Mokuton Authority

Chapter 23 - Scorching Heat.

Removing my hand off the torso o my enemy I quickly found another one, no wanting to waste time I fast at him aiming two blackened fingers at his hearth immediately killing him, another one comes this one with a sword, simply deflecting the blade I immediately punch his head making his face cave-in.

Continuing my Rampage thought my enemy I suddenly sense a huge chakra coming in my direction, but is this is not a normal chakra it has a Scorching feeling to it like Avery hot summer sunlight, this opponent is extremely dangerous.

The opponent seeing me removing my blackened hand from a corpse immediately start talking.

??????: I am Musashi, I've come here for the Konoha sc.u.m that has been stacking my men.

Musashi: Now that you are exhausted after fighting a lot, nothing can save you, not even this weird earth Jutsu that you use to make your limbs black.

While this retard continue his monologue, I began pondering, he thinks I am exhausted for some unknown reason so this is a good advantage. For the actual me to really become exhausted I will need to battle full strength for days, and even if I became physically exhausted I can just cycle my [Mokuton] chakra healing away all my exhaustion, as for becoming out of chakra, just forget about it now I have such a huge amount of chakra that's simply incomparable to anything human in this world, I don't know the specifics but I am close to 6 tails of chakra and remember adding a tail is not simply 1+1, is exponential, so I don't have chakra equal to 6 Shukaku's but equal to Saiken the 6 tails instead.

Now, this idiot finished his monologue and start preparing a huge ass [Scorch Release] ball to throw at me, I decided to flex a little bit decide to greet that stack head-on, entering on the correct stance I activate my [Armament Haki] and start using [Chakra Enhancement], while I am not as proficient as Tsunade I am leagues above some normal shinobi studying Tsunade's technique has done some good to my technique sadly I am not as proficient as her but this is a good start.

Musashi: Now you weak tree hugger face my supreme attack the [Sorch Release: Sunlight's Reveille]. *insert arrogant face here*

Meeting the ball of pure Scorching chakra was rough but with my [Armament Haki] and [Chakra Enhancement] I've been barely able to hold it, not wanting to get an explosion to the face I start pumping more and more chakra on my arms, making an extreme effort I throw with all my strength the [Sorch Release: Sunlight's Reveille] in the middle of the Suna formation.



In the horizon where the Suna Formation is, there is a huge explosion followed by a large spiraling flame pillar that reaches the clouds, right now I can only think is that this guy really launched his ultimate attack at me. What the actual f.u.c.k.

Exiting my stupor, I look at my dumbstruck opponent that is observing the effects of his attack, not wanting to was the opportunity I started charging a [Chou Oodama Rasengan] the gigantic spiraling blue ball o chakra met my still paralyzed opponent decompressing and crating huge ass explosion immediately killing him.

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