Mokuton Authority

Chapter 269 - Soul: One Day Before Canon.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Ichimaru was slightly baffled at the situation since Aizen returned from whatever the hell he was doing, He knows some info about it but going in detail right now will only give him a headache.

But since he returned he was strange. The first day he arrived the captain commander gave him the shouting of a lifetime, Ichimaru would never ever underestimate the ability of the Captain Commander to shout again. Old man my ass. That monster could still wipe the floor with all of the Soul society if he wanted.

Honestly, he was extremely scared of the Captain's outburst, and [Reiatsu], if it wasn't for that he would probably be laughing his ass off due to Aizen's situation.

But the next day he can honestly say it was one of the best days of his life. Aizen somehow got painted wholely pink. PINK! The super-duper mastermind behind the scenes planner was pink-colored right now, and with a lot of glitters to add. Do you know how less threatening someone looks when they are like that?

Ichimaru almost pitied Aizen. Then he remembered how much of a bastard that motherf.u.c.ker is. And why he was doing all of this. He spent years hiding the true power of his [Bankai], he won't waver in these last moments... He just needs to find the perfect opportunity to kill the bastard. Said opportunities were diminishing by the day, apparently, the pink paint was something extremely traumatic for Aizen.

The evil mastermind could barely trust his own shadow now, and Ichimaru got to admit he was having the time of his life with it. He became skittish and jumpy it was extremely funny to get the surprise on him. Hah, at least he is having some fun in the middle of all this mess.

What no one knows is that the photos and videos of Pink Aizen, or more know as Captain Pink became extremely rare commodities in Soul Society. Few people possess such artifacts of unimaginable powers. One of them is the Kuchiki clan, for some reason or the other, one of the high ladies of the clan got hold of said photo, the other one is one of Aizen's most devoted followers Hinamori Momo, it's said that she alone has possession of three artifacts, another one is the Woman's Association, they don't know how but somehow the leader of the association has a photo of Pink Captain with her all the time. Sadly the last artifact is said to be lost, some people reported seeing a black cat holding it, but when they said the black cat was laughing manically they gave up on those bogus rumors.




The project Omni Hogyoku has been quite the bummer, I thought it was going to be something extremely easy. But it appears that I was sorely mistaken. Apparently, it's pretty difficult to find an alternative raw material, because using the souls of normal people is out of the question. Not because it is immoral or something like that, but because I would simply have to take too many souls and too much time for it to be even slightly effective.

So I and Allessa decided to go for an alternative way, something that uses different material. But apparently changing the raw material changes the end product drastically. Who knew? Obvious things aside, we guessed we can succeed on this one, it would surely take a looooong time. Like, a decade or two for it to be ready. But we are pretty sure we can do it. Bear in mind that we both have [Speed Force], so having to spend so much time on something really means that something is truly difficult.

Honestly, the only reason something absurd like this is even possible at all is because of the bullshit that is the [Third Magic]. That magic has been helping us a lot and it literally has become the backbone of our research in creating an Omni Hogyoku.

Our improved control of [Reiatsu] and [Reiryoku] is also helping a lot, who knew better control of your soul would help with research about souls? Yeah, okay, that one is pretty obvious. And the closer and closer I got to the 100%, the closer I feel my [Tird Eye] ability evolving. It's slow, but I know I am close to something pretty big, if [Soul Control] can already be considered something pretty OP, the universe will dread the day it evolves even further beyond.



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- Time Skip - One Day Before Kuchiki Rukia is deployed -

Tomorrow is the day Rukia is deployed towards the human world, Karakura town more specifically. Now that I think about Karakura town...

I kind of forgot to talk with Urahara... Guess my perception of time is growing skewered more and more... Yeah, and seeing the fact that the human mind isn't exactly wired to last that long... So this must be of the "side effects" of becoming a God. It isn't exactly a side effect because it's completely controllable... The sensation is weird... It's like when you find an extremely book and can't stop reading it, and then suddenly you look at the clock and it is 4:37 a.m.

Both me and Allessa were way too concentrate on our projects we simply forgot to do it, guess we were really entertained, huh. On the bright side, most of our projects are nearly competition.

The Dungeon has been finished and upgraded multiple times, every time we got another crazy idea we would put it there, currently, the dungeon is 1000 floors deep, and seeing each floor is bigger than its predecessors the 1000th floor is almost as big as a solar system.

But that was more out of necessity than anything, anyone who arrives on that floor is already so strong that they need the extra space to fight, drastically altering the planet's geography is pretty easy on that level. Finding Hollows for those floors wasn't difficult, we have an infinite number of possibilities after all, so it means there is an infinite number of hollows as strong as that. Confusing right? I hope so, we spent a lot of time making that dungeon.

For those who reached the 500th floor, they will be able to access a gift I left there. I and Allessa created a Room of Requirements on the 500th floor the very book we could remember in it. Meaning whatever reaches that floor will have their own private ROR, meaning their own multipurpose room where they can train, research, relax, everything really.

That is because from floor 500 towards the difficulty jumps a lot, so everyone who reached there having their own personal ROR was a must, it will undoubtedly help their progress immensely.

In terms of progress, Allessa was able to reach the 100% output, meaning she doesn't waste even a drop of [Reiryoku] nor [Reiatsu] whatever she uses them. She of course didn't stop training, even having infinite [Reiatsu] and [Reiryoku] does not mean we should stop making it purer, denser, expanding the reservoir, and all that jazz I probably talked about thousands of times already.

She didn't evolve her [Third Eye] ability per si, but the moment she acquired the 100% was the moment she received an enormous upgrade, according to her it was like receiving complete control of parts of your body you didn't even know you had. It's a pleasant and weird feeling at the same time, she shared some memories with me about how she felt, it was honestly staggering.

This also helped improve her casting powers. Yeah, you heard it right, it helps improve the casting powers of a Magic Goddes, the balance is doomed and he knows it. Her third eye skill didn't evolve sadly, but it got broader and more abstract, anything with "Force" in the name is now controllable by Allessa. The Force, Force Element, Vector Force, Angel Force, Demonic Force... you get the gist of it...

Now that I think about it... can that be considered an evolution? Before her power was more physics-centered, but now it got really broad and abstract. Yeah, maybe it can be considered an evolution. Because if that isn't an evolution I really don't know what it is anymore.

In my case, I was frustratedly still stuck at 99%, meaning I only waste 1% of [Reiatsu] and [Reiryoku] when I use it. It is like the Author is purposely messing with me. But I guess I can't exactly complain about it seeing I am pretty close to reaching 100%. Momo has reached a pretty high level on her training and she is honestly close to [Bankai] right now, Unohana Rick and Gwen keep sparring multiple times per day, to the horror of the two poor souls, sometimes I go to the 4th division to give them some breather.

Ah, I guess I should also update my skills; no [Tsubame Gaeshi] yet. But I am close, very close. In my defense, performing something like that with sword skills alone is something absurd, but considering Ji Ning's feats with the Omega Sword Dao alone I am pretty behind him when it comes to the sword. But that was never my focus in the first place, as I always have liked using my body to fight more than a weapon.

In terms of [Kido], both I and allessa can easily use all the 99 [Kido] comfortably and without any kind of incantation. We are also trying to create the three-digit [Kido] but that is a slow-going process, our main problem is the consumption really. Only real monstrous people like my evil twin, Yamamoto, Future Ichigo can use something like that. And even for them, they would still sweat a lot to use it, but a [Kido] in the 100's is no joke in terms of power. Some people even say it is easier learning your [Bankai] than completely learning a [Kido] above 85. Yeah, it is that hard.

But today is a special occasion, not because Rukia is going to be deployed tomorrow, or because the plot is going to start. No today is a special occasion because right now we are going to test the Dungeon I and Allessa so painstaking built. Right now in from of me there is Momo, Rick, Gwen, Unohana, Ryu, Toka, Hina, and Hana.

Those can also be considered my close friends and people I talked to rather regularly. Of course, I know more people, but I don't think those are ready to know these kinds of things yet.

These people before me? they are going to be the first test runners of the Dungeon.

"...You see me and my honey were bored to death, no pun intended, so we decided to build a Dungeon. This Dungeon has a total of 1000 floors, each floor has a bunch of enemies you can fight and kill, each floor gets progressively harder the deeper you go, so be sure to take care of yourself. The Dungeon will immediately recall you if you are at risk of losing your own life, but you will still maintain your wounds."(Allessa).

"Floor 50th and floor 500th have some prizes for those who can reach such a place. But seeing that everyone here has at least average captain strength reaching the 50's won't be that much of a problem. You all will also be going alone, team tests will be conduct at a later date. Have fun."(Allessa).

Before anyone could open their mouths and say anything Allessa sent them away towards the first floor of the Dungeon. Right now they are each in a separate corner waiting to fight some enemies and be sent to the next floor.

"Good Job Allessa. Nice speech. "(Aizen).

"Thanks... Btu with canon starting shouldn't we... I don't know... be in Karakura town or something?"(Allessa).

"Nah, Canon Bleach start is relatively slow-paced, it's closer to a slice of life, to be honest here. So I am not in a hurry, maybe I could train Ichigo or something, but these first steps are really needed for him to grow and slowly get used to a Soul Reaper's life."(Aizen).

"But with his mother there, wouldn't this change things a lot? She is a powerful Quincy after all."(Allessa).

"My dear Allessa, you will soon see that fate sometimes finds the simplest solutions to stubbornly continue its course. Ichigo's mother being alive changes things a lot, in more ways than you can imagine."(Aizen).

"... Must you really cat all this cryptic just because you have [Clairvoyance]?"(Allessa).

"My dear, it all part of the seer package. I musn't avoid my responsibilities."(Aizen).

"Responsibilities my ass."(Allessa).

"And quite the nice one you have there."(Aizen).

"Bold one, but I like it."(Allessa).

We kissed deeply feeling each other up, then separated leaving a trail of saliva from our mouths. We honestly just wanted to continue, but monitoring our guinea pigs- I mean friends come first.

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