Mokuton Authority

Chapter 91 - Organizing.

The investigation took some time, but soon the relentless shinobi found some clues, left by yours truly. I didn't take much for the village to search for some type of explanation from other villages.

I even feel I little bit of guilt starting a war like that, I think the guy that shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand and started the first World war must've felt something similar, all this guilt can only be slightly reduced by the fact that I know the war was inevitable.

And sadly the peace-loving homage would learn of this in the most painful way possible, with a new shinobi war almost declared simultaneously by all parties involved.

So we formed a three-way deadlock with the war participants, Iwagakure, Kumogakure, and Mizukagure all declared war on our Konoha.

Hasty preparation was made, and three fronts are formed, we have the Kumo front in the country of Snow. The Iwa front on Kusagakure, and the Mist front on the middle of the ocean on some islands leading to their nation. All of the minor villages all but said they are out of this mess.

Fugaku Uchiha has been made commander of the mist front, the Uchiha bloodline granting him a good advantage against the Mists of the place, even if the fancy eyeball can't see through the mist, the amplifying perception it grants is still an enormous advantage.

Jiraya was made commander of our camp in Kusagakure in the Iwa front, his sensing ability with the help of Senjutsu is second only to me, and his combat abilities can even help on a fight against Onoki if push comes to solve he can hold enough time for Sarutobi to come, or even in some stroke of luck be able to repel the midget.

And now the worst front, the Kumo front. You could say that Kumo is one of the strongest of the Big Five villages, besides having two good tailed bests host, and the future forth Raikage, the most problematic foe of Kumo is the 3rd Raikage, that guy is something when it comes to strength, and I think if it weren't for some limiting effects of the Edo-Tensei, he would surely have wiped Narutos ass in Cannon.

And if my hunch is correct, due to my constant activities on the shinobi side, I wouldn't be surprised if some characters are stronger than the expected, maybe only Madara and Jigen are the same, as their arrogance is kind of expected.

So why I am saying so much about the Kumo front? simply because I am the commander of it, yes you heard it right, normally such a task would be left to our resident snake Orochimaru, but sadly he has been found dead in his explosive lab, thus making me the next best qualified for the task of commanding such a difficult front.

I didn't waste time, I quickly prepared my things and supplies and flashed to the closest location possible to my plans, time is of the essence as I want to pick a strategic location fo our camp, and with my power of earth release, I can quickly create the necessary earth or wooden tents.

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