Mokuton Authority

Chapter 38 - trees, trees everywhere.

Finishing my elemental training took a lot of time 5 months to be exact if I was doing simple training a month would be good enough but with my perfectionism, I ended up using a lot more of time.

The good thing is that I used clones so I not only mastered my primary elements I also trained my sensing capabilities, the is that in a short time my sensing expanded a lot so I need some time and training to improve it, now I can sense more precisely and my range is bigger now, the only problem is the overload of info, have you ever tried to process information of everything that happens on a city at the same time it seriously hurt my brain a lot so in the start, I was subconsciously ignoring things that are important but now my control of it has gone up making me able to consciously filter my sensing making it even better than before, this helps me control my sensory overload and accommodate my brain to superior senses.

Another extremely good thing is that learning Fuinjutsu under Mito was going pretty good the thing is that Fuijutsu is pretty complicated is like trying to learn a lot of different Programing languages at the same time starting is extremely difficult but when you are able to grasp the basics it is like you gained wings as a ninja everything becomes easier simply due to the sheer utility of Fuinjutsu.

The thing about Fuinjutsu is that it has an extremely difficult start it became relatively easy in the middle but became even more difficult towards the end this learning curve is something that holdbacks a lot of people making Fuinjutsu masters something extremely rare.

And now that I have both elements mastered at least momentary I can focus on my [Mokuton] thus start my practice of this element which consists of something that I was already doing before that is making leaves and chopsticks as its kinda counterproductive to use a leaf to train [mokuton] the star you train making leaves of differents formats colors and patterns after that you go making chopsticks with differents formats colors and patterns making then bigger smaller rounder more square, and finally you start making toothpicks stang from the smallest size you can reducing it with time after that you'll be making it bigger better and with new formats and patterns on its surface.

The next steps right now will require that you go to an already grown tree and try to modify it a little changing maybe the pattern on its bark to try adding new branches and thus making new forms of that tree maybe imitating some objects or faces on them, after that, you will need to create a different kind of trees from scratch starting with bonsais with and repeat the same thing you did previously but changing the size until you can create a lifelike Danny DeVito tree that moves around blasting(you can also do the same thing you did for water training here).

For the finishing step, for now, you will need a huge ass Axe or sword that is Chakra conductive and is sharp as it can get after that you will spawn different types of roots and trees and cut them with your ax and sword you can star with a normal-sized tree and change between making it bigger or smaller but prioritizing its firmness and when even with all your strength you can't cut the tree easily anymore you start using chakra in your tools.

This led me to another good consequence that is blacksmithing and fire manipulation...

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