Mokuton Authority

Chapter 29 - The Plan.

Attending the Hokage call I entered the room followed closely by Danzo, the Hokage mildly surprised asked Danzo why was he there with me:

Hiruzen: What a surprise Danzo my friend, can you tell me why you are coming together with Aizen here?

Danzo: There isn't much to tell it yet Hiruzen Aizen here asked to me to come together he apparently has some issue that needs the both of us to help him.

Hiruzen: I understand, but before anything, I must first tell some good news to Aizen here. You've been promoted boy, from now henceforth you are a Chunin from Konohagakure.

Aizen: Thank you for the promotion Hokage-sama.

Hiruzen: No problem you did pretty good on the war all of your superiors have given me good words about your performance so promotion was kind of inevitable.

Danzo: I've read all the reports too you really did have an outstanding performance during the war, congratulations are in order Aizen.

Hiruzen: Now that the matter of the promotion has been dealt with, you can say the things that has been troubling you that much.

Aizen: First of all I would like you to dispense all of the Anbus on this room what I am about to tell is a secret that can cause another war.

This caused the everyone in the room to become tense, we barely finished a war and no one wants another one so soon so while my words were suspicious if proffered by some random dude the Hokage still dispersed his Anbu, as for the motive is simply because he and Danzo know me and when I ask something this important with a serious face he knew I wasn't kidding.

Hiruzen: now that the Anbu's were dispersed I will even activate the privacy seals of the office for extra security.

Aizen: Good, the first thing I want to tell both of you is better if I demonstrate it.

Getting nods from both of then I do I simply Handseal creating a little Bonsai tree in the palm of my hand, making both old-timers surprised with it.

Hiruzen: This... so you have it the bloodline of Hashirama the [Mokuton].... so that huge tree that was reported yesterday was you that created it... heavens.

Danzo: So that's why you said it can lead to another war if any of the enemy villages discover we have a [Mokuton] user they won't stop until you are dead none of our enemies can afford another Hashirama. but if we can groom you you can become one of the strongest shinobi in history.

Hiruzen: Danzo is right on this one if you are able to successfully grow, you will be a force to be reckoned with but how in hell were you able to create such a huge tree?

Aizen: That's is another thing that I want to talk about, when I was returning from the battlefield I resolved to go at a slow pace observing the scenery and relaxing a bit after the taxing battles that I underwent, but on the second day of my walk I was ambushed, I was ready to fight to the death with my assailants but one of them simply started mocking me and the Senju saying that there is someone paying to kill all Senju in the battlefield and returning from it, but when he said mocked my parents about their death I wasn't able to control myself and became extremely angry and when I returned to my senses I was on the epicenter of the tree, no wanting to have more problems on my plate a rapidly returned to the village.

Hiruzen: So it went like that, this is indeed a huge problem if someone is pursuing the Senju... how I haven't noticed something like that it makes no sense.

Danzo; No Hiruzen it has some basis, you are the Hokage and is extremely busy so not noticing some coincidence on these people deaths is plausible, but I thank my huge and justified paranoia detected something off and started investigating, but the thing is whoever did this is someone who knows his stuff their trail is almost immaculate the only thing I found is that they have huge amounts of money and properties, so maybe we can start from there.

Aizen: I have an idea, I couldn't help but notice that whoever did this is someone influential that person has access to Anbu level of doc.u.ments, so I've come up with an idea, why I don't join the Anbu corps? there I will be able to train, you will be able to monitor me and probable assailants and I can start investigating it from the inside.

Hiruzen/Danzo: That's a good idea, for now, we must discuss some more detail of the plan and after that, we can start.

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