangle of sorts. Sadly for him Liu Erlogn chose Yu Xiaogang, Flander accepted but I guess his heart was never able to truly rest until after the waterfall of truth room.

Three days later Xiao Wu resurfaced, she looked and acted way more her age, and when she talked with me I could clearly see that she may have forgiven Bibi Dong, but she will never forget what she did. We talked for a bit, and she said might as well let her live to pay for her sins than simply kill her for petty vengeance.

Well... I definitely wasn't expecting that, If I was in her shoes I would've definitely killed Bibi Dong no questions asked. But I guess everyone is different, right? After that Xiao Wu went to search for Tang San and proceed to glue to him, they spent a lot of days all lovely that I could swear some people got diabetes.

5 days later it was bibi Don't that exited the room, she was remarkably different, if I could define her in one word right now it would be Guilty, she is incredibly guilty of all she has done. She thanked me and immediately went to talk to Flander, guess he will help her organize some form of helping others to pay for her sins.

Next was the couple Mubai and Zhuqing, they exited almost at the same time, their relationship looked stronger and both of them looked more at ease and sure of themselves than before. And if the spring on their steps was any indication they are very happy right now.

Min Ren was next, and much like tang san eh looked changed for the better, happier and more attentive to things surrounding him, I could also clearly see that he did let his past weight on his shoulder anymore. But my biggest surprise was when he asked something with his newfound courage:

"I would like your permission to pursue your daughter Aizen."(Min Ren). Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51286237331382376 for visiting.

"Hoh... I don't mind, you are free to do as you wish I won't need to play the big bad parent, I educated my daughter very well on those matters, and she can say a very convincing and painfully NO if the need arrives. But you are getting ahead of yourself, I've long since seen the sentiment between you two, but both are still too young-"(Aizen).

"Don't worry, I just want to get your permission beforehand. I know both of us are young now and it would be better to wait when we are stronger and more mature to start anything. I just want to get this permission out of the way before I start doing anything else."(Min Ren).

"Good, as I said: I trust my daughter to deal with it, I and my wife made sure to teach her to take care of herself... Besides, she is way stronger than you anyway."(Aizen).

"Thanks for your permission, I will make sure to not disappoint you."(Min Ren).

"*Sigh* It is not me you shouldn't disappoint, but her."(Aizen).

A day later it was my daughter that exited the room, the first thing she did was Hug me and Allessa tightly and say:

"I love you, Mom and Dad. Thanks for everything."(Zu Ling).

"Don't worry daughter we love you too."(Aizen/Allessa).

"T-that... I feel like I was too-"(Zu Ling).

"Don't worry we understand, both of us had our rebellious phase. Your mother used to teleport to Dragon dens to explore while I played videogames without sleeping for days on end."(Aizen)

"Yeah, my mother usually as riven mad with worry when I came back home with a bunch of dragon skin and scales to show, no matter how strong I was she always worried about me. Same for your dad."(Allessa).

"Yeah, you are our daughter no matter what we will always love you."(Aizen).

"Cliche, but very much true."(Allessa).

We had some family time together, watching some comedy movies and shows eating in different places together and etc. And as I expected Min Ren didn't try to start anything, as he said, he will probably wait for a while for when both are stronger and more mature.

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