Mokuton Authority

Chapter 36 - The Dual Bender of Narutoverse.

Now that I am somewhat stable I decided to train more my elements to be more specific their advanced form of training first I want to train with earth release to be able to use the [Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique] with utmost efficiency like second nature like that I will be able to train every waking second my body.

To train your earth element first you need to familiarize yourself with all kinds of states of earth from very soft ground to the sturdiest rock, you start producing very soft earth little by little then you can move to mud creating different kinds of it and then you go to normal earth making it a bend of soft and hard creating the normal earth we walk above every day.

The last step at least this part of it is to make rocks you start simple making uneven but normal rocks then you advance making smooths ones, then you change their shapes, sphere cubes diamonds shapes when you have a good grasp of changing shapes and changing the roughness or smoothness you start making them more resistant and more durable.

For this exercise, you will imitate how the planet works you will start making extremely limp earth in the middle bringing up its resistance and durability every layer having a different kind of pattern for each of then and for last you make a crust where the most durable and resistant rock you can create reside.

Finishing this exercise you will be well on your road to mastering the element, the next exercise objective is bringing up the power and control of your earth release up north, this one is quite simple compared tot he previous one you will need wood( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) with this wood you will need to do the same you did with the leaf you will need to make it into the dirt and crumble it away fo this a simple chopstick is needed, for a higher level you will do the same with rock making then into the dirt and crumbling then away.

The last step is to make rocks, but you will need to make then denser heavier more resistant, upping its attributes every time, and thus having better rocks to crumble away after. thus making this a perfect cycle of training you earth element crumbling rocks make better rocks, with better rocks you evolve your crumbling thus a never-ending improving cycle.

As for water well its a bit different but close nonetheless, after finishing the leaf exercise you will need to familiarise yourself with different water temperature, first at ambient temperature and after that, you will keep rising it to warm water, hot water, boiling water the same for reducing the temperature first a little cold water until you reach nearly freezing point.

After that, you will need to familiarise manipulating water in more subtle ways like manipulating humidity, mist, vapor, and any kind of subtle water manipulation you can found. With this, you would have touched 2 states of water liquid and gaseous but solid is out because [Ice Release] is Kekkei Genkai(Bloodline Limit) but I have a theory about water release that I will need to research more, I was thinking of making my water temperature so f.u.c.k.i.n.g low that whatever the liquid touches it freezes so my water can become some kind of liquid nitrogen but this is still farther away, as for its opposite the boiling point I think with a lot of practice I will be able to use mist or vapor to simulate [Boil release] making it so f.u.c.k.i.n.g hot that it works more like an acid melting things or simply burning them with high temperatures.

So far training water release to my standards is very difficult because water is an element with a lot of possibilities you can use it for, an example is making water stick like mucus, or even the other examples I thought prior so training water will consume a lot more of time.

Another step now is to regulate water pressure, this is an extremely important thing because water pressure can allow water to even cut diamonds if the pressure is enough, so in thins exercise you will try to cut a tree with water, after that you will pass to a rock that can be created by earth release to, so this is why I started with the earth element.

The next step is to mold the water in a lot of different forms starting with simple sticks and going to staffs, rocks, balls, cubes and progressing to more complicated and detailed forms like needles swords, people, beasts and when I say beasts I'm referring to make all hairs of them it was surely good practice, the last thing you will need to do is making them move in various different kinds of ways augmenting their speed and precision dividing and rejoining parts at high speed and any other complicated maneuver you can think of, it was a lot of fun trying to recreate different kinds of scenes from my past life like Palpatine saying ''I love democracy'' or general Grievous greet Obi-wan I even felt like Reddit coping and replaying a lot of memes.

The ending steps of my water training are now the hardest parts first I need to find a river where the water flows at a relatively good speed, on this river I will form a whirlpool this whirlpool I need to be able to control perfectly making it bigger and smaller and for the final step I will need to revert the whirlpool flow.

The last and most difficult step you will need a waterfall, find a waterfall you will need to take control of its waters and reverse them, yep you need to make a waterfall go upwards. And if you want to make your training even more hardcore you can try to reverse a tsunami, this one is like the maximum thing you will find on the Senju record is stated that Tobirama was able to reverse a small tsunami simply using Shadow clones and chakra control, truly a magnificent feat.

And if you're thinking that water has a lot more possibilities than earth you will be sorely mistaken, it is mostly because of its elements, earth represents something rigid strong an immovable rock that can last centuries, but water represents current, continuity, flexibility water that constantly presses on making its obstacles slowly fall apart or a giant wave that can devour cities. A thing people just don't get is how scary water can be, if want to have a feel of it you can try to swim in the middle of the ocean it's like no matter the effort you still will be carried away by the waves, no matter how much you try to fight back or swim you will be just swept away slowly by the waves.

As for earth is even easier you can just see how high a mountain can be, so imagine being under that much weight is sure something scary, or when a landslide occurs that sweep a lot of houses and structures, and if you to fell how little you are looking at mount Everest or the grand canyon compared to you both of that places are older and bigger.

And after that, you will able to feel how insignificant you are before these things a simple lifeform compared to their immensity.

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