Mokuton Authority

Chapter 238 - Godhood: Closure.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry, I will also post the link in the comment session.}




They aren't my family for more than 2000 years, Allessa is.

That kept echoing in my mind while I walked towards my bedroom. That information is completely true and not even for a moment I thought differently. But I acted kinda excessive and out of character there. And that is worrying.

I know, since I came back that my brain was different, slower, more muddled, but I just failed to see the bigger picture here.

From my parent's perspective, their very incompetent son just said he was moving to another country and got pissed about a girlfriend that they don't know about. That got to look weird no matter how you look at it.

Allessa is my family and my world, we spent years together and love each other more than anything. But they don't know that. For them, my mysterious girlfriend could be just some weirdo trying to scam me on the internet. Just the thought of them thinking about Allessa like that already made me pissed.

And then come to another problem, since when I lose control of my emotions like this? I am literally in the process of becoming a f.u.c.k.i.n.g Buddha, how the f.u.c.k something like that can possibly happen. That is simply absurd...

Wait... I may have a theory when it comes to that... Maybe my past-self body had an extremely weak Yin, like really weak Yin. It could explain a lot of things, my lack of overall emotional control, my slower and dumber past self... That kind of makes sense in some way. But it could also just be something more mundane, like finally standing up to my parents, or it's just that emotions are a complicated thing after all. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51737575848738258 for visiting.

Bringing back the Stacy event was also quite a d.i.c.k move on my part, my mother said sorry for that way more times than I could count. She even made a formal apology to Stacy and Stacy's mother, we agreed to drop that and I was being an idiot for bringing it up again.

I admit this wasn't one of my proudest moments by a long shot, I also bet if I even show this scene to Allessa she would first laugh it off, then think I was being cute, and then it would all evolve in a steamy romantic moment. *Sigh*, I miss her already. But maybe all of this was a necessary thing, finally confronting my past self parents, and finally close this chapter of my life.*Golden Ligh*, my right eye immediately started twitching... This shitty golden light again.

I finish eating and then I finally take a good look at my past self room. It was cleaner than I remembered, must've been mom that cleaned it... My room was relatively simple, there was a bed, a small nightstand at its side, some shelves with books and all kinds of things, a wardrobe, and then a very big table containing my computer, my PS3 and some papers and other things that I use to write on. Yeah, this PS3 is almost an ancient artifact at this point, but I had some pretty good moments playing with it, but after the PS3 I started using basically only the computer, I will always prefer a PC to a console.

I quickly finished eating my dinner and sat on my chair, looking at the unlit screen of my PC. Then I heard some knocking on the door. It was my mother. She entered the room and looked at me, she seems troubled about something. Then I decided to act like the bigger and more mature man that I am and said sorry.

"Sorry for that mom."(Aizen).

"Don't worry son, I think I should apologize too. But you need to understand that I am also worried about you. You quit college when you were 20, and spent the next four years..."(Mom).

"I know, what you were thinking... That maybe if I had a girlfriend, I could change for the better, right?"(Aizen).

"Yeah. It ought maybe if you had someone more in your life you could..."(Mom).

"Well, now that I think about It. You are not wrong, a girl did indeed change my life a lot. "(Aizen).

"That is another thing I wanted to talk about. This girl you are talking about... You know about scammers right? "(Mom).

"What the f.u.c.k? Do you think I am one of those simps that keep showering those twitch thots with donations thinking they care about me? Shit mom, I may be a loser, but I am not that much of a loser."(Aizen).

My mom visibly relaxed, a huge tension being lifted off her shoulders. It was like I just told her she won the lottery or something.

"Thank God. Thank God. Thank God. You don't know how relieved I am at hearing this. "(Mom).

"I may be a failure in a lot of things. But I would never give money to a twitch thot."(Aizen).

"That is truly a relief. Now tell me a little bit more about this girl..."(Mom).

We ended up talking a lot. I told her a very edit and different version of how a met Allessa, as the truth is way more unbelievable than the fiction, I wonder how she would react knowing I was already a father of a girl my sister's age.

She was also worried that I was being scammed or something. I thought that worry was funny seeing as Allessa is way richer than me... Technically, I can be richer than her with my Yin-Yang Release, but in the real sense of things, Allessa is way richer than me, but money is kinda worthless to both of us, it has been a long time since we tough about money or something of the sorts.

That may also be one of the points of this test, to know what is to be a normal human again, to make me remember what it feels to be mortal, what it feels to do wrong, to fail, and don't have a quick way to fix things. For me to become a god I need to know the whole coin, its two sides, its two faces. In the end, how can I know what a is god, if I had forgotten what is being a mortal in the first place? Now I can understand a little bit more of this test purposes.*Golden Light**Sigh*.

I ended up talking with my mother for a long time, we were able to rebound as mother and son. I may have already mentioned it, but my relationship with my family grew strained and distant in the last years of my past life. But in just this short time that I was back, I was already able to somehow reconnect and gain a little bit of respect from my father, and reconnect with my mother. That is actually something pretty great.*Golden Light*

After that, I went to brush my teeth... Now that I think about it... How long since I brushed my teeth in a normal way. Normally I use Yin-Yang Release to clean my teeth and my mouth perfectly, so it has been years since I last touched a toothbrush. And if there is a thing that makes you really feel human is brushing your teeth and taking a shit afterward, that is literally something that every human being does.

Then I went to sleep, and that was when I missed Allessa the most. I've not slept alone in years, every time I went to sleep Allessa was there with me together cuddling and basking in each other's presence. And sleeping alone felt hollow cold, and I would constantly shift about feeling there was something missing.

Waking up on the next day I felt different, more refreshed. I guess my body really needed this rest time. Breakfast was a simple affair, a cup of coffee and one bread with butter, and everyone was ready to go on with their day. Both my parents went to work, and my sister went to school.

Seeing as I had a lot of free time right now I decided to visit my grandmother. Thankfully she lived close by so I could go walking.

Halfway to my destination, I was already wearing like a pig on a summer day, breathing heavily, and I felt like I couldn't even move anymore. Being fat f.u.c.k.i.n.g sucks, I could barely make this simple walk to my grandmother's house. I forgot how infuriating being fat can be. First priority right now is to put my body on manageable and healthy levels. I know due to my genetics I won't even be a thin man or something like that, but that doesn't mean I can't be chunky. Being chunky means that I will get rid of the unnecessary and unhealthy fat, but due to my genetics still maintain that squarish and large figure. I am almost crying at how difficult it will be to get rid of my fat belly, this shit is always the worst to get rid of, and I know for a fact that this body will never have a six-pack, but that doesn't mean I can't get rid of the fat on my body.

The rest of the way to my grandmother's home was difficult, incredibly difficult. My body simply can't or wouldn't collaborate with me. But after a lot of time basically dragging myself, I was able to arrive. My grandma bless her soul, was sitting in front of her house, and she immediately opened it when she saw me.

"Are you okay? What happened? "(Grandma).

"*huff* I *huff* just *Huff* came* huff* walking *huff*."(Aizen)

"Oh my god. Don't worry, I will get you some water."(Grandma).

After some moments grandma returned with a big water bottle and I was thankful for it. I greedily drank the water to satiate my thirst, grandma simply sat there waiting patiently. After some time to get my bearing, I looked at grandma and explained.

"I came here today to visit you, and to give you some news."(Aizen).

"Oh, do tell."(Grandma).

"Well, I will be moving to Tchola."(Aizen).

My grandma was a little bit surprised at first, but soon a look of nostalgia and reminiscence appeared on her face like she was remembering a similar event in the past. I patiently waited, until she gave me a smile and said.

"You know... Your father did almost the same thing, all those years ago... When I look at you know I couldn't help but draw the similarities."(Grandma)

"Father mentioned something like that..."(Aizen).

"Hah, you wouldn't believe it. It was a day almost exactly like this, he just straight up looked at me in the eyes and said that. As a mother, I was very worried, but your father's determination convinced me. He had the same fire in your eyes you have right now you know... The semblances are uncanny... Like father like son I guess. But I guess that is part of growing up."(Grandma).

"Hehe. Do you want any help around?"(Aizen).

"Don't worry, I am old, not dumb, I got those things covered. I wanted to talk with you a bit more, it has been a long time since I saw my cute grandson, so how have things been going..."(Grandma).

I continue talking with grandma and we had quite a good talk together, it even grew funny towards the end when she started telling some histories about my father and some of his adventures when younger. Never thought my father had so many interesting things happening to him... Huh, peoples' lives are way more complex and complicated than I remembered, but I guess that is the typical syndrome that affects everyone who becomes too powerful, we start to see the other and we oversimply their lives and then we ended up forgetting that life is equally complicated for everyone. Even if someone lives isolated and in peace, they would still have multiple different stories to tell, haha, I forgot how being a normal human can also be interesting in some way.

Before my previous elf died, I saw everything as boring, I had stopped with human interaction because I thought it fruitless and boring, that life was lame, I thought it was meaningless and boring and had probably given up. I was especially always angry with how I couldn't advance, how I couldn't evolve, at how limited I always felt by being a normal human. I hated the boring normalcy.

But now with my literally more enlightened mentality, I was able to see things from a different angle. I was able to see beauty when I didn't find any before, I was able to see hope when all I saw before was hopelessness, I was able to make amends when previously I only saw burned bridges.

Hah, I was able to see through so many new perspectives, I literally opened my eyes to new ways right now. This test is really enlightening, worthy of a test for a future Buddha. Eventually, the talk with my grandma had to come to an end. But before I went back home grandma gave me a Chaplet.

"Here, take this. And God will always be with you, and remember to pray every night okay?"(Grandma).

"Thank you, grandma, I appreciate it."(Aizen).

I wonder... How would she react if she knew I literally talked with God and are friends with him. That's got to be something, right? And if technically speaking, the highest religious authority in the world is the one who is closest to God, don't I qualify as one? Technically, I had more contact with god than the pope right now. It sounds absurd, I know, but at least it's funny to think about it. The same could be said about Buddhism.

After taking the chaplet I went back home, walking back home was somehow way more difficult than I expected, but I guess my body was already tired of the distance I walked previously, and now I need to walk the same distance back to my home.

It was difficult, and I reached home in a state almost worse than when I arrived at grandma's house. I made a direct beeline to the kitchen and drank a lot of water. Something pretty important to do as I am sweating heavily and losing a lot of liquid, so drinking water is something necessary for me to not dehydrate.

- Time Skip - Six Months -

It took me six months to get citizenship on Tchola. In these six months, I of course didn't stay still. I used my time to the best of my abilities.

I started exercising daily with eh clear objective of losing my useless and unhealthy fat. and it has been working. Thanks to my knowledge and experience I didn't even need a gym for the simple training regimens I am doing, I've long since mastered the art of exercising the most without the need to use any external factor.

Of course, if I want to get really put on some huge muscles I would need to go to the gym and do things differently, but for now? Just spending some good hours doing my variations of the Saitama training is enough for me to remove my fat and get healthier. When my body reaches a better level I could try some of the exercises I did while I was training to be a shinobi, fo course most of them are useless because they expect me to have chakra, but the lower level ones I could probably do if my body is prepared enough.

Losing weight and exercising changed a lot of my appearance, don't get me wrong I still look fat, very fat. But now my eyes aren't sunken anymore, there aren't any dark circles around them. I started taking care and trimming my beard regularly, I made sure to not let my hair get too long. I took more baths during the day and every time after exercising. I don't get as exhausted and huffing when I make a simple walk to my grandma's house. My quality of life has overall improved.

Besides the exercises, I also started on my secondary citizenship on Tchola, and I gotta say: Bureaucracy sucks, the amount of padding I had to undergo for no reason whatsoever was mindboggling. The amount of money on small taxes and pays I spent should be a crime to even be allowed to continue running. But finally, after six shitty months, I was able to obtain my second citizenship.

My mother was quite surprised that I was serious about that, and I won't lie to you and say she accepted it instantaneously. It took some time but eventually, she came around and accept things as it is. My father was extremely supportive, he suffered almost the same amount as me as he was the one who went with me on this bureaucratic boogaloo. But like a total chad that he is he took it in stride, for someone who works with something similar I guess he is already used to this shit.

Grandma has been giving some tips about Tchola, apparently, she lived there when she was a kid so she knows a lot about that nation. She told most me most of the things she could remember and with the internet help, I was already pretty informed about that nation.

Preparing for my trip and arrival wasn't easy, but I am someone who has created the best metal in the Omniverse, a little trip like this won't stop me. It was an extra month making sure everything was arranged and prepared, I didn't mind the extra month of waiting as it was a good time to spend some moments with my family.

During these months I also became a better person somewhat, I was able to repair a lot of burned bridges and what previously looked like hopeless situations ended up only being something that required a little bit of patience and kindness. I could comfortably say that my relationship with my family right now has been the best I had in years, and they all felt it too.

My changes definitely didn't go noticed, but as I was literally changing for the better no one was complaining about it.

Heck, I was even able to give some pointer on martial arts to my sister. she first didn't give it much thought, she keeps quizzing me and asking me strange questions, it was like she simply couldn't believe I could give those kinds of advice for her. I told her that some times an outside perspective and sometimes a fresh perspective can help us improve, she was already doing a good job going for a very different martial arts black belt, and it may also improve her skills if she went and watched different arts on youtube.

At first, she didn't believe thinking it was the usual bullshit I keep saying, but seeing as I had taken some real effort to change she thought on hearing my advice and ended up not regretting it. She definitely improved a lot, and if I was able to interpreter this correctly she will probably want to go pro in the future. She has some pretty good chances, principally if she listens to my bits of advice.

How would her reaction be if she knew I am way above master in a bunch of those martial arts. But I guess my most important advice for her was the way of life I adopted after my reincarnation "Be better than yourself from yesterday.". In my opinion that was one of the best pieces of advice I gave her, it's something that I always adhered to, be better than myself from yesterday. I don't need to always have huge leaps or learn some new and big technique, I just need to be better than myself from yesterday.

Finally, the day arrived. I said goodbyes to my family and entered the plane towards Tchola.

The first week in Tchola was quite complicated, but eventually, I was able to settle myself. I found a job at a supermarket and started working. It may sound like a strange job for someone with so many skills like me, but I literally had no experience or any college degree in my resume, so I simply accepted.

Working at the supermarket ended up being a very nice experience. I got to know the staff. Jeff the weird cashier, Rosane the goth chick, Jumbo the ex-soldier, Carlos the Uruguayan janitor, Patrik the tea obsessed guard. I had some kind of strange function in the supermarket, I started as an auxiliary to Carlos helping him clean everything, but a month later Rosane needed some help, in labeling the products so I was assigned to helping her after that Jeff had troubles keeping up on the rush hours so I aced as another cashier. One day too much meat arrived a the same time so I went to help Jumbo on the butchery, and soon I found that my varied skills had a pretty high value.

At 26 I was promoted to manager of that supermarket, it didn't change much of what I was doing previously. It was just a bigger income and a bigger amount of paperwork.

My personal life was also doing great, I was able to rent a small flat in the city at a fair price. I continue exercising and becoming fitter by the day, this reminded me that soon I would need to go to the gym, liking it or not that is just more efficient and less time-consuming. I didn't forget to call my family at least every week to talk with them and update them on the things happening.

With the extra money I now and as a manager, I was able to buy a car. I prioritized functionality over everything, so I bought a car that needs the least maintenance I could find, I didn't care much about appearances.

A funny thing also happened one of the clients a woman roughly my age asked me out on a date. I politely declined her, saying I already had someone. I don't care if this is just a test or whatever, I will never betray Allessa, she is the only one for me.

When I was 27 years old, the supermarket chain I was working on broke. It was a relatively small chain that spanned some cities around, I was quite sad about having to say goodbyes to my fellow employees, but everyone ended up following in their own way.

When I was researching for another job, my older boss called me saying he had a proposal. Apparently, the supermarket part of his business broke, but he still had other types of business around. He proposed to me a job at a butchery he owned. I found it strange but went with it nonetheless. Well, I technically didn't stop searching for a job, because this boss has already let me down once, so I expected him to do it twice.

In the first week working at the butchery, I quickly discovered some interesting things. The butchery was a front to a criminal ring that operated underneath it, so I quickly connected some dots and discovered why the supermarket chain I worked previously was closed, it was probably due to some police investigation so they'd decided to lose it before the police found anything, or the police did find something and ordered them to close it.

Well, this bastard of a boss was playing with fire, and I was going to show him that. I started gathering information and clues, anything discriminatory I could find or perceive. For someone like me, that was part of the ANBU this was extremely easy, these guys are just normal people and I worked with super ninjas that were high on chakra and paranoid to a fault. Compared to that this almost seems way too easy.

At 28 I had enough information and proof to incriminate half of the city mob at least ten times over. Compiled everything and send some anonymous packages to the police. What? did you think I was gonna be some kind of superhero? a vigilante perhaps? I probably could, with my skills and the way better way body si right now, but I am as human as them, so better let the police do their job.

The info I sent was an explosion in the media, a bunch of important people was put behind bars in one who would later be known as one of the biggest police operations of Tchola history. Until now they are trying to find who sent the anonymous doc.u.ments to give him a medal.

I was of course brought up to questioning, but they dismissed me when I ended up being just a normal butcher... It still amazes me how people can dismiss someone just because his "status" isn't as high... I was just a simple and clueless butcher after all, what I could've known?

Sadly that endeavor made me jobless. Maybe I could've attempted the mafia route? I would at least be richer... Nah, that guy f.u.c.k.i.e.d with me so I destroyed his entire criminal empire.

After some time I ended up finding work as a mailman. It was something more akin to just driving the mail van and delivering packages and sometimes letters. It was a nice job, and depending on how busy my day was I could do it on foot.

At 30 I decided to return home for the first time. Right now I had long since gotten rid of my fat, I had a packed body that would cause Motto Motto to die of envy. I had already enough money saved for me to buy my own apartment, or maybe even a house. I had a lot of experience with different kinds of people and work environments, and I have learned so much in such a short time. Now I am returning home to see my family again, I will of course return to Tchola after my visit.

Returning to the family was a great experience, most of them missed me even we talking every day on voicemail the is a clear difference if I was present.

My sister has grown up and started her pro carer on MMA, I don't doubt she will be able to go far the way she is dedicated to things. She is already aiming for a fourth black belt. That made me remember that I need to buy the complete package to watch all of her fights, over the years she started to appreciate more and more of my input.

My father was proud of me that I was able to live by myself, we sat on the couch sharing a drink and a bunch of crazy histories from our jobs. When I looked at him I could finally see the signs of age showing on his person, don't get me wrong they were already there on his person. But now they were more prominent, I could see some wrinkles around his eyes, he was becoming bald, and the bit of hair and his well-trimmed beard now spotted a lot of white hairs.

When I looked at mother it was almost the same, some wrinkles here and there, and as she never liked wearing makeup in the first place everything was more easily seen. She had some white hair but due to her being blonde it was pretty difficult to spot them. Mother was also happy on seeing me, she hugged me and cried for a bit saying she missed me dearly, we talked a lot and I could clearly see how happy she was in seeing me. She also commented that she was extremely happy I was taking care of my health.

Grandma was difficult, she is starting to become old, really old. I could see her previous joviality and energy have diminished a lot. She is still that incredible person that I know, but I can see that age is getting into her.

At that moment a looked at my hands... I had almost forgotten this feeling, this strange and unavoidable thing that happens to every human being, I had forgotten that we are all aging, that we all have limited time. I looked at my hands that have long since started to lose their younger demeanor and started their transition on what would later become their middle-aged selves. We all are aging, I included.

For the first time in my existence, I had a taste of my own mortality, for the first time I had felt what aging feels like. I haven't reached the part that problems and strange pains started appearing, but I can see that I am getting old for the first time. That is both a frightening and fascinating concept at the same time, on one side I am slowly dying on the other side this was something that I would never think I could experience, I acquired a [Sage Body] quite early on in my second life, so I had always been ageless, I had always been deprived of feeling the pleasures of slowly aging.

So aging is something I never experienced before. Maybe this is also one of the lessons this test wants to impart to me. *Golden Light* It has been a long time since it last appeared, how nice.

Being confronted with the inevitable passage of time for everyone around me, I decided to return every year at least for Christmas and new year's holidays.

The moment I returned was dispensed from my mailman job. Apparently, the company i worked for was getting a cut in the budget and as a lone mailman without a wife or kids, I was one of the prime candidates for being cut.

The news came around and apparently, my country entered some kind of conflict with another nation. They were calling some people that are in the reserve for the military service, and being a man I was of course in the reserves. I was literally the perfect candidate for then, man, fit, jobless, without higher education, I was literally the perfect soldier candidate in the country's eyes. So it was no surprise that they called me.

I later would discover that this conflict started because the mafia that I helped stop was helping to sustain another country with supplies, when the mafia was stopped the supplies also stopped, so that country took some drastic measures. And thus I was called from the reserves. I didn't mind much, to be honest, I was already part of a much more dangerous military force in the naruto world, the only change now is that this kind of modern military is more dependent on technology.

At 31 I had already finished the basic training and was deployed. The life of a soldier was pretty tough for a normal human, I definitely hold a lot more respect for them after I had to pass through it myself.

At 32, My life as a soldier consisted more of patrols and training regimens than anything else. One year in the field I went in simply 4 missions, and yeah I killed some enemies too, but that isn't that much of a big deal for me, I had literally killed worse and less than this so I was pretty casual about it. That got some of my company colleagues to get worried, so I had to do a psychological evaluation. Passed it with flying colors.

At 33, I was able to get back home. I visited my family and we had a pretty good time with me telling some watered down versions of what happened in the military. My father was especially proud of me because now he could brag to his friends that his son was in the military.

I returned to the military but apparently, a treat was signed and the conflict stopped. Things would have escalated way more if the U.N. didn't interfere. I was offered to continue with a military career and I thought, why not?

At 35 I was promoted due to my services and reached the rank of Sergeant now. It was a surprise to me but I was captain of a team of four right now.

At 42 I reached the rank of First Sergeant, so I decided to retire from eh military. Things started to become way too political to my tastes, so I asked for my leave. I receive some medals for my service and was able to go home with a smiling face and some decorations.

All these years I always visited my family whatever I could, but working in the military was very time consuming and overall busy work. But now that I was dispensed I was with more free time.

My sister made quite a success on the MMA scenario and she will be marrying next month. She already has kids due to her career she waited until now to officially marry, and also retire and become a full-time housewife. Her husband is a really good bloke that works at Microsoft so they have a pretty stable life.

Both of my parents retired and with their saved money started pursuing their own hobbies and have an overall extended vacation. The family still gets together every end of the year and I do my best to not break the tradition.

With the money I saved I bought myself a nice house, And no I didn't buy a new car, my first one still works very well and I almost never had a problem with it besides the usual maintenance.

At 43, my grandma died. It was quite a sad moment for everyone as she was held dear by the entire family. But I know God is a total bro and he is probably taking good care of her soul right now.

To not stay static and seeing I am still relatively healthy for work I decided to find a new job. It was f.u.c.k.i.n.g difficult. Apparently, no one wants to employ a retired Sergeant, every one I went was afraid I was some lunatic that would explode in PTSD episodes at any moment. But one crazy guy at a construction company was desperate enough to contact me.

I quite liked working at construction sites, much like all my jobs before I learned a lot of things. And seeing as I am overqualified for basically any normal human job I was quickly promoted.

At 44, I had been promoted four times already, a record inside of my boss company. My sister also sometimes asked me to take care of her kids, apparently, she likes to have some romantic times with her husband from time to time and I offered to take care of the kids and she ended up accepting my offer instead of contracting a baby sitter.

Taking care of my sister's kids brought back some memories about Zu Ling. It has been 20 years already, and even if 20 years si little compared to my real age it doesn't mean that I don't miss my wife and my daughter every day. My sister's kids were way more chill than kid Zu Ling, so taking care of them was a breeze. Heck, I even introduced them to DnD, I had personalized boards, miniature monster, and everything. My sister that was expecting me to struggle a lot with her kids, found out that I am better with kids than she is, it was a humbling experience for her in the end.

At 45, my Boss was promoted and his role was vacant, I was chosen as one of the possible candidates but due to me not having any kind of degree I was the least likely to get the position. an upstart named Joffrey ended up getting the position, I didn't care much as I was only doing this to pass my time, so Joffrey could jump off a bridge for all I cared.

The problem is that Joffrey has the closest case of Young Master syndrome I saw in this world. And he hated me for no reason whatsoever. that still wasn't enough for me to care, but Joffrey tried making my job more difficult than it was worth, he thought I was a poor chap that needed this job or something, haha, very funny. I just left that headache before it became one.

At 46, I encountered my first difficulty at finding emplyement. I figured that if finding a job was that difficult I should just try and get some degrees. With how developed technology has become you don't need to exit your home to get yourself a degree, so with a lot of extra money and time, I went about collecting degrees.

At 50, I had multiple degrees in various areas. Art, Architecture, Engineering, P.E., Philosophy, Literature, Mathematics, Criminology, Law. I had really a lot of free time, and I gotta tell you you don't know what is pressure until you have to deliver five final projects on the same day.

At 51 My father died of a heart problem, which devasted my mother, She spent a great part of her life together with my father and they truly loved each other. The goodbyes were incredibly sad and heartbreaking to see. I also felt very sad because liking it or not, my father was always supportive of me since I came back and I will really miss that time at the end of the year where we would sit together share a drink, and talk about the good times. Thanks for everything father, be sure to take care of grandma there in heaven.

A job as a janitor was opened at the school my sister's kids go to. I tried applying to it and they accepted me, they were severely understaffed so I was pretty much easily admitted. Working as a janitor again made me remember the times I worked at the supermarket, good times.

the job was relatively easy and with how efficient I was I had a lot of free time between them. My sister's kids quickly were able to discover I was working there, I would often help them with homework or school projects, it was some fun years.

At 55, my mother died. She tried her best to hold herself together after my father's death but it didn't work out. My sister really cried at her funeral, and it was a sad occasion for everyone. At least we could comfort ourselves knowing she is with dad in heaven right now.

After my mother's death, I truly started to feel how old my body is becoming. Due to how healthy I've been maintaining myself until now I rarely felt much effects, but when I looked at the mirror and only saw white hair and wrinkled skin, I finally started to truly feel the effects of aging, it was a novel and a strange experience at the same time. I just wish Allessa was here to share such moments with me, but I should not worry the test is close to finishing so soon we will be together again.

At 58 my sister's kids graduated high school and went to college. They are both smart kids so I don't think they will have the same problems I had. I still have a kick out of it when I tell them I quit college the first time, telling them that history only gets more fun when I do it in front of my framed degrees wall where I put all the degrees I continued collecting during my life. It's simply too much fun seeing their stupid faces.

My sister decided to open a martial arts dojo now that her kids are set. It was pretty successful seeing as some people still remember her from the time she was an MMA pro.

At 63, I was still working Janitor. For some reason, the school really likes my efficiency and I continued employed until now. This year was special because I stopped a mass shooting.

The troubled kid has problems both home and is bullied at school, brought a .45 to the school. I saw him putting it into his backpack while I was cleaning one of the halls and decided to intervene. Talked to the kid, and convinced him to not do it, took the gun from him, and pointed him to my sister's martial arts dojo, and paid for all his classes. The boy ended up loving it and he would beat the shit out of everyone that tried to bully him.

At 66 The school thought I was too old to continue working there as a janitor so I was dispensed. I know they just wanted to change the worker because Gonzales that is going to be the new janitor requires less pay and is younger. I didn't care much, I live alone and money isn't a concern for me since I exited the military service.

At 68, my collection of degrees reached an impressive level. Some universities started to notice someone like me and I was often asked to do lectures for the students. I took this period of my life a little bit slow because I decided to start writing.

At 72, I had finished writing my biography, my true self's biography, not my past self's. It was labeled as fiction, of course, I doubt any human would like to admit his life is less than a speck of dust in the vastness of the Omniverse. The books were a complete failure but I was still overall satisfied with having writing them.

At 72 my age was way more apparent than before, my stamina was a joke of a distant past now, my previous trained and flexible body was a withering joke now. And I officially entered the grandpa tier, before this I was simply an old man, but when one of my sister's grandbabies came around and called me grandpa I was promoted to grandpa tier.

At 75, After I started I simply couldn't stop writing, I wrote everything that passed through my mind and when I gathered enough content I would launch a new book. My books were on the most random and varied subjects that spiked my fancy, the most "crazy" book yet was a detailed journal of the Shrek Castle construction. That one was a masterpiece, the was another one "How to teach your daughter to swim in lava", that one was classified as a comedy, even if it was just me retelling true facts.

There were some normal books of course, but as I said, they never became popular or mainstream, my books were always a niche genre.

I also went to a get together of the veterans in the army. Unfortunately, most of the people I knew from that times were already dead, so there was just me and other two old men. We ended up complaining about the young generation and the shitty situation of our country, typical.

At 80 I ended up babysitting some of my sister's grandbabies. She would come with them and we would spend some time together reminiscing about the past, I would talk about some new book idea I had, and she would talk about how her Dojo is still growing.

Yep, my sister may be above 70 but her love for martial arts didn't diminish in the slightest, the number of black belts she has. Has long passed the 10 marks. She became quite renowned inside of that martial arts circle, and to this day she still asks me for advice on martial arts from time to time.

At 85 I was the only veteran of my time still alive. I continued writing books but nothing much happened all this time.

If I had to point out something would be that I've been feeling my age way more recently, my body is slowly degrading and aging more and more. Climbing stairs now feel like a monumental task, picking things on the taller shelves is a huge chore, going to the supermarket feels like a giant overextended adventure.

thank god I had the foresight of buying a house with just one floor. And if you are curious I still have the same first car that I brought, the big boy has been holding it together with me all this time and I don't think will ever trade him, the car has become an antique at this point.

Aging normally like this tough me a lot of things that more than 2000 years failed to, I simply learned too much with this experience. And I bet I will still learn more.

At 95 I had become really old, walking around the house has become difficult and I now use a cane for almost everything, before I just need to use the cane for when I walked longer distances, but right now I can barely move without it. I remember when I was younger in this life, sometimes when I was impatient I got pissed at the old people for slowing down things, and now that I am really old I was able to feel how frustrating is for the old people too.

I remember my father saying that he always hated canes, always hated crutches. They may be things to help the elderly walk, but the moment you use one of those you would feel yourself somehow "less" living being. I didn't tough much about it but when it was finally time that needed the cane for everything I understood his words, you really feel like you are less somehow, principally when you see everyone younger than you walking and running around without any difficulty.

It's like that you finally discover that walking becomes a privilege.

I also need to start taking pills, the doctors said it was a miracle it took so much time for me to need it. But age doesn't forgive anyone, so eventually, I had to start taking medicine for my decaying body.

At 98, my sister died. It was quite a sad moment for me as she was the one who was with me in my past life the longest, we had our low and high moments and I can say that my sister was truly a great person. Her funeral was filled with people both her friends, her kids, her grandkids, and her great-grandkids.

Her husband was still alive, and he was the one who cried the most on her death. He would die one year later and unite with my sister in heaven, he was a great guy and truly someone I think my sister has chosen right.

I am just sad that I am not part of my sister's great-grandkid's life. But I guess that I am right now that weird grandpa in the family that somehow managed to outlive every one of his generations.

At 100 years old my sister's kids managed to throw a century party for me. It was quite the full affair as almost everyone from my sister's family was present. It was beautiful and I am sure I will remember this for a long time.

I am also happy that my like of DnD has been passed to even my sister's great-grandkids, and to this day I am known as the one who taught it to their grandparents.

Somehow being a century older here has more weight than being 2000 in the other. I guess the fact that my body deteriorates makes me feel and experience life differently.* Golden Light* Hah, the golden light appears after so many years in wait, I almost missed it.

Due to me being 100 years old the news of my city interviewed me and asked about my life. There I told a summary of my life and pointed out I had written a biography. Thanks to that news site I got a boon in my book sales. They went from a fairly niche title to something pretty popular in the span of less than a year. And as I never stopped writing in all these years I had tons of books to my name.

Suddenly everyone and their mother wanted an interview with me, I agreed on making one interview a day, and I was able to settle into that. I would've done more but I am not as young as the world expected me to.

Right now I look almost like a carbon copy of Dumbledore, if you remove the silly robes and consider that I have brown eyes you will have a perfect picture of me.

Sadly my body started to deteriorate even faster. I would suddenly feel some lapses of concentration, my mind would suddenly wander off in the most inappropriate times, I started talking slower and slower, more and more pills are needed to keep me alive, I have long since given up the cane for a walker, a sloth could beat me in a running competition, I am literally at death's door.

And the thing that I couldn't stop thinking about is Allessa. More and more thoughts about her fill my mind, the more and more I miss her dearly. And this all made me realize how much I love her and how much I miss her.

At 101, my sister's kids died. I could barely go to their funeral in my aging body, and the ever-annoying media thought that was a good day to annoy me all at the same time.

At 108, I was a shell of my former past self, an aged and decaying shell. I decided to put myself in an asylum, the most expensive I could find. My only condition was that I could continue writing my books, something that I didn't stop doing even in my condition. Walking was out of the picture for a long time so now I ride an expensive modern technological wheelchair.

At 112, I barely could maintain a coherent train of thoughts. Due to my condition, I've been confined to bed, and I could only go to the bathroom or do other simple things with help.

I just thank god that technology developed in such a way that robots are my biggest company since I went to an asylum. I didn't know if I could live with myself if it wasn't robots I was dealing with.

At 120, I was basically on my deathbed. I could barely write anything anymore using my voice and the few minutes of clear current tough I would have in the day. I had long since overdue my stay in this place, Heck my sister's Grandkids have long since passed away. I am just a dried corpse that is simply too stubborn to truly die.

At 125, I only could maintain a clear thought process when thinking about Allessa. She is literally the thing that has given me the strength to survive these last few years. I've long since been transferred to something akin to a bacta tank, it was nice because I didn't need to have a ton of machines connected to me all the time. It was just me, the tank, and Allessa.

The funny thing is that I don't expect her to understand aging the same way I do. She is an Elf, and an Elf doesn't age. Maybe when we connect our heads with [Telephathy] she would be able to see what I truly mean by aging.

At 127, I was dying. But instead of being the sad moment, everyone thought It would be I was relieved, relieved from my mortal shell, relieved from my flesh prison. I learned a lot in this life, but these last years have been truly extremely difficult, and I don't really know how I lived for so much time.

As the last effort on my dying breath, I was able to murmur.

"Finally... finally... i... can.. get back... to... her... I... Love... you... Allessa..."(Aizen).

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