Mokuton Authority

Chapter 49 - The Secret.

Finishing the Photosynthesis Jutsu was really a good call a month passed and my food expenses dropped tremendously, besides the benefit of being capable of surviving with minimal food(nutrients), water, and sunlight.

Now you must be wondering how I have such amount of time if I have my Anbu duties, besides using a lot of clones as well.

Better than talking I must show how have I done it, so with this, you can see myself exiting the village going on to bandit extermination, the mission is Rank A because there are some 'strong' missing-nin forming this bandit cell.

Reaching their encampment I use my [Observation Haki] to become aware of every criminal location, some of them were even doing some pretty nasty things 'eww'.

Having locked in all their locations I step on the ground sending a discrete pulse of chakra towards the camp, the pulse traveled very fast reaching all its intended targets, not wasting any time I sent the second pulse that will activate my Jutsu [Mokuton: Tree Impaler Thrust], Immediately creating big wooden spears that impale all the bandits, instantly killing them.

The [Mokuton: Tree Impaler Thrust] is a Jutsu that I created that cleverly using two pulses of chakra I mark and kill my enemies, thus leading to a swift cleaning of the bandits, sadly there is a side effect. The side effect is that I received some lame moniker ''Aizen the Impaler'' and classified as an S rank Nin, with a flee on sight order for everyone bellow S rank.

Having cleared the cam I immediately start gathering the proof aka Heads on scrolls, gathered every valuable I can find and burn the rest, I only leave dead bodies behind when the objective of the mission is to avoid future events scarring some fodder.

Returning to the village filling my report,t giving the necessary scrolls, receiving my reward and returning home, absorbing the few clones there, summon some more, train and like this, you can pretty much guess my routine.

Reaching home I see that is already late, so I decided to prepare a simple dinner. After eating my light dinner and drinking a barrel o water I sit at a little bank under a tree pick a bottle of sake and start star-gazing what a beautiful night.

The next day I decided to ask for a temporary leave from the Anbu. This is due to me wanting to do some things that I've been delaying for some time.

First and foremost I want to finally make my clan armor, it won't be a divine armor or anything like that, but it is functional and pretty cool too.

After that, I will start to prepare for something that I wanted to do for ages but we've been waiting until I was strong enough to try [Summoning Jutsu].

If you are asking the reason why I waited for so long to have a summon. The answer is quite simple actually, I didn't want any of the summons we have here on the Senju I want something that has good compatibility with me, so, for example, I don't want to sign the spider contract simply because I don't like spiders that much besides them being creepy. the other reason for being strong is using the [Reverse Summoning Jutsu] can literally kill you depending on your animal affinity, so being relatively strong is good prevention on this scenario.

So now I am preparing as many provisions I can, tools and any kind of useful thing I can find, this can literally take months so I need to be sufficiently prepared.

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