Mokuton Authority

Chapter 27 - [Wood Clone Jutsu].

Exiting the place of the fight if you can call it that, I decided to speed off towards Konoha, while speeding off I started to make some plans, first and foremost I need to learn the [Wood Clone Jutsu] fast it will help a lot on my training, after that, I will join Anbu to get some classified info and start my investigations but Anbu has a lot of other benefits too like practicing my more Ninja related skills like stealth, theft, assassination, infiltration, and even some obscure Jutsu they have on their library.

Reaching the entrance of the village, the guarding Chunnin checked my papers and said:

Chunin: Everything is alright, be sure to report to the Hokage tomorrow.

Aizen: Yes, and thank you.

After entering the village I decided to go to my clan compound. The Senju compound is composed of numerous houses on the classical Japanese style and all around the compound you can find a lot of trees and moving a little to the back you can even find a big lake with crystalline water.

Coming close to the lake I just sit there at shore reminiscing about the past, now that my feelings have cooled down I just feel serene, detached if you will its kinda strange but when I knew my parents died in this life I couldn't help but remember the death of them on my previous life, I was very close with my previous life parents the way they died was very traumatizing to me so when that bastard started speaking I couldn't help but overlap both situations, even if I wasn't as close with this new life parents I still considered them dear to me.

Looking at my reflection on the lake I see a good looking young man, with sleek short black hair deep black eyes and a powerful frame( If you are curious about how he looks like just imagine Aizen Sosuke without glasses and with black hair) my on my eyes you can see how tired I am not physically tired but mentally, war isn't easy as it seems.

Now deciding to do something before I go to sleep I decided to go to the Senju library, I need to pick the most important Mokuton Jutsu of them all the [Wood Clone Jutsu] or [Moku Bunshing no Jutsu], but if you think this is a simple elemental clone you are sorely mistaken, the [Wood Clone Jutsu] is so overpowered that Madara Uchiha during the Fourth Shinobi war was able to use his [Susanoo] with the Wooden clones, yes imagine 25 huge ass blue giants running at you at incredible high speeds, anyone would be scared.

Besides its incredible uses in combat, the principal use at least for me of the [Wood Clone Jutsu] will be in training, the [Wood Clone Jutsu] much like the [Shadow Clone Jutsu] can transfer memories to its user and if you add the fact that it is more resistant, can merge with plants and trees an the best of all is that the clone can communicate with the original, and with that, we have a pretty op Jutsu. Some theories even said that Tobirama Senju created the [Shadow Clone Jutsu] based on his observation of his brother Hashirama Senju [Wood Clone Jutsu].

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