Mokuton Authority

Chapter 40 - Mural is Murder.

Entering my house I stop for a second, everything is made on that classical Japanese style I even sleep on a futon, exiting the reminiscing stupor I head to my room and pick up my Anbu gear and take some supplies with me.

Having everything I need I look one more time to my house, close the door and activate the security seals and start heading to a secret passage used only by the Anbu.

Passing through the secret passage I immediately exit the village and start running on tree branches to my destination, the fire temple.

I spent some days to reach my destination, I could've gone faster but I want to make a good plan I don't want to miss this opportunity to acquire the [Approach: Thousand-Armed Murder] and I don't want to fail my first mission too.

Reaching the temple I decided to observe everything using my [Observation Haki] to gather some more info, maybe the disappearing could be some internal strife.

Observing the monks I can see that the majority of them are in disarray, while this indicates that they are mostly innocent some of them could be acting. Concentrating more with my [Observation Haki] I inspect individually each and every one of them, detecting just one anomaly.

This monk in specific is very nervous like he has seen a ghost or some kind of horrendous visage, he is extremely afraid and even without thinking much, I know that he may have seen something. but before I start investigating I must first talk with the Head Monk.

But before that, I will search for the [Approach: Thousand-Armed Murder] they must have it in some kind of scroll or maybe even a mural or something.

After some more minutes searching, I discovered a secret chamber under the temple that contain its mural, I have already recorded the technique so now the only thing left is resolving this mission.

Reaching the temple I slowly walk in the direction of the chief monk seeing as he is close to the entrance and is trying to pass a serene air to quell some nervous of his fellow monks.

''Hello Chief monk, I've come by the Hokages order, my codename is Ocelot'' I said drawing the attention of the monk to me, seeing the official Anbu gear and the scroll I am giving him. He swiftly takes the scroll read it for a time and says ''Greetings Ocelot, I hope your trip was without trouble, so you must have seen the state the monastery is in, have you?'' giving one more look around I look at the monk and answer ''yes I have already done some previous reminiscence of the temple, and I already know with who to start'' looking at me the monk sighs ''yes what happened was truly something unfortunate even if it is just some missing people I know how cruel the world can be, I just hope we can find those that have disappeared''.

''I will try my best Head monk'' with this I [Body Flicker] out of his vision to find that suspicious monk I have detected previously.

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