Mokuton Authority

Chapter 87 - Wicked.

Reaching my home on the Senju compound I couldn't help but sight, even if a drink a lot I can't get drunk or intoxicated, it would need a pretty potent wine to even let me be a little bit tipsy, maybe only one of the summoning clans has something of the sorts.

Closing my house door I proceed to go on one of the lower rooms, where I put my office, here is where I write things, study some safer seals, and even sometimes sleep.

Entering my office I scan it a little bit, everything is well organized, even my chair and table, the bookshelf is fool of books both mine Jiraiya's, and other interesting ones. But my gaze is focused on a carpet.

Coming closer to the carpet I remove it showing an absolute smooth concrete floor, not paying much attention to the floor I pick on of my tolls situated in the office, a big hammer. The hammer looks normal, but it is in a strangely good condition.

Holding the hammer with both of my hands I start hitting the smooth floor where the carpet previously laid. Slowly cracks start appearing, the crack transforms into a hole and with some more hits, the ground is opened.

Inside the hole that I opened lays a big rectangular chest, if someone with an average size is to curl up they could fit in it.

If you are asking yourself why I didn't use earth release or my humongous strength to retrieve the chest quicker, the answer is that I put a sealing matrix here, specifying that a hole can only be opened by using the marked hammer, hitting the floor a certain number of times, with the exact same force, and if you get anything wrong or do some underhand method to take the chest, everything goes BOOM.

Picking up the chest I swiftly press the correct place making some fuinjutsu marks appear on the chest, the marks quickly move on a clockwise way and a click is heard, the chest is opened.

Opening the chest you can see it is divided into three parts, like Neapolitan ice cream.

The first part contains a bunch of doc.u.ments wich some booklets, filled with paper between their pages. The second is filled with scrolls, each scroll with a different symbol probably each containing different kinds of weapons and supplies, if I have some kind of surprising mission I can simply grab one of those and go.

The last one is a bunch of coins perfectly lined, but these gold coins are special each one of them has a fuinjutsu matrix making then almost impossible to break, impossible to put in some kind of storage seal, and a bunch of other functions.

As for the why of everything, with all of this secrecy and security, this is because of my secret agency, the [Shadow Fae], did you really think that I would spend all of these years only using clones for info, as if, clones are good and all but having a ton of memories everyday shoved into your head is a pain, so having an organization to take care of these things help a lot.

Besides they can be used as a guarantee from the future of my companies if I left them in the hands of other people when I inevitably left the world.

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