Mokuton Authority

Chapter 280 - Soul: Invading Seireitei.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Soon enough the gears of fate started moving once again, Ichigo and company had invaded Soul Society. But Seireitei not yet.

As expected they had all that fiasco in the gates of Sereitei. They got closer, the gatekeeper appeared dueled Ichigo and lost.

The gatekeeper then tried to open the gate only to be stopped by Ichigmaru, that much like in canon played around with Ichigo before kicking him back and slamming the door to his face.

Orihime being the gentle soul that she is immediately started to treat the gatekeeper wounds with her bullshit rejection ability that she somehow only uses to heal.

Soon enough they arrived at the Rokungai district, Ichigo reunited with the long-lost family of his father's side and quickly proceeded to try to make the barrier for the "cannonball".

Well, even with the changes Ichigo is still Ichigo. He failed miserably showing how extremely poor his [Reiatsu] control was. But the stubborn fool wouldn't give up no matter what, so I was not surprised he spent a great deal of time trying to do it. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52737724196639273 for visiting.

He was failing miserably until his cousin came to help him. Differently from canon, Ichigo didn't instantly antagonize his relative, he was rather calm about that. Don't get me wrong, they still looked like they hated each other's guts, but they have a remarkably more favorable impression of each other.

So his cousin came relatively earlier to help him with his troubles. The same problem occurred of Ichigo almost blowing up the house to space. Thankfully Yoruichi and the gang arrive on time to defuse the situation.

Ichigo continued training and training to get the thing right. It was remarkably touching seeing something like that. And when he finally passes out and started to sleep due to exhaustion, I decided to borrow the clueless sleeping teenager.

"Invaded the Soul Society, have you?", my tone of voice almost instantly awoke Ichigo. That upon seeing me let out a groan of frustration.

Right now we are both in a wild area of soul society I prepared just for this, it is unironically one of the things that resemble the human world the most. Ichigo quickly recognized the clearing, and the old man; "Old man? Is that you? after you disappeared for more than 10 days I thought I would never have more of these crazy dreams...", he trailed off, his mind apparently fixed elsewhere. Probably thinking about saving his friend Rukia.

Seeing the atmosphere is quickly learning in a gloomy direction I interrupt it; "The biggest advantage you have, do you know? hmm.", my question was mostly out of curiosity trying to find what changed about his understanding of [Zanjutsu] after training with Uraha for some very long days.

Ichigo looked pretty clueless to what I am talking about, he couldn't connect the dots right now, and the shitty cryptic way of talking is not helping, so I decided to help him a little; "To swordsman, that by the sword they live and die, most important, what is?".

This time Ichigo was able to connect the dots; "The sword??", there was still some clear doubt on his voice, but he did indeed get it right.

"Indeed. Wordsman normally, searches their whole life to find the perfect swords, and nothing they seem to find. You, lucky to be wielding your own soul into battle. Better sword for you, there is not.", At this Ichigo seems to stop for a little bit. his mind going towards my words trying to understanding them.

"So that is why I advanced so fast...", he trailed off, his brain still thinking about a great number of scenarios.

"One of the many reasons, that was. But the only one, it was not. To master the sword, need you to be familiar with the weapon, for you to use the sword until part of you it becomes. To give life to the sword is to master it.",

Ichigo grabs [Zangetsu] and looks at it intensely for some seconds; "... Are we gonna train old man?", the orange-haired teen quickly asked, probably wanting to get direct to the point.

"Indeed. A dangerous road before you, you have. The chance of triumph equal to the chance of danger it is. Now, ready yourself, because fight we will.", After that, I simply summoned my own [Zanpakutou] and slashed towards him vertically.

Ichigo showing very clear improvement, and more refined flexes was quickly able to parry it, and counter-attack with a slash of his own...

We spent hours fighting and fighting without stopping, Ichigo got better, and better and better. the fact that [Zanpakutou] are our souls makes it easier to get familiar with your sword, to reach the stage the sword is basically an extension of your body. I don't know why no Shinigami don't use it... It's like they want to deliberately be weak.

I mean... A lot of Shinigami were simple humans before, so their excuses kind of really fall short when you think about it.

Soon the training ended. And I simply deposited Ichigo back where he was, flooded his body with [Yang Release], and just waited for the action to start tomorrow.

Then Ichigo woke up feeling fully rested, and absolutely refreshed. His dream of the past night surfacing on his mind. Butt this time there was something different... he could clearly feel that he was somewhat stronger? But that... It couldn't be, could it? Nah, it's impossible.

The poor boy is still in denial. Hehehehe, it only makes making fun of him way more entertaining than it should be.

Soon everyone was ready to be launched by the Shiba cannon. And much like in canon they were launched, collided with the barrier, and separated themselves.

Ichigo and his relative were able to create a huge sandpit before falling on something softer, Chad just punched the ground, and Ishida and Orihime used Orihime's ability to stop them on time.

Soon enough an effeminate Shinigami and Ikkaku the blady from the 11th division showed up. Their interactions were honestly funny, and from Ichigo's perspective, Ikkaku is someone incredibly weird.

The effeminate Shinigami quickly persecuted Ichigo's cousin, while Ikkaku stayed to fight Ichigo.

Ikkaku started the fight with a simple horizontal slash from his [Zanpakutou], Ichigo quickly brought up [zangetsu] to parry the slash. And before Ikkaku could even react, Ichigo counterattacked him with a surprising speed almost cutting off Ikkaku's head.

But Ikkaku wasn't a experienced Shinigami for nothing, with his instincts screaming he was able to avoid Ichigo slash albeit not without sustaining a simple injure on his face. seeing Ichigo still, mid-sawing Ikkaku slashed vertically towards Ichigo's head.

The Instincts of the substitute Shinigami quickly flared to life, and almost instinctually he brought his head back as fast as possible. Unfortunately, Ichigo wasn't able to evade the blow entirely, so Ikkaku was still able to cut hit lips vertically, it's pretty much like Ezio's scar.

Both combatants try to diagonally slash at each other again, only to end up locking swords. The blood of their minor wounds quickly starts to flow. Without further ado, they both use the strength of their clash to jump away from each other.

Ikkaku for some strange reason started talking with Ichigo, and Ichigo for some idiotic reason went along with it... Hmm, so the boy still has some bad habits that I have to curb.

Then there is the whole Ikka ointment scene, where he simply pics ointment and passes it on his wounds. Ichigo simply uses the sleep of his Shihakusho to clean the blood on his mouth away.

After some speech about something I am honestly not going to care about, Ikkaku quickly activates his [Shikai], now he was with a spear in his hands. Without missing a beat Ikkaku thrusts his spear forwards at a superior speed than previously, Ichigo quickly parry it with his gigantic khyber knife.

Ikkaku swiftly attacks again trying to swipe at Ichigo's feet with the spear, in an impressive show of instinct and reflexes Ichigo was able to jump back and evade the swipe completely. The moment Ichigo's feet touched the ground, he immediately jumped back at his enemy slashing with [Zangetsu] diagonally.

Ikkaku in a great show of skill was able to exit his very awkward position and parry Ichigo's slash. but this time instead of jumping back, Ikkaku just smiled, and his spear quickly broke into three segments becoming a three-piece nunchaku.

Quickly using the secret form of his spear Ikkaku was able to give a fairly good slash to Ichigo's whole right forearm, thankfully for our orange-haired teen the slash wasn't that deep, so it didn't impart his combat abilities very much.

Jumping back we have the typical shounen anime villain type of explaining your abilities to the protagonist. Ichigo thankfully breaking the norm, used the time Ikkaku gave him to bandage his arm using [Zangetsu] bandages. And I am honestly pretty proud of him seeing him finally, using the other aspects of his [Shikai], maybe the talk he had with me during his "dream" helped him seeing his [Zanpakutou] differently.

Ichigo quickly jumps towards Ikkaku with a downwards slash, Ikkaku showing also a great deal of skill with his nunchaku was able to parry Ichigo's slash. Counterattacking Ikkaku tries to diagonally slash at Ichigo's torso, Ichigo was able to avoid the brunt of the attack but a shallow cut still showed across his torso.

Quickly showing an impressive use of his [SSS] Ichigo slashed downwards again. But this time Ikkaku felt that there was something wrong with this slash, and being Shinigami for years taught him to trust his instincts, and so he did. Ikkaku jumped to the side to avoid Ichigo's downwards slash.

Said slash connected to the wall absolutely obliterating it, creating a huge gauge that there was no place being made by the "small" sword of Ichigo. the gouge is easily four meters wide, and completely destroyed the whole wall vertically.

Ikkaku's eyes almost bulged out of their socket when he saw something that... If the boy had such strength from the beginning, why didn't he use it? Maybe... Maybe he was also searching for a worthy opponent like me?

Ikkaku easily completely misunderstood Ichigo. Said orange-haired Idiot has no f.u.c.k.i.n.g idea how the heck he did it, and considering his piss poor [Reiatsu] control, I am not even surprised.

Ichigo really jumped at Ikkaku gain, brandishing his sword to slash downwards towards his bald foe. Ikkaku quickly brought up one of his nunchaku segments to defend, only to fail miserably when Ichigo simply cut through it like a hot knife through butter.

I huge diagonal slash wound appeared on Ikkakus torso, the bald Shinigami almost faltered, but was eventually able to hold himself from doing so. Soon Ikkaku starts spinning whatever rested of his [Shikai] for a final clash with Ichigo.

Ichigo readily accepts and again clashes with Ikkaku. Ichigo slash was powerful enough to make a huge slash wound in the entire stretched arm of Ikkaku. Ikkaku simply dropped to the ground passing out from his injuries.

At first, it looked like Ichigo didn't sustain any injuries from this final clash, but this was quickly proved wrong when I looked at his right arm. Another slash appeared on his forearm, much like the one he got previously.

The thing is that even after defeating his enemy, Ichigo simply picked up Ikkaku's ointment and passed it on his and his ex-opponent wounds. When Ikkaku woke up it created a funny scene of him asking why Ichigo was doing something, or whatever. They had a heart-to-heart talk, and Ikkaku informed the orange-haired Shinigami about his captain, how Zaraki loves to fight, and how dangerous he really is.

And considering canon Ichigo was able to survive Zaraki's encounter only because the hollow helped to defend a vital point of his with the hollow mask. I wonder what will happen this time when his Hollow side isn't as accentuated, I am definitely curious.

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