Mokuton Authority

Chapter 95 - Clash.

Running with my [Lightning Armor] active the previously almost still world became some sort of a blurred scape, principally that I am more using my [Observation Haki] than my other senses to navigate myself.

With a last burst of speed, I appeared at the front of the quartet immediately surprising them, they sure didn't expect me to be able to use [Lightning Armor], and this is clearly shown on their surprised faces. The intel on me is that I am a fairly strong ninja, but I mostly rely on my Mokuton do fight so they must be expecting some wood shenanigans, sadly for them I decide to fight with a different style today.

"You... How can you possibly know that technique"(3rd Raikage).

"Well, you see the scroll for it was just lying around, so I decided to learn it, wasn't that difficult(Lie)"(Aizen).

"Lying around was your face you f*cker"(3rd Raikage)

Suddenly the blue lightning armor around the Raikage started gaining a more deep color, slowly bit by bit the blue colored lightning changed until it became completely black.

Well, shit. The guy has a [Black Lightning Armor], it is the same as the normal [Lightning Armor] but is way more powerful, I for instance know the method to make black lightning, its basically lightning release mixed with yin release, using 75% lightning 25% yin, you can create purple lightning, using 50% lightning and 50% yin, you create black lightning, the same can be done with yang, using 75% lightning and 25% yang, you create yellow lightning, using 50% lightning and 50% yang, you can create white lightning.

The problem is even with my abundant time practicing lightning, I am still far too early to mix yin/yang with my lightning, if learning [Lightning Armor] was like running a marathon while weighing 300kg, trying to mix yin/yang with the lightning release is the equivalent of being 350kg and trying to be an Astronaut.

The Raikage didn't wait for me to finish my musings, with a burst of speed that would definitely surprise me if my [Future Vision] didn't alert me before, he went at it like a bullet with his arm pointing forward ready for a one-finger [Hell Stab].

Already waiting for the move u curve my body backward on a show of flexibility that would make Neo envious, the unsuspecting Kage continued on a straight deadly line, using the ground as support with my hands I use an impulse double kicking him in the air.

After kicking the Raikage in the air I immediately focus on the two bijuu containers that are activating their tailed beasts eagerly augmenting their number of tails, no wanting to deal with bijuus, even being a direct counter to their chakra I prepare a countermeasure.

Seeing as my body is still warped and mid-air, I use a neat technique creating a slab of wood from my feet as a foothold, using my newly created foothold I appear in a burst of speed in the front of the two containers.

Using the [Asura Paws Method], boosting my arms speed I use a tap on both jinchuuriki seals, cutting their connection with their tailed beast, and thus reducing their danger level during this fight.

The Raikage and his successor choose this moment to attack me together, they have pretty good coordination, but sadly for them me under the [Asura Pawns Method], and [Lightning Armor], is one of my strongest states.

Using my main hands, I grab both of their wrists, and using the other auxiliary members created by the [Asura Pawns Method], I twist my body and launch father and son spinning like Beyblades on opposite sides.

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