Mokuton Authority

Chapter 282 - Soul: Central 46 is Dead.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




My evil twin really thought that I would let him fool soul society without me messing around? Heh, the moment I saw his ploy of using [Kyoka Suigetsu] to fake his death, I decided to mess around with him.

The first thing I did was changing the illusion of his body to mine's, so in the perspective of everyone, the captain of the 5th Division was still alive and kicking. But the 3rd seat me, died a horrible death. Yeah, I know. I can't stop rolling my eyes either.

But I got to admit, it was completely worth it when I saw the reactions of everyone. Trolling people is really the best. Haaaa, I bet Allessa is also laughing her ass off right now.

In the end, everyone just bought this was another one of my bad jokes and continued living normally. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52798530733000190 for visiting.

What was the objective of my evil twin with this? to cause chaos of course. My evil twin will use the opportunity that came with all the chaos to enact his very evil plans. Why did you think he made Ichigo invade Soul Society, why did you think he keeps planting seeds of doubt and discord amongst the ranks? To cause chaos and use the opportunities to get what he wants.

His first action, as crazy as it sounds, isn't even one-bit evil, on the contrary, it's a service to all of the soul society residents. If I was the soul king I would give Aizen a medal for this.

His first action was to kill all the Central 46. Those arrogant and filthy politicians that I was honestly pretty close to killing them myself. You have no idea how the Central 46 is annoying, they are like very long-lived politicians with an ego bigger than the soul king palace itself, and this is coming from someone who barely lived two decades in this universe.

I can't fathom how someone like Yamamoto simply didn't burn those picks to the ground the moment the shit started spilling from their mouths. I honestly don't know how the old-man Yamma handles it, but he somehow does.

And then comes another thing that always bugged me in both Naruto and Bleach. Why the f.u.c.k the superpowered Ninjas or in the Soul Society case Shinigami listen to those weak-ass nobles.

Like You are a friggin walking nuke, if your ant you could easily erase cities off the map, but you listen obediently to a bunch of old fools like some kind of submissive dog. Money? You can easily take it for yourself. Power? you already have it in spades, and this is true power, not something as flimsy as political power. Connections? You can easily make friends that are as powerful as you. Numbers? are completely worthless against you when you reach a threshold of endurance.

I sincerely don't know why the Shinigami obey the Central 46, maybe it's the Soul King decree? Nah, I sincerely doubt it, that guy doesn't interfere with "mortal" affairs.

In the ninja's case, it makes even less sense, you are f.u.c.k.i.n.g ninja that can nuke any shitty noble the moment you want it, why not simply rob those arrogant pricks blind? In soul society, I kind of understand that the Noble clans here have the power to back them up, but in the elemental nations? the maximum the nobles have is some weak ass guards, and maybe some ninja. So why risk your life in some measly ninja mission when you can easily rob a noble?

And even with those special guards and whatnot, the daimyo has they couldn't hope to stop an S-rank Ninja. Like, why Kakuzo the supposed greed for money didn't simply go around robbing Damiyos blind? I sincerely doubt anyone could stop him. The Kages? holed up doing paperwork in their villages. Another S-rank? very unlikely.

Okay, I know I got off topic in my rant right now, but I am just really frustrated with these shitty things and I needed to express myself somewhat.

After leaving Hitsugaya to deal with that shit that I don't even want to touch with a ten feet pole, the paperwork for it would be an administrative nightmare by itself, I went towards where my dear disciple Ichigo is sleeping.

At this moment Hamtaro had already healed Ganjo and Ichigo and ended up blacking out in exhausting himself.

I of course will use this opportunity to train Ichigo a little bit more, his next fight is against Zaraki, he will surely need it.

Flooding his body with [Yang Release] he was quickly healed and transported to a safe place in the deeps of my Dungeon where we could train in peace.

Waking up Ichigo looks in my direction and says; "It's you again old man?... So I lost consciousness... *sigh*.", he seems a little chastised with himself, the fight with Renji must've been quite the rollercoaster of emotions to him. Principally discovering that Renji also wants to save Rukia.

"Good, it was your fight against the redhead. Years of training he had, above you he should've been. But talent in spades, you have.", Ichigo smiled a little at that, but I quickly killed his growing ego; "But untrained, unpolish, and inexperienced, you are. Much to learn you have. Much to learn, we all have. Never-ending the road of learning is, never-ending the path to improvement is. Neverending your will to improvement has to be. So never-ending your strength will become.".

Ichigo looked around, in the huge desert that I transported him to, currently, we are inside of my Dungeons, more specifically in one of the infinite number of rooms of requirements I have made.

Exiting his stupor Ichigo simply says; "So elts train old man. What is going to be like today? Fight? Exercise? Balance?", Ichigo was pretty pumped up for the training, and that almost brought a smile to my face.

"Good excitement is, but bad anxiety can become. Balance the ideal is, the balance between your excitement and control, need you. But control, never your forte was.", my tone was flat and slightly displease, showing that excessive excitement can also be something negative.

"Right now, very crude the use of your [Shikai]. Normally, years a shinigami have, to his [Shikai] mysteries discover. But years, something you don't have is. So ideas throw at you I will.", I said that, and Ichigo's face looked pretty pumped up at my offer of giving him some ideas.

I don't want to simply fed him the ideas without him reaching them, so I will try to simply guide the orange-haired shinigami; "To me tell, everything your [Shikai] is.", my tone didn't leave room for debate so Ichigo quickly went into it.

"There is nothing much really. It's just the blade, the handle, and some bandages. Nothing fancy.", Ichigo seems a little bit bummer with his [Shikai], and considering that'll [Shikai] until now had at least some kind of special ability I can understand why he would.

"Good. Simple your [Shikai] is. And sometimes simple can mean strong. Simple don't think, simple complicated isn't, simple can also be strength. And simple a lot of room for growth it has. Remember that you [Zanpakutou] your soul is.", Ichigo really paid attention to the lecture, absorbing the knowledge as most as he could.

"Now, described me your [Shikai], you have. From your description, using the blade and the handle you are. Now, which part, you not using are?", my question raised a valid point with Ichigo, he probably never thought about using the bandages for something.

"The bandages? But... they aren't long enough... and they are pretty frail...", doubt filled his voice and his eyes. He doubted he could use the 'weak' bandages for something even having already used them in his fight against Ikkaku.

"Made of your [Reiatsu], those bandages are. Strong as you make them, they will be.", with my wisdom imparted I simply drew my blade and ready my stance for our training spar.

Ichigo contemplates my words, his expression changing from a frown to one of realization. Before he could say anything I simply interrupted him; "Fighting me using your bandages, you have. Difficult, it will be. But less difficult than invading Soul Society, it still is.", without further ado, I simply attacked.

Ichigo almost couldn't evade my initial slash. This time I will try to maintain a medium distance, attacking with pressurized wind blades created by my sword slashes. Ichigo liking it or not will eventually have to throw his sword at me, and here the idea of using his bandages to move his sword at a medium-range should come from.

If after all of that he still couldn't catch the hint, I will continue to bombard him with words of wisdom until he does. Sigh, I can already feel the headache coming.

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