Mokuton Authority

Chapter 32 - First Test.

Going in the sparring I sit in seiza position waiting for the captain to come, the Captain reaches the stage and says to me:

Captain: Ocelot we will have a spar all kinds o weapons allowed but any kind Jutsu is forbidden.

Aizen: Yes Captain!

Captain: Inu here will be the judge so pay attention when he says to stop, this spar is just a way to gauge your skills so no permanent maiming or lethal attacks.

Aizen: Yes Captain!

Captain: Good you can start now Inu.

Inu: Ready? Go!

Facing each other we started walking on a circle patter gauging our opponent, seeing his responses his minimal reactions simple with of a leg closing a hand anything is being analyzed, with a burst of strength I advanced growing a punch the captain simply evaded my punch rapidly grabbing my arm and elbowing it with all his strength, the pain came but thanks to the [Sage Body] he wasn't able to break anything, using my moment stupor the captain gave me a roundhouse kick making me fly some mother a hitter ground with a *thud*.

Getting up the first thing that everyone noticed was the lack of wounds on my body, this body of mine right now is extremely difficult to injure, and if you can even injure it I will heal really fast.

Captain: Good, your very body is strong but your technique is absolute crap if I am not mistaken you should've trained most of your life by yourself right? and even when you fought I was generally overwhelming odds in your favor.

Aizen: Yes you are right captain most of my fight during the war where in my favor even when I was close to dying I was still on the advantage and most of my enemies I killed pretty fast.

Captain: Good to know we will try to train you more in a fight with a lot of o handicaps to better your techniques, now that I've felt more or less you hand skills lets see how you do against weapons.

With this, the captain summoned a sword from a seal o his wrist the katana is o sharp that you can hear it cutting the air, entering his drawing stance the captain rapidly advances towards me simply sword draw I try to evade with partial success earning me a deep cut on my arm, using this opportunity I sent a punch towards his stomach hitting its mark the captain makes > shape and is sent towards the other end of the ring.

Getting up the captain advances with a burst of speed making multiple slashes I was able to evade the majority of then only some able to get through my defense as I was trying for a counter attack the captain draws a kunai and slashes my hand making me retreat using this chance the captain sends a bunch of kunai and shuriken in my direction making me evade them bu this was not the end some tools reflect on the other making way towards me I was able to evade the majority but some stuck me, not wanting to waste time I rapidly remove them making my body heal the wounds pretty fast.

If it wasn't for the blood you could say I was good as new.

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